XBox 360 launch: success or failure thus far?

DragonMasterAlex said:
Umm, no, PS2 had LOTS of hardware problems, not the least of which is the infamous disk read error, which occured across more than one revision of the console. I *personally* had 3 different PS2's within 90 days of launch, and the third lasted until 2004, when it started to get the disk read errors again, at which point I traded it and $50 for the new PS2 slim when it first came out.

Chances are that the hardware issues are a small percentage of the total, and that most consumers won't even know about them, much less care. Subsequent generations of Xbox 360 will correct the issues, no doubt, and when PS3 launches MS will have already established a mature platform with a hundred or so games, dozens of 2nd generation titles hitting the market when PS3 launches with its 20 or so half-baked launch titles.

There's no guarantee of success, but MS is, so far, doing a great job, minor flubs aside. Frankly, IMHO the only console that really seems "Next Generation" to me is the new Revolution from Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are just giving us prettier versions of the same old sh1t.


yes, but that was not a LAUNCH issue. That was an issue that came up after months of use, generally, after several shipments had arrived. You are the exception to the rule there :(

I still don't see why everyone is kissing Nintendo's ass with the Revolution. I've seen nothing Revolutionary about it, just another system comeing out late with a goofy controller. I sense CDi all over again.
Draax said:
When I was in College, the most important aspect of product marketing, was identified as "perceived value". After reading some posts in many a thread I can see where the XBOX360, fails to some customers.

Perceived value, not true value, is the major selling point to any next gen console. The reason I say the 360 failed in perceived value, is that people, be it incorrectly or correctly, perceive the valve of the console as limited if they don't have an HDTV. IMO this is not a truth, but truths matter very little when it comes to perceived valve. The media has done a very good job at telling potential customers you need a HDTV to enjoy the console, which will hurt initial sales.

I also think it fails, to some gamers, in this same category, in the limited launch line up of games. What we have to remember is that this is the very start of the XBOX 360 lifecycle. We all know that there are games, already coming down the tubes, which are the killer app for this product: Gears of War, Halo 3, Ghost Recon.

The early adopter market niche is already scooping the 360 up, but the early adopter niche is limited and will not sustain the console. I do believe, that the main stream gamer will see the value in this system, as time progresses, the 360 enters more households, and the killer apps arrive for the product.

But does percieved value determine the failure or success of a system?
lopoetve said:
But does percieved value determine the failure or success of a system?

If failure or success is based solely on sales figures, which I do not agree with but is often the case, then yes perceived value will determine just that. If people do not see value in the next gen console they will not buy it.
Draax said:
When I was in College, the most important aspect of product marketing, was identified as "perceived value". After reading some posts in many a thread I can see where the XBOX360, fails to some customers.

Perceived value, not true value, is the major selling point to any next gen console. The reason I say the 360 failed in perceived value, is that people, be it incorrectly or correctly, perceive the valve of the console as limited if they don't have an HDTV. IMO this is not a truth, but truths matter very little when it comes to perceived valve. The media has done a very good job at telling potential customers you need a HDTV to enjoy the console, which will hurt initial sales.

I also think it fails, to some gamers, in this same category, in the limited launch line up of games. What we have to remember is that this is the very start of the XBOX 360 lifecycle. We all know that there are games, already coming down the tubes, which are the killer app for this product: Gears of War, Halo 3, Ghost Recon.

The early adopter market niche is already scooping the 360 up, but the early adopter niche is limited and will not sustain the console. I do believe, that the main stream gamer will see the value in this system, as time progresses, the 360 enters more households, and the killer apps arrive for the product.

Wow, I had nothing to say in this thread until I saw this. Draax, you should ALWAYS post like this! lol. It was well-thought-out, structured and organized properly, and made some very valid points.

DragonMasterAlex said:
when PS3 launches MS will have already established a mature platform with a hundred or so games, dozens of 2nd generation titles hitting the market when PS3 launches with its 20 or so half-baked launch titles.

