*X800 XT Volt Mod*


Sep 15, 2004
Hi all,

I'd just like to know if any of you have successfully done a pencil volt mod on an X800 XT PE?
If so, how did you do it, and to what voltage was it done?

I have a His IceQii X800XT PE and am currently stuck at 550 maximum core speed and 570 maximum mem speed when overclocking and am trying to get over this apparent wall.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and have a nice day!
I think you pretty much reached the cards maximum capabilities. I can fully appreciate your need to overclock etc.. I do it to.. However your probably going to turn a good situation into a disaster, such as a burnt card. I wouldnt try pushing the envelope any further.
So you're "stuck" at 20mhz faster speeds than the XT PE? I don't think many people here will have sympathy for you :p
SocketA said:
I think you pretty much reached the cards maximum capabilities. I can fully appreciate your need to overclock etc.. I do it to.. However your probably going to turn a good situation into a disaster, such as a burnt card. I wouldnt try pushing the envelope any further.

The card will go much higher than 550. But you MUST have good cooling. Also the pencil mod works, I hit 680 with it. You need a multimeter.
James Earl Ray said:
The card will go much higher than 550. But you MUST have good cooling. Also the pencil mod works, I hit 680 with it. You need a multimeter.
James Earl Ray said:
The card will go much higher than 550. But you MUST have good cooling. Also the pencil mod works, I hit 680 with it. You need a multimeter.

Agreed completely. WC works well. The pencil mod works fine, but you need superior cooling to take advantage of it...and to be on the safe side.
550 is pretty darn good! My XTPE can't even do 530 without Doom3 locking up on me and I have the Arctic cooling heatsink which is the same as your HIS heatsink. Temps don't even go near 60 when playing Doom either but apparently the card doesn't like overclocking.

I have no intention of borking a $600 vid card either so I stopped taking chances for an extra 5fps.
armaniazn1 said:
Hi all,

I'd just like to know if any of you have successfully done a pencil volt mod on an X800 XT PE?
If so, how did you do it, and to what voltage was it done?

I have a His IceQii X800XT PE and am currently stuck at 550 maximum core speed and 570 maximum mem speed when overclocking and am trying to get over this apparent wall.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and have a nice day!

i have mine running @ 1.6v as we speak, its been like that for the longest time, you will need better cooling, and i dont mean a silencer, air wont cut it.

if i was you i would leave it as it is, that is a good o/c.
You were told raising the volts in the BIOS wont help overclock, and in my experience thats correct. What they are talking about here, is physically modding the card to give it more volts. Its totally different.
I can do 550/580 stock cooling without lockups, I'll try the pencil mod when I get better cooling.
I think I'll just leave it at the 550 for now. It seems like doing the pencil mod isn't worth the trouble/risk at this point. Thanks for the responses.
armaniazn1 said:
I think I'll just leave it at the 550 for now. It seems like doing the pencil mod isn't worth the trouble/risk at this point. Thanks for the responses.
wise decision, i am playing with fire, and if it where to go wrong, i would have a very expensive paper weight. :D