x1950xt or 8600Gt or 8600GTS


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 20, 2002
Well two are cheap and could make Vista look pretty I held out for months fot the HD2600 but yeah, what a waste of time that is. So how do you guys think the x1950xt will do with DX10 games? Seems like a nice card, would it make those games look better than a 8600GT/GTS. I'm trying to figure out the price to make it worth it too.
Uh, the X1950XT isn't a DX10 card so DX10 gaming isnt even an option.
Uh, the X1950XT isn't a DX10 card so DX10 gaming isnt even an option.

I'm pretty sure my DX8 card ran DX9 games. I'm just saying whats the point of having say a 8600GT give me pretty visuals in DX10 ay 17fps or have a x1950xt possibly maybe not so pretty but still gives me 60+fps Do you know what I'm getting at?
While the x1950xt would be able to provide you with the dx10 goodies it'll still run the games better then the 8600GT/GTS, so I'd say go with the 1950
8600GT will pretty sure unable to give you enough framerate with DX10
8600GTS is much better than the above
x1950xt DX10 is not even an option, you will lose some feature on DX10 that you'll get with both of the above

x1950xt ofcourse will run DX9 games better, but you're talking about DX10 games, right?
nösferatu;1031206214 said:
8600GT will pretty sure unable to give you enough framerate with DX10
8600GTS is much better than the above
x1950xt DX10 is not even an option, you will lose some feature on DX10 that you'll get with both of the above

x1950xt ofcourse will run DX9 games better, but you're talking about DX10 games, right?

Well most DX10 games that will come out in the next 1-2 years would still support DX9.
Well most DX10 games that will come out in the next 1-2 years would still support DX9.
But he's talking about DX10 games; not running DX10 games through their DX9 fall back.

He's not going to be able to run DX10 on a DX9 card just like how you can't run a DX9 game on a DX8 card. It uses the DX8 fall back.
But he's talking about DX10 games; not running DX10 games through their DX9 fall back.

He's not going to be able to run DX10 on a DX9 card just like how you can't run a DX9 game on a DX8 card. It uses the DX8 fall back.
Erm, read again :rolleyes:
I'm pretty sure my DX8 card ran DX9 games. I'm just saying whats the point of having say a 8600GT give me pretty visuals in DX10 ay 17fps or have a x1950xt possibly maybe not so pretty but still gives me 60+fps Do you know what I'm getting at?
He is talking about playing DX10 games, not playing DX10 games in DX10.
Yup, if you're in the market right now the x1950 XT is a good buy.

However, if you can step-up your cash to $250, you can have the best of both worlds with an 8800 GTS 320MB.
it's the state of confusion, that's why i asked the OP, is he talking about DX10 or DX9?
in the first post he did mention DX10 only to be overwritten in his second post that mention something about DX9.
well OP, if your mind already set with x1950xt, why ask?
Looking at the price of HD2600XT here, getting two of those is not a bad idea either if you already have the correct platform. Usually I don't recommend buying two cards at the same time but at such a low power consumption and the Crossfire scaling is also quite good already, 2x HD2600XT would be faster than the X1950XT. Here in Germany you can buy two HD2600XT 256MB at the price of one new X1950XT 256MB.
Looking at the price of HD2600XT here, getting two of those is not a bad idea either if you already have the correct platform. Usually I don't recommend buying two cards at the same time but at such a low power consumption and the Crossfire scaling is also quite good already, 2x HD2600XT would be faster than the X1950XT. Here in Germany you can buy two HD2600XT 256MB at the price of one new X1950XT 256MB.
Or he can spend that much cash on a real video card:

That is if the price of the 2600XT is what I think it is (about $149 USD, no sure what that would be in Canadian dollars).
for DX9 and DX10 games isn't the 2600 massively slower than the 8600GT/GTS?
Well two are cheap and could make Vista look pretty I held out for months fot the HD2600 but yeah, what a waste of time that is. So how do you guys think the x1950xt will do with DX10 games? Seems like a nice card, would it make those games look better than a 8600GT/GTS. I'm trying to figure out the price to make it worth it too.

Performance wise the X1950 XT is the best out of the 3, if you can live without DX10 effects of which haven't proven themselves much better then DX9 for the moment.
Performance wise the X1950 XT is the best out of the 3, if you can live without DX10 effects of which haven't proven themselves much better then DX9 for the moment.

Agreed if you're playing games. If you want to turn it into a HTPC or something else later once the card doesn't cut it anymore, the 8600 series with HDCP, etc. might not be a bad option to have lying around.
Performance wise the X1950 XT is the best out of the 3, if you can live without DX10 effects of which haven't proven themselves much better then DX9 for the moment.