I am going to have to correct you on one point, however, Jason. By the time the PS3 comes out this time next year, there is no way that the X360 will have hundreds of games under its belt with dozens of 2nd gen titles. This generation of games is going to have the least amount of releases ever, much less than we're used to - especially that are exclusive. With development times and costs rising dramatically, almost exponentially, by this time next year, we're lucky if we see more than 50-60 X360 titles, only a small handful which would be considered 2nd gen, and only a few that are exclusive.
lopoetve said:
Quite the contrary, Microsoft has promised to overnight replacement units to people that have problems. They, like any other business, kept a supply in store to replace broken and damaged items. So yes, you CAN get a timely replacement, if you call microsoft. That's what they've instructed people to do, and if you owned one and looked at the user manual, you'd see those instructions in there as well (they've also posted them on the internet over and over again). Don't take it back to EB, call them instead. If anything, they've stepped up perfectly.
I stand corrected on this item. MS deserves credit for being proactive on this.
Success - Failure, Black -White, On - Off. The problem here is that everyone has a definition of success that is unique. Certainly most everything is opinion and rumor, but there are some overriding perspectives to consider when considering the OPs question. Here are my OPINIONS on the the following viewpoints.

Microsoft View: Huge success!!! Basically, MS set out to get a jump start on the new generation of consoles with a new more mature (not age...but wisdom) approach to console and game development. XBOX strenght and weakness was that it was a PC inside with a controller. This made game development extremly easy but really deturred from excelusive ground breaking titles. Most of all games on the XBOX were ports from PC games using engines that were intended to run on multiple platforms. To this day, the cream of the crop xbox title library has but a dozen or so games. With 360, not only did they break away from lackluster hardware, but they did so while beefing up what made xbox so great, and that is XBOX live. MS was in a PERFECT position to make this device the 'convergence' device of the decade, and I have to say that they have largely succeeded. You can basically do anything media related to this, from movies, to mp3s to dvr-ms shows etc. In addition, it's a gateway a huge online community that seems to have been well planned out. My thoughts are that we have seen but a small %age of capabilities of this system, and by the time PS3 rolls around, they will have a huge head start.

Retail Perspective: Success! Baiscally, this system lauch allowed retailers to sell these systems in rediculous bundles that made them tons of $$$. I can only imagine that this system helped spur sales of a lot of games, periphrials and hardware for 360 and other systems as well. In addition, they can look forward to steady sales of the 360 for at least the next 3 months.

Gamer/Consumer perspective: Neutral. This system launch sorely lacked the games needed to make it a smash. The hardware was great, but in the end, there will be a big anticlimax when people flip on the system only to have to play GUN. I would say that MS should pushed for a hot exclusive. Also, the HW probs were not isolated and it's simply bad PR when people have failing systems at launch.

Publisher/Developer perspective: Failure. This system is notoriously hard to program for and the only saving grace is that PS3 will be harder. MS has very lofty expectations for developers with 6 execution cores and OOO programing required. In addition, there was no hurry to get the games dones because the initial user base (while not small) is not huge. Better to finish up that PS2 or PC game than to rush a meager 360 title out the door. I think as the middleware become better, and as the major engines get refined for 360 (source, ue3, whaever crap renderware uses) we will see better visuals and performance. Also...with more systems going out the door, lets hope the major developers see fit to pump major dollars into games for the 360. We all know that MS takes the lions share of the game profits, and unless the publishers can make the numbers work...we may very well see hordes of bland ports for this system.

Games make systems period! Nintendo has proved that. Let hope MS has learned.
biggles said:
I stand corrected on this item. MS deserves credit for being proactive on this.

