XBox 360 launch: success or failure thus far?

I think the atari 2600 and 8-bit NES were both successes and I'm not looking for games for them.

yes but there's still a market for those games. you can find people selling them in flea markets all over, and i've even been to eb's selling nes games. what about that guy who made a portable atari? and wasn't there some homestar runner game in development for the 2600? these consoles are gone but not forgotten, therefore they were succesful.

btw i think this thread is having issues with the subject: it was originally supposed to be if the x360's launch was successful, not whether the console itself is a success. I'm going to say that it was kind of a crappy launch, I mean yeah it sold out, but now everybody is in limbo. They should have waited till they had a larger stock before they launched, that way it would have been more dispersed and attracted more people. I've never even seen one for sale, but if I had a chance to play one I might be interested. MS should have launched bigger later to generate more genuine consumer interested instead of just hype.
Originally posted by Erasmus354

Ok, let me say this before we get any more [spinning blade device]boys chiming in. If you dont have a 360, and dont have the games, stop saying the games suck.

Look at the reviews, the 360 has MULTIPLE games that consistently score an 8.5 or higher. That is GOOD. In fact there are very few BAD games at the launch. If anything the problem with the launch games is that most of them are equally good.

The 360 may not have Halo3 at launch, but it doesn't need one. The 360 has a plethora of great games to choose from that should keep anyone more than pleased until their "killer app" hits the market.

Furthermore, stop using the sequel argument; it just doesn't hold water. If the game is a good game, it is a good game regardless of whether it is a sequel or not.

Amen Brother!
Calpis said:
The lack of a killer app at the launch of any console really hinders the console's appeal and that is what happened to the x360.
Hahahahahahaha, are you serious? You're telling me that there's no "appeal" for the 360? Hahahaha, that's rich.
Hahahahahahaha, are you serious? You're telling me that there's no "appeal" for the 360? Hahahaha, that's rich.

so you think that "hinders" = "no"? hahahahha that's rich.
When the media stops buzzing about the 360, when people stop camping out and lining up around stores for the 360, when the 360 can stay on the shelves longer than one minute, when the forums and all of the Sony nut swingers stop talking about the 360, when the entire world stops talking about the 360 THEN I'll take everyone's comments about lack of appeal seriously. Until then you guys are doing nothing more than making yourselves look like idiots.
Erasmus354 said:
Furthermore, stop using the sequel argument; it just doesn't hold water. If the game is a good game, it is a good game regardless of whether it is a sequel or not.

Super Mario Bros. 3 was da shiznit!

MS might have actually planned on having a small initial delivery. It makes things a lot easier to manage from the customer service side of things. They only released a million units and people are having a hard time reaching a customer service rep. If they released more units, then that means even more people trying to call customer service.
Blown 89 said:
When the media stops buzzing about the 360, when people stop camping out and lining up around stores for the 360, when the 360 can stay on the shelves longer than one minute, when the forums and all of the Sony nut swingers stop talking about the 360, when the entire world stops talking about the 360 THEN I'll take everyone's comments about lack of appeal seriously. Until then you guys are doing nothing more than making yourselves look like idiots.

By then, Sony will have their console out...and this will all happen reverse ;)
Steve said:
By then, Sony will have their console out...and this will all happen reverse ;)

Very true, though I personally don't think the PS3 won't hit US shelves until late 06, maybe even Q1 2007. It will probably be on the shelves in Japan 3 months earlier then here which sucks but that Sony.

I think the main buzz about the 360 all revolves the availability. Since nobody can get one, it sparks a thread of interests which does nothing more then attract Sony and Nintento droolers looking to chime in with their wonder experience with the 360 (lawl).

The 360 is an amazing system and hasn't even been touched. By the time PS3 hits the 360 will have established itself on the market and improved upon itself 5 fold probably. In the end, I agree though ... once the 360 hype begins to die down, only then will the PS3 hype begin.. heh.
I'd say it's a failure, just because you can't find one anywhere! I live in New England, which I'm pretty sure has more electronics stores per square mile than any other place on the planet. There are 5 best buys, 3 targets, and 22 circuit city's(you read that right) within a 2 hour drive of my house, not to mention the plethora of small chains and mom and pop stores. Nobody has had any since the launch. The demand was high, but if nobody can buy one then what does it matter?
Its a failure! Only because I'm still waiting for my damn preorder from EB games and I preordered 3 months ago ! :-O
I think the "shortage" of inventory is a stratagy more than it is a shortage. Pretty much this is how it looks to the average consumer. The system launches, there are lines at every retailer that carries it, it sells out. They're thinking, gee if it sold out that fast, it must be great. Now I think MS did it on purpose to build up the hype even more. It makes it look like its somthing everyone wants, and now that you can't get one, it makes people want it even more.

