WoW Discussion Thread!!!


Sep 21, 2005
Sup guys,
I cannot get on the WoW Forums at work so i decided to make this one. Anything and everything about WoW. To start off my damn lvl 60 warrior dies way faster then i think he should starting to really piss me off. My lvl 70 warlock's new hybrid destruction raiding build is really taking some getting used to, and dont get my started on my lvl 70 newly Restore build Druid and his PvP problems. Also i am fighting my self to wait for the expansion before I jump ship and sail away with WAR. Share you WoW experiences, concerns and questions.
Sup guys,
I cannot get on the WoW Forums at work so i decided to make this one. Anything and everything about WoW. To start off my damn lvl 60 warrior dies way faster then i think he should starting to really piss me off. My lvl 70 warlock's new hybrid destruction raiding build is really taking some getting used to, and dont get my started on my lvl 70 newly Restore build Druid and his PvP problems. Also i am fighting my self to wait for the expansion before I jump ship and sail away with WAR. Share you WoW experiences, concerns and questions.

Your a restore druid and having pvp problems? You know 80% of the top 2v2 teams in the world have a resto druid right?

I was in beta for wotlk, it's bad they changed class/raid mechanics too much. Broke what worked, etc. The only awesome thing was the DK storyline, but once you hit 58 that's over.
This ship has already sailed... buddy was in WotLK and said it was horrible. The new Death Knights are garbage (atleast in his beta) and the new areas are..meh. I am enjoying WAR so far, still some getting used to and will take some optimization on their part because the game runs like crap on my machine (which aint all that old). Oh well, come the beginning of the year I will upgrade.
Dont get my wrong i can live through quite a beating but i still get destroyed by rogues and warriors. It is almost sad. Yea i made him restore hoping to start a sucessful arena team, but i am definitely going to have to practice my skills. I was hoping they did mess up the game to much with the expansion but from what you are saying I can hear WAR calling my name from far in the distance telling my to spend the $50 dollars already. Not to say I would not miss WoW we have had some great times.
your buddy is/was on crack

The DK class is awesome, the new areas/quests are incredible. I canceled my live account a year ago, wotlk will make me play on live again
I am going to give WotLK a chance for sure. I just cannot leave WoW knowing that there was a new class out there that I did not give a try. Did they make the Raiding easier for casual players? or what did they do to mess it up?
Also why the hell is my lvl 61 warrior dieing so easy when doing quests? He is fury and is starting to get some nice OL gear, making me think he is gimped.
Yeah, no idea what problems you're having with a resto druid. I had a pretty geared Disc Priest (S3 wep, S3 chest, S2 shoulders, rest brutal) before I quit. I had a hard time breaking 1800 with my priest. Use the same partners on my Druid in S1 and I break easily :rolleyes:

Druids are rediculous. The FOTM and class balancing issues ruined the game for me. Well, that and the lame PvP. :p
Hypnotic, what's your build & gear? Have a link to an armory profile?

I personally enjoy WotLK a whole lot. Questing is enjoyable & the gear is reasonable. Not overpowered like in BC, which helps since all of the gear you worked for before hand actually helps in the first couple of levels. I've preordered the CE & look forward to enjoying the storyline more in depth with this expansion. Before I was invited to the beta, I was thinking I'd probably wait it out to see how it looked but playing through the early parts has helped me decide.
Sure cant link armory at work but i have names all on Kalegos. Druid: Sevin War: Severe
Lock: Powerfont Check em out. Just a heads up i am still in the process of getting healing gear for my Druid, just got my healing mace.
Your warrior needs to have higher hit rating in order to be effective.
I definitely agree he needs higher hit rating. But as you know hit rating is hard to come by at those lvls. I have already made up my mind as soon as i can get my hands on a good 2-hander(I am thinking that 2 hand Axe from Blood Furnace) ill be switching back to Arms. That should help my death problem i think.
Once you hit 70, hit rating is quite easy to get & the WotLK beta makes easier still. I have my fury warrior (beta copy) at 72 & the hit rating is high enough that missing doesn't happen too often.
Once you hit 70, hit rating is quite easy to get & the WotLK beta makes easier still. I have my fury warrior (beta copy) at 72 & the hit rating is high enough that missing doesn't happen too often.