We've been VERY impressed with their service on this. Just not what you normally do, calling them instead of taking it to EB. :)
the launch was a failure for me

i went to stores at 12:01 and then later on at 8 am

i did my part as a consumer but MS failed

i was ready to drop $400 but now ive lost interest in the console and will be waiting until PS3 is out to even think about buying a new system
All in all the launch is going


The only major downside I see is availability and that doesn't surprise me at all. MS overhyped the x360 and people have been waiting for MONTHS to get one. In time, the supply will meet the demand, and MS has stated they are shipping more units every week.

Hardware issues ? From all the information I've gathered its acutally quite low. Rumors are flying around the net about this and that but the truth is ...the numbers are low and MS has stated that if you have an issue to report it for a replacment within 7 days. One thing I've read about that is confusing people into thinking they have a hardware problem is say they didn't plug their audio cable in all the way causing the x360 to indicate errors. Simple things over looked by the consumer, sending PS3 and Nintendo !!!!!!s into a frenzy.

Launch titles ? Amazing. They have some incredible games but the ONLY downside is there isn't one major killer app out yet... like Halo or something. Other then that the launch games are great and much better then any other launch I've encountered.

I personally think if there were more available we wouldn't even see nearly as many negotive threads about the x360. People are hungry for them, and those that don't want to like the x360 see room to complain about what they havn't even touched.

Make sense ?
Jesus_Faction said:
the launch was a failure for me

i went to stores at 12:01 and then later on at 8 am

i did my part as a consumer but MS failed

i was ready to drop $400 but now ive lost interest in the console and will be waiting until PS3 is out to even think about buying a new system

Oh noes, the world didn't stop for you, lol.

Listen the same thing will happen with your precious PS3 guaranteed. Unless you pre-order now and cross your fingers. You can count on it.

This is what we call a console launch... it happens buddy. In case you havn't noticed the world in no way revolves around Jesus_Faction.
The only thing MS failed at was producing enough units for the launch. Every big name retail chain that carried both consoles sold out immediatly. If you was to try to pre-order now anywhere, you would be in one hell of a queue. Were talking about #200 or better on the list. Just imagine trying to round out that number times the amount of Bestbuys, Electronic boutiques, Gamestops, Wal Marts, Targets, etc across all of North America. That will give you a solid idea of how well the launch itself was or "could have been" as well as how much demand there is for the system. MS just didn't come through with the amount of systems they wanted to have by the launch period. NYC alone has a bigger population than what there numbers show at launch. Think the numbers were 450,000 Link systems at launch if im correct. There original plan was 3,000,000 b4 X-mas????. My numbers could be off, just recalling this off of my memory. If it wasn't for the system shortage, the 360 would of smashed prior launchs of any system to date. I do believe the system will be highly sucessful. The presentation & the system itself is simply amazing. The Live experience alone is truly outstandaing. Im no Xbox f@nboy but I do speak the truth about the systems experience.

The launch titles are subpar, so I do agree with that. Although they have some great titles coming down the road. PDZ & NBA2K6 will keep me intrested until those titles Im truly intrested in come around. if you check out, you will see many great trailers of upcoming games. Most not showned on Pre-order list of online Retailers. Most of the problems are coming from user error in my opinion. These systems are not like those of the Sega Genesis/SNES days. Just can't throw the manual on the side & plug up the system & your ready to go. They take much more care & understanding. Of course, for the users of a forum like this, thats not the case. Just for those who think the XBOX 360 is the same of prior consoles which it is not. Needs to be treated & handled with much more care.

I think the success of a console should be determined by customer loyalty. Dreamcast? Total success. CD-i on the other hand...
I think the 'launch window' can't really be gaged until the holiday season is over. Me personally? I have no compelling reason to buy one atm. Maybe down the road when the price comes down and some peeps develop mods and external software. Games are okay looking, even on HD resolutions, but I have not seen any 'must have it now' features yet...though the kid in me still wants to have one a LITTLE bit, I think old age has officially set in. ;)
DarkLegacy, Your link actually says that the analyst thought 900,000 had already shipped in the US on the launch day and that 450,000 more were to be expected.... Though they didn't give a timeframe (like "before christmas") for that expectation.
lopoetve said:
Quite the contrary, Microsoft has promised to overnight replacement units to people that have problems. They, like any other business, kept a supply in store to replace broken and damaged items. So yes, you CAN get a timely replacement, if you call microsoft. That's what they've instructed people to do, and if you owned one and looked at the user manual, you'd see those instructions in there as well (they've also posted them on the internet over and over again). Don't take it back to EB, call them instead. If anything, they've stepped up perfectly.

