WTB laptop for wifey...


Jan 13, 2007
Hey guys. Like title says I'm looking to buy a simple but solid lappy for the wife. She's going to be in Las Vegas for the next 6 months because she was offered the Christine understudy in Phantom at the Venetian. (Not that you need to know all that but hey your laptop will be slightly famous :D ) Anyway since we will doing the long distance thing for a lot of that time I want to get my wife a laptop so we can skype and she can do her facebook thing. That's about it. The main thing is that the laptop has strong wireless capabilities. She doesn't really need any software per se. Wife is familiar with xp and windows 7 but vista would be okay too. I'm looking to spend between $200 and $400 depending on what you got. Wife leaves in a little over a week so the sooner you get back to me the better. Thanks. I can pay with paypal non cc btw and I'm in socal in case you're local.
Dell xps M1530 here It's out of the price range you listed, but we can work something out if you're interested.
Please keep the offers coming. I'm going to make a decision today based on what I have.
some definite possibilities here. Anyone else before I sit down with said wifey?
Why don't you just tell her to get a netbook? You can get the best netbooks within your price range, they're portable, and will do all the stuff she needs.
I was about to tell you to look up Rob Black.

I am using a T60 from him now. Quality machines and the resolution on this thing...holy crap!