Personally I think its brilliant, they're using Sony's own stratagy against them.
MovieMan80 said:
Super Mario Bros. 3 was da shiznit!

MS might have actually planned on having a small initial delivery. It makes things a lot easier to manage from the customer service side of things. They only released a million units and people are having a hard time reaching a customer service rep. If they released more units, then that means even more people trying to call customer service.

Actually there have been no problems reaching a customer service rep since tuesday the 22nd. On tuesday the wait time was huge, wednesday it was down to 30 minutes, thursday it was like 5-10. And every time I called since then I was only on hold for less than 5 minutes.
pistola said:
I think the "shortage" of inventory is a stratagy more than it is a shortage. Pretty much this is how it looks to the average consumer. The system launches, there are lines at every retailer that carries it, it sells out. They're thinking, gee if it sold out that fast, it must be great. Now I think MS did it on purpose to build up the hype even more. It makes it look like its somthing everyone wants, and now that you can't get one, it makes people want it even more.

Personally I think its brilliant, they're using Sony's own stratagy against them.

If the shortage was intentional then you would see a flood of 360s hitting the market right around now. If MS had the ability to make more of them they most certainly would, and they also would most certainly release them before the holiday shopping season dies down. Conspiracy theorists abound, but until I see MS dumping loads of 360s right before the holidays I am believing that they simply dont have enough units to meet the demand of a worldwide launch.
Bop said:
Its a failure! Only because I'm still waiting for my damn preorder from EB games and I preordered 3 months ago ! :-O

That sucks, I ordered mine off newegg on the 21st and received it the 22nd!
Erasmus354 said:
If the shortage was intentional then you would see a flood of 360s hitting the market right around now. If MS had the ability to make more of them they most certainly would, and they also would most certainly release them before the holiday shopping season dies down. Conspiracy theorists abound, but until I see MS dumping loads of 360s right before the holidays I am believing that they simply dont have enough units to meet the demand of a worldwide launch.

That's what I think, they just can't produce enough yet. However, the lack of supply is definetly creating a buzz about the 360 and is benefiting MS a little bit. I'm sure they'd rather be able to produce enough to meet demand right now, but they know they *might* get more sales in the long run b/c of the high demand right now.
Erasmus354 said:
If the shortage was intentional then you would see a flood of 360s hitting the market right around now. If MS had the ability to make more of them they most certainly would, and they also would most certainly release them before the holiday shopping season dies down. Conspiracy theorists abound, but until I see MS dumping loads of 360s right before the holidays I am believing that they simply dont have enough units to meet the demand of a worldwide launch.

You're right;

The shortage is largely due to the fact that they were trying to reach all territories by the end of 2005. That is something that isn't done often (Sony/Nintendo try to stagger their launches across the territories by a few months...hell, the PS2 came out in March of 2000 in Japan).

They were a bit short-sighted and should have simply focused their first shipment on the United States, since that is what is going to be the largest market (Even if they break Asia, they're not going to outsell the is impossible without something like a FF7).
Part of the reason you may not be seeing more in stores is that they are replacing more than they probably expected to have to replace. Which means they're probably pulling shipments in order to replace defective units immediately.
biggles said:
Also, I heard a rumor that NPR reported a 15% failure rate on 360s...that is not good.

permanent failure, user caused failure, shipping failure?...etc
i played project gotham 3 and perfect dark 0 at my friends house for a good few hours tonight and i was wowed by every single feature showed to me. on a personal level, minus that shortage, failure, marketing, whatever bs, it was a complete success. once finals week is over ima grab me a premium on the way home.
Truthfully speaking, it was a rousing success for those that got their 360's and those honest enough to give credit where it's due,also from those patient enough to wait for their's without the sour grapes and badmouthing.

Whether someone is raving or complaining about the way the launch went, it's all free publicity for MS, and all of it has only added to the fervor. I can't figure out who cannot find 1 game out of the 18 that launched with the system, that they cannot say something good about.ALL 4 i got with my system have honestly wowd me, and i can't find enough time in the day to spend playing them, and the one i want most(DOA4) won't even be out until the 15th.

To those cranking on about a supposed 15% failure rate of the 360's that have launched thus far, then you need only remember not too many years ago, Sony had anounced that just about 1/2 of the million or so PS2's they had shipped to the USA were no good, because of faulty chipsets in those systems.This sort of thing happens with almost every system launch, and MS will no doubt take care of those whose 360's have stopped working.It still sucks to have to ship a new system out for repair the day after you got it, yes, but that's the price we can possibly pay for being early adopters of any new technology.

If Nintendo,PS2(3) fanatics,and some that didn't get to buy a 360 yet, want to piss and moan about MS,the 360, and/or the launch, let them.In all honesty 99.9% of it is only sour grapes, and in time all three parties will get there own time to gloat.
I'm not even reading this whole thread.