Promises do not equate to actual experiences....I talk from experience. My 360 was broken right out of the box, not overheating it just gets disc read errors all the time. So I tried to call MS on tuesday...couldn't get through and I had a lot of work to do (and sleep after staying up all night).

I called on wednesday night after all of the guests had arrived (didn't want to tie up the line in case someone needed directions). I had already returned the one game I bought for a new one, and it had the same errors. Anyways after 30 minutes on hold, and about 15 minutes talking with the tech support the person tells me that they are refusing to replace my 360. Thats right, she said her supervisor will not approve a repair order until I go buy another game! She says it could be a problem with the game, I tried to explain to her that I have used two different brand new cosmetically flawless discs of the same game, but she will hear nothing of it. That is my first gripe, I was basically extorted into purchasing another game (which Microsoft makes money off of). Testing a different game will make no difference over testing two of the same game. If it were a problem with the code in the game EVERYONE would have the disc read errors, not just me.

On thanksgiving day I went and purchased a second game, test it and the system freezes. I call 360 support and huzzah! Finally microsoft agrees to repair my system. I am given a service call # and told that the prepaid shipping box is being overnighted to me. Well guess what, the box supposedly overnighted doesn't arrive until monday (after I already left for school). My mom shipped it for me on tuesday, I guess we will see how quickly I get a replacement. Regardless I am already past the promised "We want everyone up and playing again in 3 to 5 business days". Hell it took them 3-5 business days just to agree to repair my system and get me the damned shipping box.

Moral of the story : Press releases and promises are a load of BS.

Yet even with all this trouble, I still think the launch was a success.....why? Every single 360 put on shelves is sold the same day. You cant get much more successful then that.
Slartibartfast said:
I think the success of a console should be determined by customer loyalty. Dreamcast? Total success. CD-i on the other hand...

Loyalties, in computer hardware, this is where stupid !!!!!!ism starts. People should only be loyal two things, their pocket books, and overall quality of purchase. No matter how good a system is its worthless with out games (ala Dreamcast), and no matter how many games it has made for its value is useless if their two ugly to enjoy (ala PS2).

I have the 1 GC, 1 PS2s, 2 Xboxs (one modded) and for the longest time had use of a roomates Dreamcast. Each had their own strengths and weakness's, as systems go I think the Game Cube was the best, It had graphics on par with the Xbox, was small, and allowed me to play marioo games, but outside that I bought more Xbox and PS2 games. The Xbox was the heaviest, ugliest POS I had seen, but in the end I favored it do to the integrated HD, breakaway controllers, and Xbox live. I had the Money and free time to get all and enjoy each ones strength and could ignore each ones weaknessess. Everyone who buys only one system need to go over what streangths help you the most and which weakness hurt you the most.

Loyalties, in computer hardware, this is where stupid !!!!!!ism starts. People should only be loyal two things, their pocket books, and overall quality of purchase. No matter how good a system is its worthless with out games (ala Dreamcast), and no matter how many games it has made for its value is useless if their two ugly to enjoy (ala PS2).

First, I don't think that equating "computer hardware" with consoles is a good idea. Secondly, "loyalties" was the wrong term, as I was thinking more in terms of loyalty after a console is dead. I agree with you that loyalty can lead to !!!!!!ism.

How about this: who thinks the dreamcast was a good system? who thinks the cd-i was a good system? You can't necessarily seperate hardware and software. The dreamcast became a good system because good games were written for it. If we talk just in terms of the system, disregarding the games, then the newest is always the best, end of story.