Yea i am lookig foward to the gear upgrades in WotLK. I have been watching the youtube videos about the new Deathknight class, and to say the least I as not impressed with his DPS. Do the vids just not do him justice or does is his DPS really lacking???
I'm not really sure about DKs since I haven't played as one. I'll wait till the bum rush for them is over & go for one after I'm bored with my warrior. I have beat a DK in dueling & it was a close fight... but I went all out with the special abilities and wrecked him. :) I'm not a dueler or PvPer in general, since I'd rather PvE & go on my merry way enjoying life w/o getting ganked. Ganking is the main reason I'll probably transfer from Lightning's Blade to a much kinder PvE server once WotLK goes live. If a new server is opened, that's where I'm headed (I can only hope they'll allow some free transfers when from high pop to low pop).
I am really hoping the new content is good. How is WoWs new siege PVP gonna work? I need a reason not to travel to WAR, she is tempting me with PVP awsomeness.
This ship has already sailed... buddy was in WotLK and said it was horrible. The new Death Knights are garbage (atleast in his beta) and the new areas are..meh. I am enjoying WAR so far, still some getting used to and will take some optimization on their part because the game runs like crap on my machine (which aint all that old). Oh well, come the beginning of the year I will upgrade.

thats the first bad thing I've heard.
Indeed, everyone says they love the DKs & that the new areas are a way better than BC's areas. Instead of High Fantasy (sci-fi fantasy), Blizz has changed to Gothic Fantasy (dark fantasy) & its working for a lot of people's tastes.
thats the first bad thing I've heard.

Like I said that was his experience... I personally have been on the fence with WoW as of late. I mean I like to do the solo quest thing and do some PvE content but I like the PvP content more. However, I dont want to be in a situation where just because Player X has no life and plays CONSTANTLY and go Uber gear set 5 and I only have Uber gear set 1 means that he will be able to walk all over me. One of the things that I like about WAR's RvR scenarios is that if there is a definite imbalance in the scenario you are automatically adjusted to bridge that gap...SOME. I was able to take down a level 11 last night in a scenario while my guy was ranked up to level 8... Why because I was running around him like a normal rogue class does, not allowing him to actually land a good hit. Add a couple DoTs into the mix and I was able to make fairly quick work of him (he was as swordmaster). However, it took some planning on my part and not just button mashing hoping that I would be able to spam X ability in before he spam Y ability and beat me.
I've played WoW in closed beta, open beta, TBC beta, and until we canelled our accounts WOTLK Beta. Between myself and the wife we have 1 of every class at 70 currently. I've run every instance from VC to Mag. Used to 40 man raid every night of the week.

After all this time I have come to one conclusion. Blizz's devs will never achieve a semi decent class balance, end game requires waaaay to much of a life sacrifice on my end. Also I have outgrown the game. Nothing really against WoW but WOTLK still feels like the same stuff rehashed.

WAR, IMO yours may vary, is a breath of fresh air. It's incredibly "similiar" to WoW in some ways but different in key aspects. The one I really love is gear doesnt make that huge of a difference yet.
I wish they would release a 10-day trial for WAR so i could make a decision. I still like WoW but i cannot find a class that I feel good playing. I just dont know. Having two lvl 70s and a 3rd well on the way i still dont have a char that i favor over another. I am really thinking it is time for a change. But i would really miss those late night Kara, Mag, and Grulls raids. I have been watching CraZy's WAR videos on youtube and they are looking pretty cool. The quests and PQs really seem fun and I havent even seen the RvR raids yet. I just wonder if WAR is here for the stay or will it fall apart like all those before it.(AoC, DOAC, Vanguard. etc) :confused:
I wish they would release a 10-day trial for WAR so i could make a decision. I still like WoW but i cannot find a class that I feel good playing. I just dont know. Having two lvl 70s and a 3rd well on the way i still dont have a char that i favor over another. I am really thinking it is time for a change. But i would really miss those late night Kara, Mag, and Grulls raids. I have been watching CraZy's WAR videos on youtube and they are looking pretty cool. The quests and PQs really seem fun and I havent even seen the RvR raids yet. I just wonder if WAR is here for the stay or will it fall apart like all those before it.(AoC, DOAC, Vanguard. etc) :confused:

