Xbox 360 Sucks Stupid Xbox


Bad Trader
Jan 11, 2005
I am gonna go cry in a corner and beg for my Xbox360 to stop giving me the 3 Red Lights of DOOM why the fuck would it take a shit on me after 2 yr's the 3rd day Forza2 comes out, I was just about to buy Microsoft's Racing Wheel but no0oo now I gotta replace my POS xbox /end rant/begin bash/ anyone revive their broken xbox and how?
I am gonna go cry in a corner and beg for my Xbox360 to stop giving me the 3 Red Lights of DOOM why the fuck would it take a shit on me after 2 yr's the 3rd day Forza2 comes out, I was just about to buy Microsoft's Racing Wheel but no0oo now I gotta replace my POS xbox /end rant/begin bash/ anyone revive their broken xbox and how?

#1: Some people swear by the 'towel' trick. Google it if you need more info.

#2: Extended warranties have been recommeneded for quite some time now. You're doing yourself no favors with an Xbox out of warranty.
Well the thing is I have the box stripped to its motherboard and cant find a screwdriver to take out the black screws holding down the heatsink's no matter what I do it wont fit...
Security screws? I haven't taken one apart myself but there should be plenty of information on the net. If they are security screws then it wont be too hard for you to find an appropriate fitting for it.
I am gonna go cry in a corner and beg for my Xbox360 to stop giving me the 3 Red Lights of DOOM why the fuck would it take a shit on me after 2 yr's the 3rd day Forza2 comes out, I was just about to buy Microsoft's Racing Wheel but no0oo now I gotta replace my POS xbox /end rant/begin bash/ anyone revive their broken xbox and how?

ha HA! You think YOU have bad luck?

My 360 broke the DAY Gears of War came out, I got about 12 minutes into the first level. Red lights of doom.
Second 360 broke on day 3 of the Halo 3 beta. Nuff said.

Still haven't gotten it fixed.

Try the towel trick, it saved my Xbox for about 10 minutes, you may have better luck.

Microsoft needs to start doing something differently...
Yea man im starting to think FUCK Mircrosoft IMO. I had this box since launch for two years, about a yr ago it stopped reading games so I swapped out the laser in it and it worked perfectly fine. Yesterday it starts making a BEEP sound and then freezing in game, I thought it was the laser being bad again so I tried games off the HDD still the same issue, I let it sit for a few hours then turning it on and not even getting VIDEO and the lights just wont go away!!! CRY CRY I already pre-ordered Halo3 and MUST fix this CRAPPY xbox LOL!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: :confused:
My 360 broke the DAY Gears of War came out, I got about 12 minutes into the first level. Red lights of doom.
Second 360 broke on day 3 of the Halo 3 beta. Nuff said.

Congratulations. It's obvious to me that the Baby Jesus hates you.
While we're at it, my 360 got knocked and fell from the vertical position to horizontal last night and spits out disc read errors ever since. Oh, the the unit was off when it fell :rolleyes:
Damn next gen kinda sucks :(

Ps3= no games
360= games but unreliable build

Not sure exactly what's worse!
While we're at it, my 360 got knocked and fell from the vertical position to horizontal last night and spits out disc read errors ever since. Oh, the the unit was off when it fell :rolleyes:

My unit was on my entertaintment center, and my girlfriend accidently hit her hand on the side (of the entertainment center, not the 360) and BAM, three red lights.

What the fuck!

The entertainment center has seen more movement than that and my PS2 / Wii / every other system that has ever been hooked up to it has been fine.

MS just makes shoddy systems.
My 360 was out on the balcony, then the wind knocked it off and it fell 3 stories and landed on the road. Then a car drove over it! Now it won't boot!!!! Damn MS!!!! :mad:
Microsofts quality on their consoles this gen really does suck. I know a few friends that have blown up xboxes also. They don't care since they know they'll make more profits making you buy a second xbox like they did with the ps2s during the first couple years. lol by now they should have already fixed it and yet i still hear about the same problems still :confused:
Congratulations. It's obvious to me that the Baby Jesus hates you.

Bill Gates hates me, it probably has something to do with me and his daughter. But that's another story for another day...