So if people look back on a console fondly, and are still searching out games for it, then I say it was a success.
bazylik said:
Im not counting the EB and Gamestop and such where they are fullfilling their preorders, I'm talking about stores where they sell it on "who gets here first, gets servered first" basis.

If that is your litmus test for success, then the PS2 was an abysmal failure. It was well into the next year before people could even think about walking in and getting one.

The launch was a success. Some of the launch titles are excellent; some of them are garbage. The same was true for the original Xbox, the Gamecube, and the Playstation 2 when they were launched.

Xbox Live was fully functional as soon as I got home from the store at 1AM with my X360. I logged in and all of my games worked flawlessly, online and off. I was expecting more trouble, to be honest (I've typically got back luck with launch hardware).
Erasmus354 said:
Promises do not equate to actual experiences....I talk from experience. My 360 was broken right out of the box, not overheating it just gets disc read errors all the time. So I tried to call MS on tuesday...couldn't get through and I had a lot of work to do (and sleep after staying up all night).

I called on wednesday night after all of the guests had arrived (didn't want to tie up the line in case someone needed directions). I had already returned the one game I bought for a new one, and it had the same errors. Anyways after 30 minutes on hold, and about 15 minutes talking with the tech support the person tells me that they are refusing to replace my 360. Thats right, she said her supervisor will not approve a repair order until I go buy another game! She says it could be a problem with the game, I tried to explain to her that I have used two different brand new cosmetically flawless discs of the same game, but she will hear nothing of it. That is my first gripe, I was basically extorted into purchasing another game (which Microsoft makes money off of). Testing a different game will make no difference over testing two of the same game. If it were a problem with the code in the game EVERYONE would have the disc read errors, not just me.

On thanksgiving day I went and purchased a second game, test it and the system freezes. I call 360 support and huzzah! Finally microsoft agrees to repair my system. I am given a service call # and told that the prepaid shipping box is being overnighted to me. Well guess what, the box supposedly overnighted doesn't arrive until monday (after I already left for school). My mom shipped it for me on tuesday, I guess we will see how quickly I get a replacement. Regardless I am already past the promised "We want everyone up and playing again in 3 to 5 business days". Hell it took them 3-5 business days just to agree to repair my system and get me the damned shipping box.

Moral of the story : Press releases and promises are a load of BS.

Yet even with all this trouble, I still think the launch was a success.....why? Every single 360 put on shelves is sold the same day. You cant get much more successful then that.

We had a completely different experience with MS tech support :confused:


Ah well, they got our parts to us overnight without trouble, but we did have multiple games to test on.
Slartibartfast said:
So if people look back on a console fondly, then I say it was a success.


I think the atari 2600 and 8-bit NES were both successes and I'm not looking for games for them.

My terms for success are:
For a consumer : Did the purchase give me enough enjoyment to be worth my money.
If I buy a CD I consider it a success if I enjoy the cd enough to justify my spending $15. If I discover it only has one track that I soon tire of and the rest is garbage, then that cd is not a success.

For the producer : Did the sale of a unit achieve it's goals. (Either through profit or through gaining market share)
MS has to be happy so far with the sales of their 360's. What they may not be happy with right now is how much the defective units are increasing their losses. They're losing roughly $120 per unit due to charging less than it takes to manufacture them, but then they're losing a fair amount in replacing defective units. Only the MS bean counters will have all the numbers to declare this a success in MS's eyes.
I know a person who's sister works as a contractor at MS. Her job is to go through every single Xbox 360 support call they receive and sort them by the actual problem and then figure out which problem is currently most prevalent. Whichever problem she says is currently the most common is the one that the techs then are supposed to focus on resolving.

It's kind of nice to know that they have a system in place for trying to find answers to the most common issues rather than dealing with things randomly.
theNoid said:
Oh noes, the world didn't stop for you, lol.

