X3: Albion Prelude has been released

So what kind of performance are people getting in this? I get a constant 60 fps most of the time, but during battles involving more than just a couple fighters I'm sinking down to 15-20 fps.

For reference I have:
HD 5870
8GB of RAM

During this scene I was getting about 20 fps:

So what kind of performance are people getting in this? I get a constant 60 fps most of the time, but during battles involving more than just a couple fighters I'm sinking down to 15-20 fps.

The game engine itself is quite old (2005) even though the game isn't so it only runs on 1 CPU core (SLI/Crossfire works fine). The only way you can possibly increase your performance is to overclock your processor as much as possible. I have an i7 2700k @ 4.8ghz and even I can dip down below 30 FPS in some situations. I'm hoping that they new X: Rebirth will be on a new engine but I guess we'll see.
The game engine itself is quite old (2005) even though the game isn't so it only runs on 1 CPU core (SLI/Crossfire works fine). The only way you can possibly increase your performance is to overclock your processor as much as possible. I have an i7 2700k @ 4.8ghz and even I can dip down below 30 FPS in some situations. I'm hoping that they new X: Rebirth will be on a new engine but I guess we'll see.

x:rebirth better have really good multi threading because as much as i love the series nothing pisses me off than expanding too much and the game starting to crawl...

heres hoping for 8 thread support :eek:
I'm debating starting up X3:TC again. I didn't get very far, but I enjoyed the 20 or so hours I did play. Only stopped because I heard X-Rebirth was coming out soon, and then it was delayed indefinitely. There is a learning curve, so I was hoping to wait for X-Rebirth, but I'm getting that space itch again. Sigh.
The game engine itself is quite old (2005) even though the game isn't so it only runs on 1 CPU core (SLI/Crossfire works fine). The only way you can possibly increase your performance is to overclock your processor as much as possible. I have an i7 2700k @ 4.8ghz and even I can dip down below 30 FPS in some situations. I'm hoping that they new X: Rebirth will be on a new engine but I guess we'll see.

Thanks for the response. This series has frustrated me so much since Reunion. There is so much potential there, but it is hampered by terrible performance during any type of large scale combat. I get a few capital ships and a bunch of fighters and then just give up because actually doing anything with them makes the game unplayable. Maybe I should try overclocking...but I've always been a bit nervous about it.
has anyone played both X3 and Evochron Mercenary and can give me some differences? I purchased Evochron and love that game to death, but it's lacking in a few areas, UI for one... It really needs the expansion pack they're putting out for it.
Necroing this since there's a Prelude 3.0 sale right now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/201310/

I bought X3 TC and Prelude a bit over a year ago and I just have a hard time getting into the game. It seems off to a slow start and then I am just clueless as to what to do next (after the tutorial).

I know some of you have logged hundreds and hundreds of hours in it, some pointers on what to do after the tutorial? I tend to not enjoy open-world just fly around for no reason other than to look around type of gameplay. Maybe I bought the wrong game.
Ahh, I posted this in that RPG thread because I couldn't find this thread. :(

Hopefully this means that Rebirth is still on-track for this year...!
I bought the full X3 suite, but haven't touched it yet. I really need to give it a go. Worried about time commitment though.
I don't see anything that says they are delaying Rebirth again. I wonder if it will be a summer or a Christmas title.
I have seen barely anything coming out about it, so I'm guessing Fall/Winter...

Though I guess I didn't really see anything come out about this major update, either. They don't seem to get much press.
Necroing this since there's a Prelude 3.0 sale right now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/201310/

I bought X3 TC and Prelude a bit over a year ago and I just have a hard time getting into the game. It seems off to a slow start and then I am just clueless as to what to do next (after the tutorial).

I know some of you have logged hundreds and hundreds of hours in it, some pointers on what to do after the tutorial? I tend to not enjoy open-world just fly around for no reason other than to look around type of gameplay. Maybe I bought the wrong game.

You got further than me. I flew into I think was a space station and died. I'll try again another day. :)
Haven't played the X series apart the first game.... Is the X3 same way, that before you get into real action and be able to do fighting missions, you first have to haul tons of cargo, to get money even for afterburner, and then another days of hauling to get mods that actually allow you to fight?