My 360 was out on the balcony, then the wind knocked it off and it fell 3 stories and landed on the road. Then a car drove over it! Now it won't boot!!!! Damn MS!!!! :mad:

Seriously, friggn Microsoft needs to get their crap together. This is MADNESS!

but on a more serious note, try the towel trick. If anything, you'll get some satisfaction of being the one to purposely break the 360. Take that Microsoft!
Mine has a disk drive problem. It whirs and clicks like crazy with Oblivion and then goes unreadable after about an hour of playing. It does the same with Lost Planet and Dead Rising. Could it possibly be because they are sort of high performance games? Well whatever....the warranty expired 3 days ago...the only time i have to call MS is outside business hours

It's not a Hitachi either, it's a samsung.
Well whatever....the warranty expired 3 days ago...the only time i have to call MS is outside business hours

It's not a Hitachi either, it's a samsung.

Their support line is open until 1am in the morning (10 pacific) 7 days a week, yet you couldn't find time to call? :confused:
Their support line is open until 1am in the morning (10 pacific) 7 days a week, yet you couldn't find time to call? :confused:

I have a nightjob : /

I'm also too tired/lazy to call in the day...its my fault really. I thought they had 24/7 tech support?
Damn next gen kinda sucks :(

Ps3= no games
360= games but unreliable build

Not sure exactly what's worse!

Unreliable build I would think ;) At least if I don't have games to play... it still works and I can watch some movies in 1080p :D
I'm not as worried about the build quality as I was... but then I also decided that when I eventually get one I'll be buying it from a place that will let me take it back to the store for a replacement (Not that uncommon in the UK).
My 360 shat out as well. I'm not going to buy another one until the 65nm models are released, and then if and only if they are reliable.
well I own a PS3 and I am not in here trying to flame people. I am hoping that the 65nm is the key to reliability for the 360 and wish anyone who has any troubles with their system all the best in getting it fixed.

I just wanted to point out to people singing the praises of the PS3 that the system isn't a year old yet and that they shouldn't start flinging stones until they know for sure the house they live in isn't made of glass as well.
well I own a PS3 and I am not in here trying to flame people. I am hoping that the 65nm is the key to reliability for the 360 and wish anyone who has any troubles with their system all the best in getting it fixed.

I just wanted to point out to people singing the praises of the PS3 that the system isn't a year old yet and that they shouldn't start flinging stones until they know for sure the house they live in isn't made of glass as well.

Yea... your right the PS3 hasn't been out for a year yet... but how many people can say that they would leave their X360 on all day and all night for weeks at a time so they can fold@home? Most of the people I know won't dare leave their X360 on while they aren't at home. For a console that you can leave on 24/7 (specially since launch // I got mine in December) I'm pushing almost 7 months with a console that almost never turns off. (talking about the PS3) I don't think something that runs as much as mine does with no signs of slowing down or getting a ring of death.. is going to crap out in 5 more months. *(if it does... I got me a replacement plan )*

(yes I know folding@home hasn't been available since launch.. but I didn't turn mine off because I used it for other things//linux)
I love my 360, but I do what I can to make sure the thing stays cool and I pray I never see the RRoD. Since I started using my 360 as a media extender, I gave it much more room and quiet fans. When they go 65nm, I hope that version silences these worries. I might even sell my old one, when its still under warranty, to get a newer one if that is the case.
I love my 360, but I do what I can to make sure the thing stays cool and I pray I never see the RRoD. Since I started using my 360 as a media extender, I gave it much more room and quiet fans. When they go 65nm, I hope that version silences these worries. I might even sell my old one, when its still under warranty, to get a newer one if that is the case.
I just paid my phone bill. $54.96
The receptionist here at work bought a 360 a few months ago, got the three red lights last week.

She had the Best Buy replacement warranty so she headed over there and grabbed a new one. Took it home, got the hard drive failed error, E67 or some such thing.

So she took it back, got another new one.

Took it home. Got another E67.

Next day she took that one back, and got a good one.