Listen the same thing will happen with your precious PS3 guaranteed. Unless you pre-order now and cross your fingers. You can count on it.

This is what we call a console launch... it happens buddy. In case you havn't noticed the world in no way revolves around Jesus_Faction.

im not sure what youre trying to say with this

and the ps3 is in no way precious to me
im quite happy with this current generation and im not too excited about the next gen at all

in all honesty i didnt expect the world to stop for me, but i did expect to be able to walk into a store on the day Microsoft promised the console to be in stores and pick one up and walk out much poorer
Jesus_Faction said:
im not sure what youre trying to say with this

and the ps3 is in no way precious to me
im quite happy with this current generation and im not too excited about the next gen at all

in all honesty i didnt expect the world to stop for me, but i did expect to be able to walk into a store on the day Microsoft promised the console to be in stores and pick one up and walk out much poorer

You could walk into the store on the day it was launched and pick one up...thats exactly what I did. Sadly in this world often times there is not enough to go around, and then the people that want it more will get it.
lopoetve said:
How did it not live up to hype? It has the best graphics of any console out there, it does everything it was supposed to do, and more. How is full 1080i support not ground breaking? How is media connectivity not ground breaking? No one has done either before. It has several GOOD games, and more on the way.

And yes, I've played shadows and the FF12 demo and others.

They don't hold a candle in terms of graphics quality to any of the X360 launch titles. Not that they're not good games, but still.

I just found this post again from posting in class earlier today...

I'll start with... Computers have had 1080p support for a long time actually... All you had to do is hook up to your high end tv. (oh btw, ps3 has dual hdmi support for full 1080p support at the same time) The only reason it has "the best" graphics out there, becuase it is the first of the next gen out =/ Media connectivy? Computers have been able to do it for a while now and even a little media thing from d-link could let you do it. They may have it first in a console, but its noting new. Good games? All the titles now, is EA game number 49-2-0 sequel and 1 non remake and 1 that is a sequel to and N64 game. The final gen games on ps2 don't candle to the xbox? Maybe becuase the system is what? 6-7? years old now and its producing some really amazing looking games? I can only tell this will carry over to the PS3. My money = going to sony and nintendo. Once again XBOX360 is a lackluster console with a hype machine and money to lose campaign. If they actually break the jap market. I may actually start to show interest.
Prim3 said:
I just found this post again from posting in class earlier today...

I'll start with... Computers have had 1080p support for a long time actually... All you had to do is hook up to your high end tv.

Good for them. This is a console and it costs 1/3~1/4 of what a gaming computer would cost.

Prim3 said:
(oh btw, ps3 has dual hdmi support for full 1080p support at the same time)

Awesome. Yet another feature that around two people might use. Most people don't have one HDTV, let alone two.

Prim3 said:
The only reason it has "the best" graphics out there, becuase it is the first of the next gen out =/

The fact that it's the first doesn't change the fact that it has the best visuals, not to mention Nintendo is being highly secretive about their hardware (Which means they're likely not going to surpass that of Sony/Microsoft).

Prim3 said:
Media connectivy? Computers have been able to do it for a while now and even a little media thing from d-link could let you do it.

Cool. Do you stream games from your iPod to play as in-game music? We do.

Prim3 said:
Good games? All the titles now, is EA game number 49-2-0 sequel and 1 non remake and 1 that is a sequel to and N64 game.

You've forgotten numerous titles, or perhaps you're simply ignoring them so that you may continue to spout your biased and linear perspective of the system.

Prim3 said:
If they actually break the jap market. I may actually start to show interest.

So you get your enjoyment out of knowing that games are selling well in other countries? That's interesting.
Prim3 said:
If they actually break the jap market. I may actually start to show interest.

Who cares if they break the Japanese market? Japan is not the end-all-be-all of gaming. There's tons of talented developers all over the world.

