X2 3800+ OC (PWMIC question)


Jul 22, 2005
Hey guys, I got my overclock to 2.7Ghz, I am trying for 2.9 today but I have a question. My CPU temps are fine at 1.5 Volts, 45 at full load but I am wondering about my PWMIC temps because they shoot up to 60 while priming for a few hours. They creep up ever couple minutes until they get to 60, where are the PWMs and how can I cool them down. Also, is that temp to high for them.

I got the PWM question answered so this will be my OC log. hehe.

Here is the SS.

I dont know what they are, that is why I am asking lol

I am at 1.5V for 2.8Ghz. I am going to try 1.55V when I get home from music school tonight. I am going for 2.9Ghz and gonna do a suicide run at 3.0 and see if I can get a CPU-Z screen shot at least. Hopefully I can run SuperPi 1M and see what time I get.

My guess is that they are those heatsinks to the left of the CPU socket. I moved my fan on the scythe to there and I think that my CPU temps went up a bit with the PWMs. THing is, the PCI holder for my Audigy 2 ZS thing is a bit bent and it will only fit in my first PCI slot which forces me to use the second one and have my video card and the first PCI-E lane (16x), but if I move it to the second, I am afraid my Video card won't be able to get rid of its heat, there would only be like 1cm distance frm the video card to the SB Audigy 2 ZS.

I hope that made sense.
if you gave aus a pic of ur case we could troubleshoot/help air flow for you and add fans in places
60c is FINE for that. That device is basically the chipset voltage regulator thingies, normally to the left upper area of the mobo by the cpu socket. Those actual chips are spec'ed to handle temps of 90c and more....when my Abit was watercooled, those temps ran into the 80c range all day long and never a hint of instability. You are fine.
Okay, thank you. I will take pictures anyways. My case is pretty messy :-/ Kind of like a jungle. In the case I need an 80mm fan to cool them, I will get a Lian Li replacement panel with a window and an 80mm/120mm fan hole. I don't know if a place sells them but I am not a modder. It was around 40-50 when I had my Zalman 7700Cu but I think that was because the fan blows down which cools the surrounding parts. Also, judging from my load temps at 1.5V, do you think it will be good at 1.55V? I don't think they should rise that much from a .05V increase. I hope to get stability at 2.9Ghz. I am going to try when I get home from music school.
theyll probably hit 55 degrees + or - why nnot get a scythe?
I have a scythe ninja. I upgraded from a Zalman 7700Cu which I knew wouldn't be able to handle the extra voltage that I was going to push through my X2.
iSkylla said:
In the case I need an 80mm fan to cool them, I will get a Lian Li replacement panel with a window and an 80mm/120mm fan hole. I don't know if a place sells them but I am not a modder. It was around 40-50 when I had my Zalman 7700Cu but I think that was because the fan blows down which cools the surrounding parts. Also, judging from my load temps at 1.5V, do you think it will be good at 1.55V? I don't think they should rise that much from a .05V increase. I hope to get stability at 2.9Ghz. I am going to try when I get home from music school.

Yeah a down blowing cpu cooler makes them run quite a bit cooler. Still nothing to worry about at all.

And the X2's will indeed show a rather large increase in temps when you are getting into those voltage bumps. Just try it and watch your temps....the X2 is spec'ed by AMD for a TCase max of 67c, of course being overclocked you might want to try and keep it at or below 60c. Nice overclock you have going there, mine will do 2.7 but it gets rather hot because it takes too much juice to it....
My goal is to keep it below 55C load temps. Honestly, I don't like it going above 50C. But overall, I am incredibly pleased with my X2. I came from an FX-55 ClawHammer core which did 2.7Ghz at stock voltage but required 1.6V to get to 2.8 Which is to say the least, horrible.
Agreed. Mine normally never breaks 53c during the hot months which are just starting again here....in the winter it runs a nice n cool 47c (I Fold 24/7).
Oh yeah, I forgot that summer is coming up. My room shouldn't get too hot because of the outside temps (usually the AC is on), but you never know. I might have to lower the voltage to 1.5 if they get too out of control.
when my pwrmic gets over 55c I start to get instability in overclocks slightly, if you position a fan just to the right of the cpu socket, it will drop the temps substantially, mine went from 55-57 to 40 under a full load, with a 120mm fan positioned at it.
Well, I tried 1.55V and couldn't get 2.85 Ghz and it was hot. I am going to try to lower the multiplier to 9x and up the HTT. Ugh, I want 2.9!!!!! Waaaahhhhh

If I feel really brave, I might try 1.6V. but I'm not that brave lol.


I realized that I had not plugged in the fan, will try again later at that voltage. Check post below.
You guys won't believe this. So I changed my fan position on the Scythe to below to let get some air on the PWMs because the fan was blocking them. I turned my computer on and I noticed it was running a bit on the hot side, 43C . But I had just put my side panel on so I thought nothing of it. I put on two instances of of SP2004 and the temp went up to 55C. I thought that there had to have been something wrong. Well....there was. I looked at the fan speed, and it said 0000. I was like "could this be a glitch?". So I took my side panel off and sure enough, I hadn't plugged in the fan for the Scythe. It was running passivly at 55C load. Now I am amazed that it even kept it that cool at 1.5V. 55C for 1.5V passive? Well, I shut off my computer, plugged the fan back in and the idle temps are back to 28C. Kudos to Scythe, you made a great heatsink.
2.70GHz... thats insane. I haven't even attempted 2.6GHz yet because I know I'll have to break 1.45v to get it.

And i also agree. The Scythe Ninja is awesome.
thats almost crazy running passive with that kind of an overclock and it didn't even get unbearibly hot :p , although I wouldn't recommend it for everyday use
Yeah, neither would I, 55C with Dual prime is hot. But I am glad my ninja was up to the task :)

Now it is at a balmy 27C.
Well boys and girls, I did some OCing last night at got it up to 2.9Ghz, not stable with 1.58V but I manged to validate CPU-Z



Later I will try 1.62V, temps were good with 1.58V. 37C Idle, 48C Load. I am fine with giving it 1.62V if the temps are fine. Anyone think it is a bad idea?
I probably wouldn't go over 1.6 unless on water but thats just me, I've seen lots of guys run systems on air with 1.65+ volts and no problems, just keep an eye on temps
My temps are good, once I get 55C load I will stop. But at 1.6V with 49C load, it is fine for me.
iSkylla said:
My temps are good, once I get 55C load I will stop. But at 1.6V with 49C load, it is fine for me.

i hope ur pockets are deeper than ur common sense ;)

nice oc there m8...it should be fine as long as your temps are low..maybe you could add another fan in your case to reduce temps by 2-5degrees
Yeah, well to be honest, I am a little afraid that 1.62V might be too much. As I said, my temperatures are fine except, will voltage hurt the CPU if the temperatures are within 55C load? I don’t have the money to buy another CPU ;)
iSkylla said:
Yeah, well to be honest, I am a little afraid that 1.62V might be too much. As I said, my temperatures are fine except, will voltage hurt the CPU if the temperatures are within 55C load? I don’t have the money to buy another CPU ;)

Yes, even if it is stable, too much voltage can kill the chip.....it can happen out of the...personally I stay at 1.55v or less. 1.6v is pushing it.... :p
thats an awesome OC, but lets see what your max prime stable OC is. how come your memory speed shows up as unknown in CPU-Z? im curious to see what divider you are using to achieve this.
blazin-asian said:
thats an awesome OC, but lets see what your max prime stable OC is. how come your memory speed shows up as unknown in CPU-Z? im curious to see what divider you are using to achieve this.

probably a 166 divider