Bill Gates = Richest Man in World.

You = Not Richest Man in World

By definition, it's not failure if everything is going according to plan.

It is.
kurgen1969 said:
To those cranking on about a supposed 15% failure rate of the 360's that have launched thus far, then you need only remember not too many years ago, Sony had anounced that just about 1/2 of the million or so PS2's they had shipped to the USA were no good, because of faulty chipsets in those systems.This sort of thing happens with almost every system launch, and MS will no doubt take care of those whose 360's have stopped working.It still sucks to have to ship a new system out for repair the day after you got it, yes, but that's the price we can possibly pay for being early adopters of any new technology.
The PS2 launch was a failure as well. Massive shortages, faulty hardware, and a mediocre launch lineup. Actually the PS2 launch lineup was even weaker considering the games did not look any better than Dreamcast games. At least 360 games blow away the current consoles visually. If you want to argue the 360 launch was a success you need to show how it compares favorably to a previous successful console launch. I have been using the PS1 and Dreamcast launches as a benchmark for what a console launch should be. Neither the 360 nor the PS2 launches went nearly as well as the PS1 and Dreamcast launches.

I have the system and like it but.

1. MS is ripping off a lot of people by forcing them to buy a Core.
2. Inadequate amounts of systems.
3. Rushed launch and that is why there are so few systems.
4. Rushed games. The exclusives are certainly in the 8.x but none are 9.x.
Yep im officially bored with the system, Time to put it up on Ebay tonight, the games are all lame. Good games might be out by the summer maybe ill buy another one by then.
Marcdaddy said:
Yep im officially bored with the system, Time to put it up on Ebay tonight, the games are all lame. Good games might be out by the summer maybe ill buy another one by then.


Heh... gave me a laugh.
well, they sold everything they had.
everybody is talking about it.
almost everybody wants one.
the little guys in china are working as hard as they can.
1.5 million times roughly 300 is alot of cash, plus peripherals and games.
merry christmas,bill.
They lose $150 on each box, and the number of launch systems worldwide barely reached 1 million, i think. Only 400,000 were available for both the US and UK launches, for instance.
Marcdaddy said:
Yep im officially bored with the system, Time to put it up on Ebay tonight, the games are all lame. Good games might be out by the summer maybe ill buy another one by then.

Mind linking us to that auction?
I guess in terms of Profit I would say failure.

But People wanting one a success.
I just checked Ebay and the average going price for a premium system alone is about 1k average, and there are a TON of auctions selling them.The cheapest i found a premium for sale with "buy it now" was $749, which after Ebay/Paypal fees will still be a nice $300 profit for the person running that auction.

It can't be argued that the 360 isn't the item to receive this Christmas for a gift.In free publicity alone , MS has more than gotten it's money's worth.

Merry Christmas Bill, indeed!
japan on the 10th should be good. I remember the the unveiling of the xbox in japan :p

cypher22 said:
japan on the 10th should be good. I remember the the unveiling of the xbox in japan :p


LOL they're laughing at it?

you know.. I didn't really like the first XBOX.. but i'm sure those japanese are like "Those stupid Americans, they can't making anything".. i kind of wish the Xbox360 gaines share over sony just for that reason.

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
LOL they're laughing at it?

you know.. I didn't really like the first XBOX.. but i'm sure those japanese are like "Those stupid Americans, they can't making anything".. i kind of wish the Xbox360 gaines share over sony just for that reason.

Ya, sonys rootkit on their music cds really pisses me off. Makes me sad to own a ps2.
You know what America has that Japan doesn't???

INNOVATION!!!... i don't remember where.. but i read that new things are are usually made in AMerica.. where in japan they jsut normally improve them..

kind of like the micro wave..
I don't blame them for laughing at the design of the original. It really was ugly as sin.

The design of the Xbox 360 is far superior. The lines are very clean, even though I'm not particularly a fan of the color. The controller design is infinitely improved over the behemoth that the system launched with.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
You know what America has that Japan doesn't???

INNOVATION!!!... i don't remember where.. but i read that new things are are usually made in AMerica.. where in japan they jsut normally improve them..

kind of like the micro wave..
I'm pretty sure you didn't read that. Let's think about the companies that are based in Japan / Asia. Honda, Samsung, Sony, Sanyo, Daewoo...those are the ones that just jump out at me; asian names that have become part of US household knowledge. The consumer tech industry in particular owes a ton to Japan specifically.

X360 is a spectacular success. People are punching themselves in the face for the chance to buy a $400 system, and are disgusted at the $300 alternative. Even if people are eventually forced to buy the $300 system, they'll probably buy all the $150 worth of extras that come with the Premium...MS actually found a way to convince people that $450-500+ is a bargain for something people have traditionally paid no more than $300 for.