The question is, does the console have fun games? I know the Xbox does - I love PGR3, and was a huge Forza fan, so I'm sure they'll have a racing game that I'll love. I like PD0, and was a huge Halo fan, so I'm sure they'll have a FPS that I love. And with their head start, I'm sure we'll see enough consoles sold to make cross-platform development worth it for 3rd parties. Now, if those titles don't appeal to you, then by all means wait for the PS3 - just pick your consoles on the thing that really matters, the games.

The only dark horse for me is Rockstar - I'm a huge GTA fan, so if Sony sews up an exclusive contract, I'll be stuck getting a PS3. Otherwise, I could probably get by just fine without one.
I think xbox 360 will fail. They'll keep putting out the same old first person shooters. What else does the xbox going to have? xbox 360 is nothing more than a PC wannabe with the ability to play sports games.
Prim3 said:
I just found this post again from posting in class earlier today...

I'll start with... Computers have had 1080p support for a long time actually... All you had to do is hook up to your high end tv. (oh btw, ps3 has dual hdmi support for full 1080p support at the same time) The only reason it has "the best" graphics out there, becuase it is the first of the next gen out =/ Media connectivy? Computers have been able to do it for a while now and even a little media thing from d-link could let you do it. They may have it first in a console, but its noting new. Good games? All the titles now, is EA game number 49-2-0 sequel and 1 non remake and 1 that is a sequel to and N64 game. The final gen games on ps2 don't candle to the xbox? Maybe becuase the system is what? 6-7? years old now and its producing some really amazing looking games? I can only tell this will carry over to the PS3. My money = going to sony and nintendo. Once again XBOX360 is a lackluster console with a hype machine and money to lose campaign. If they actually break the jap market. I may actually start to show interest.

Yes, but that's a computer, not a console. and it's not trying to live up to the PS3 hype, just it's own, which it not only meets, it blows away. Again, this ISNT a computer... it's a $400 console, and it being able to do what it does is groundbreaking and NEW. Just because it has a hard drive and a power5 chip, don't pretend it's a computer. It's a console, compare it to consoles. It's doing things that no other console can do, breaking into new areas and new talents, and it's going places that no other console is going.

Yeah, so PDZ a sequel to a N64 game. Doesn't make it less gorgeous or fun to play. Nor PGR3. Yeah, the PS2 creates some good looking games, but they're not as good as the Xbox 360, and lets not bring up the PS3, since it isn't even OUT yet and you don't have a clue what it's going to have for games.

Once again you haven't shown a single way how it hasn't matched up to its hype. Oh, and PS3 will be losing money on sales too, as will Nintendo (almost certainly). And hype machine? You think sony doesn't spin one too?

Why bother breaking the jap market? Do we care what they sell there? Most of the japanese game makers made games for the Xbox, and most of the major game makers (Universal/Vivendi, EA, Activision) from elsewhere are too.
I think the best thing MS should have done was release as many systems as they can to the U.S. first then after about a month, release it to the other countries. Just like how Sony releases their stuff first in Japan and then to the rest of the worl a few months later..
I think it was in the 400,000 range in North America. They have less than a million to go around all the regions, and I know that Europe and Japan will get whatever's left over from that <1,000,000 that wasn't sold in North America.
More 360's should begin arriving in stores this weekend, and then continue showing up every week from then on.
I talked to a guy that worked at EB today and he told me they'll be getting more in the next few weeks but they're only for people that pre ordered them and I would have to wait till mid January beginning Feb
O.K. I want to try a little experiment here. I want you guys to re-read some of these posts using this little experiment.

Change 3 words in these arguments and see if they still hold water / make sense.



Microsoft to General Motors

Xbox 360 to Corvette

PS3/Sony fans to Ford Owners

The average argument is:

General Motors’ launch of the Corvette is a total flop! I’ll tell you WHY!!!

Some dealerships pre-sold hundreds of Corvettes and only got 20 on launch day to sell…the dealerships blame GM….DAMN U GM!!!!