It just seems like well I could get one of these newer cards and yes I would be able to see the DX10 effects. But it would be like useing a x800 in BF2 it just doesn't cut it, it's laggy and bogged down, am I right?
It just seems like well I could get one of these newer cards and yes I would be able to see the DX10 effects. But it would be like useing a x800 in BF2 it just doesn't cut it, it's laggy and bogged down, am I right?

IMHO, by the time DX10 games become mainstream with a mass switchover to Vista, etc., all of those cards will be obsolete. If this were a 2900XT vs. 9600GT thread next year, that might be the case.
x1950xt 149AR
8600GT 99AR
8600GTS 129-149

2600xt? I dunno how much for the GDDR 4 one?
Performance wise, all the benchmarks I saw (note, I actually have an 8600GTS OC edition in a Vista test box) compared the 2600Pro, 8500GT, 2600XT and the 8600GT. All 4 of those had basically awful performance according to the DX10 benchmarks, but since I don't own those, I can't give you an opinion on those. I *do* own an 8600 GTS (MSI OC 710/2100 - $168 at NewEgg), and it was fine running the Lost Planet Demo in DX10. I did not turn on AA, but I did have 16X AF, and everything set to high @ 1280x1024.

Note I didn't have AA on, and that isn't my main box (which is connected to a 1680x1050 LCD/8800GTS 640 running XP), but it isn't a total dog from what I have seen. It seems quite good in everything DX9 I've thrown at it @ 1280x1o24 with details high and AA/AF.

I have a 1900GT to compare it with (not in the same ballpark as 1950XT, I know, but that is what I own and can speak of) and it seems a bit better in most things, and I like the fact that it is fully DX10. If I was going to run it at any higher resolution though, it would probably not be adequate in DX10 from what I saw, and if you want a large amount of AA, I'd look elsewhere. My .02.

I think that 710/2100 MSI GTS for $168 is a steal for someone looking for DX10/Vista at 1280x1024 res (which is what I was looking for). I seriously doubt the 2600XT is anywhere close to it, and is probably going to cost more since it is just now coming out.
The DDR4 is quite expensive. I don't know about the price in the States but here in Germany, you can see the price in my post on another thread:
Too bad he's not in Germany, here in the States (where I am) they're suppose to be around the $150USD mark and I have no idea how much they will be in Canada (where he is).
Uh, any article written in the last day mentions it. :rolleyes:

Theres one, that was so hard to find.

Care to read before posting?
....the Radeon HD 2400 XT and Pro and the Radeon HD 2600 XT and Pro will serve to bring competition to the $50 - $150 DX10 graphics card market....
....AMD's price gap will be even larger than NVIDIA's, leaving a hole between $150 and $400 with nothing to fill it....
$150 would probably be the DDR4 version, normally GPU price here and in the states are identical, just change the € sign with $.
I'm thinking the XFX 8600GT with the 590mhz $130 core is gonna do the trick for now. It'll be fine for previous DX9 games and tide me over till a real card from ATI might come out till when DX10 titles start really poppin up and make Vista look pretty. What do you guys think?
One vote for x1950xt, currently DX10 support is a non issue IMO, too few games support it. 8600 series performance is not exactly mind blowing either, best to get x1950xt now and when DX10 comes a must, hopefully there will be more deacent mid range cards around.
despite the ton of reviews they dont help, so damn mixed
despite the ton of reviews they dont help, so damn mixed
Pesonally, I'm sticking with my OCed 7900GS for a while more until there are some actual DX10 games out that are worth upgrading for. If I was looking for another card I'd probably just pick up another 7900GS cheap and OC it.
Pesonally, I'm sticking with my OCed 7900GS for a while more until there are some actual DX10 games out that are worth upgrading for. If I was looking for another card I'd probably just pick up another 7900GS cheap and OC it.

well I see it like this, the OCed XFX 8600GT is cheaper than a 7900GS and would let me play some DX10 games not great but none the less. It would go for around $129 or same price range as the 7900.
Could get a x1950xt for $170 but $149 AR. Well it's a kick ass card but I hate rebates and seems like I'de have a bunch of power but would make me sad it can't run DX10. Even though it would sitll play games in DX10 better than a 8600GT/GTS I'm guessing despite not having DX10. Grrrrrrrrrrr wtf is with this new group of cards!
Here's what I think... buying an 8600gt/gts HD 2600 pro/xt is like buying an FX5200 and anticipating on using it in DX9 mode.