My unit from last November is still doing fine, but I also have the replacement warranty. I don't think I've had this much distrust of a piece of electronics since my VCR that used to eat tapes when rewinding. :)
Yea... your right the PS3 hasn't been out for a year yet... but how many people can say that they would leave their X360 on all day and all night for weeks at a time so they can fold@home? Most of the people I know won't dare leave their X360 on while they aren't at home. For a console that you can leave on 24/7 (specially since launch // I got mine in December) I'm pushing almost 7 months with a console that almost never turns off. (talking about the PS3) I don't think something that runs as much as mine does with no signs of slowing down or getting a ring of death.. is going to crap out in 5 more months. *(if it does... I got me a replacement plan )*

(yes I know folding@home hasn't been available since launch.. but I didn't turn mine off because I used it for other things//linux)

Seems I left mine on all night awhile back by accident... got downstairs the next morning and the CONTROLLER sitting next to it was hot to the touch. Freaked me out, though it's still working ok *knocks on wood*.
$100 bucks says there will be a class action suit/recall before the years up against ms. Seems like the defect rate has increased the past month with the halo beta. Should be really interesting when the game hits the store shelves. Does anyone actually still believe the 2-5% defect rate stated a few weeks after launch?
I leave my xbox360 on almost 24/7 with no issues for nearly 2 years. If its going to brake its going to brake. Plus, wouldn't you want it to brake under warranty. I would run the system as much as possible the first year.....

And from my experience the PS2 was much worse. Out of my 10 or so personal friends with the xbox360, 2 of them had their xbox360s repaired. I remember the first year the PS2 was released and almost all of us had to replace our PS2 systems.
well I own a PS3 and I am not in here trying to flame people. I am hoping that the 65nm is the key to reliability for the 360 and wish anyone who has any troubles with their system all the best in getting it fixed.

I just wanted to point out to people singing the praises of the PS3 that the system isn't a year old yet and that they shouldn't start flinging stones until they know for sure the house they live in isn't made of glass as well.

I don't think that the PS3's reliability has really come into question much. Most agree that its build quality is not in question. Like the 360, it still does need ventilation room, but the 360 seems to be more prone to heat related damage.

Yea... your right the PS3 hasn't been out for a year yet... but how many people can say that they would leave their X360 on all day and all night for weeks at a time so they can fold@home?

I have no problem leaving my 360 on for a long stretch of time (an I have). I just wouldn't want to leave it on with no ventilation. I think the same could be said for the PS3 in that regard. Poor ventitlation = Dead Next-Gen console. In all honestly, since I moved my 360 to a better spot for cooling, I am not worried about it at all. I used to be more worried when I had it in a cabinet. I was worried that I would forget to open the door. I would like to have a newer 360 without some of the issues that have plagued some people, but I think the key is just giving it room to move heat.
Does anyone actually still believe the 2-5% defect rate stated a few weeks after launch?

I do. People who have working 360s don't post about it all the time. People who have broken ones do. Angry people complain. Those with no reason to complain, have little reason to post about it.
Does anyone actually still believe the 2-5% defect rate stated a few weeks after launch?

Nope, I'm willing to bet it's much higher, hell, I'd say it's in the double digits. I know of no friends that haven't gone through at least 1, including myself, and misuse was not a factor.

I think the key is just giving it room to move heat.

That was my thought from the get go as well, but indeed not the case for myself or many others.
lol, I was considering buying a PS3 till I went to go chekc it out instor and the damn thing froze up mid game :p

My xbox 360 has been going steady since I bought it on release day, mind you I have had friends who's xbox 360's crapped out for no reason. Secretly im hoping my xbox 360 does die so I have an excuse to buy the elite version lol :D

forgot the only problem with my xbox 360, it likes to scratch games occasonly if its put vertical.
I have a launch day 360 that is still going strong despite being moved back and forth from my my desk (with my 24" LCD) to my main TV (to watch HD-DVD's with the family) at least once a month.

Guess it is luck of the draw on these things.
My first replacement died a day after I received it, so I am on my third xbox. However I bought mine before 2007 so Microsoft sent me a refund check (albiet later than they said it would come) so they made things..kind of right by me.

However, please spend the money and get the warranty no matter wherever you get it from.
Try the Xclamp fix, there is a link in the hardware forums on xbox scene.

Ive done this to 2 RROD and both worked fine after.

Seing as you opeend yours up and are SOL with MS now, its probably your best bet.
I have read about the Towel Trick (temporary) and the X-Clamp but I think I am done with it. Going to put it back together and march over to EBGames selling it off as refurbished. Buy a used one WITH a ONE year replacement plan and hope I don't have to go through 5 fucked up box's before ONE decides to work. I think it's total CRAP that MS made a shotty console and their customer support SUCKS DICK. /end rant