GM says there will be shipments of new Corvettes each week, but that Dealership that pre-sold all the cars says March of next year…maybe LONGER!!!

All 400,000 Corvettes sold out in one day, not everyone will be able to get one…DAMN U AGAIN GM!!!

GM is selling a total of 500,000 (or close) Corvettes in the US at launch. 300,000 in the UK a week later where they are expecting them to sell out too. 200,000 will go to Japan a week after that. GM will be shipping more Corvettes to the dealerships each week to meet demand….TOTAL FAILURE!!!! They should have waited till they had all 3 million Corvettes before selling them!!!

Some of the new Corvettes were video taped overheating!! Ford fans actually have video taped proof of it over at TeamCorvette and Corvette-Scene!! After the video surfaces, EVERYONE on that website has problems now!! OH NOES!! Now 300 mainstream media outlets all report on the same story….over, and over and over. IT IS AN EPIDEMIC NOW!!!

There are tons and tons of Corvette experts all over the forums, regardless of the fact they never drove one, never saw one except at the dealership and have never actually owned one.

BESIDES the Mustang 3 will be out in 6 – 9 months and it will totally pwn the Corvette!! Compare the actual Corvette specs that you can buy today with these virtual Mustang 3 numbers we have from Ford and that is PROOF!!!! MORE FAILURE!!


I could go on and on.

My point is, MS sold every Xbox 360 they made overnight. People are lined up for the next wave of shipments…clear through X-Mas. At this point, I think the Xbox 360 could eat people’s babies and people will still line up for them.

It will be the same for the PS3. Rinse repeat.

All I am saying is that if you change the names like I said, all the sudden this whole thing sounds totally retarded (well, they are close to that now…) none of these arguments hold water, the damn console has been out barely a week and the doom-sayers are in full swing.

Try my little trick out, re-read some of these arguments with replaced words and it all seems comical…does it not?
The entire world is buzzing about it, they can't keep them on the shelves longer than 30 seconds, people are lining up by the hundreds at stores, they are all any forum can talk about and you guys consider it a failure :rolleyes: Some of you Sony !!!!!!s need to pull your heads out of your asses and take off the rose colored glasses, the 360 is a smash hit whether you like it or not.
Definitely a failure when it comes to the consumer level. The lack of a killer app at the launch of any console really hinders the console's appeal and that is what happened to the x360. I've played a few of the games and just wanted to stop after 5 minutes into it. Oh, but the kiosks did do one really good thing, showing off the awesome samsung display. The kiosks did a much better job at showing off the tv rather than the x360 itself. I ended up buying the tv instead :D
You guys that keep saying there were no good launch tittles are smoking some serious crack. Perfect Dark Zero is a completely amazing game not to mention Kameo also. Go to gamespot and you will see quite a few Xbox 360 games are getting damn good reviews.
PDZ was bleh

i beat it in two sittings, and the multiplayer is too slow
definate rush job to be a launch title
Calpis said:
Definitely a failure when it comes to the consumer level. The lack of a killer app at the launch of any console really hinders the console's appeal and that is what happened to the x360. I've played a few of the games and just wanted to stop after 5 minutes into it. Oh, but the kiosks did do one really good thing, showing off the awesome samsung display. The kiosks did a much better job at showing off the tv rather than the x360 itself. I ended up buying the tv instead :D

Ok, let me say this before we get any more [spinning blade device]boys chiming in. If you dont have a 360, and dont have the games, stop saying the games suck.

Look at the reviews, the 360 has MULTIPLE games that consistently score an 8.5 or higher. That is GOOD. In fact there are very few BAD games at the launch. If anything the problem with the launch games is that most of them are equally good.

The 360 may not have Halo3 at launch, but it doesn't need one. The 360 has a plethora of great games to choose from that should keep anyone more than pleased until their "killer app" hits the market.

Furthermore, stop using the sequel argument; it just doesn't hold water. If the game is a good game, it is a good game regardless of whether it is a sequel or not.