Don't look to WAR for PvE content. Public Quests are cool the dungeons leave a lot to be desired. I've really yet to see anyone spamming LFG Sewers (WAR equivalent of VC) THere are literally tons of quests to do. Leveling up you will have a hard time choosing what to do honestly theres a HUUUUGE variety. If your a fan of organised PvE raids WAR probably wont appeal to you. Although, everything you do at low level has a direct impact on your end game. Every quest you do scenario PQ etc you do goes to leveling either your guild, or your capitol city.

Also leveling your toon you have your class rank, Influence per chapter level, reknown rank. Plus customising tactics, mastery and morale abilities. There's a lot there to kind of keep folks from doing cookie cutter builds. Granted you will always have a few builds that do better than most.

RvR Scenarios, leveling inside and getting gear and gold while you do it own. Their basically BG's each tier has 4 choices of scenarios. Some are bad ass others leave a lot to be desired. Either way you will get xp doing quests or scenarios.

Gear, I think I replace my gear nightly doing quests/RvR/PQ's I've actually got to the point where I will salvage (DE) gear I get because I know the next night it'll be replaced easily. T2 gear and above can only be obtained through Keeps. Keeps HAVE to be either taken or defended and under your factions control for you to purchase them.

If you do join. I HIGHLY suggest doing a Keep assault or defend. Last one I was in went back and forth for over 3 hours. Was honestly the most fun I've had in a game in years.
I had a fairly hard time leveling my Fury Warrior also. I think part of the reason is that I was used to taking on mobs 4 or 5 levels higher than me, with my feral Druid. The Warrior can only take on a mob maybe 1 or 2 levels above, since they have no way to heal, kite, or other nifty tricks. I think they do best at ‘under-questing’, that is doing mainly green quests where you can wail on multiple mobs easily.

No such problems with my new lock though (currently 52) LOL. The VW is a decent tank, and I can usually handle a mob 4-5 levels above, unless the resists are very unkind.

After being a hardcore raider for many years, I got into Arena kind of late. I realized that by the time I got enough S4 to be competitive in higher brackets, WotLK would be out. So, I’m just having fun in the 1600 brackets, and getting pieces to help me grind faster in the expansion.
True that damn fury war of mine is a bitch to lvl, and last night I ran through Ramps and BF and i really felt like I didnt nothing for the group. I am having problems keeping aggro and tanking more than one mob is a joke. On my Feral druid tanking just seemed so much easier. The only thing from keeping me from just putting my Warrior in Hibernation is the 1,000 gold I just spent on his mount and all his new skills. I am really leaning back toward my druid. Do warriors get a lot better at tanking whe they get lvl 70? Also i agree my warlock can throw out some mad Shadow Bolts with his new Destro Sac build. My new record Shadow Bolt crit is 4.8k i am loving it. Now to learn how not to pull all the aggro and die : ) LoL
Don't look to WAR for PvE content. Public Quests are cool the dungeons leave a lot to be desired. I've really yet to see anyone spamming LFG Sewers (WAR equivalent of VC) THere are literally tons of quests to do. Leveling up you will have a hard time choosing what to do honestly theres a HUUUUGE variety. If your a fan of organised PvE raids WAR probably wont appeal to you. Although, everything you do at low level has a direct impact on your end game. Every quest you do scenario PQ etc you do goes to leveling either your guild, or your capitol city.

Also leveling your toon you have your class rank, Influence per chapter level, reknown rank. Plus customising tactics, mastery and morale abilities. There's a lot there to kind of keep folks from doing cookie cutter builds. Granted you will always have a few builds that do better than most.

RvR Scenarios, leveling inside and getting gear and gold while you do it own. Their basically BG's each tier has 4 choices of scenarios. Some are bad ass others leave a lot to be desired. Either way you will get xp doing quests or scenarios.

Gear, I think I replace my gear nightly doing quests/RvR/PQ's I've actually got to the point where I will salvage (DE) gear I get because I know the next night it'll be replaced easily. T2 gear and above can only be obtained through Keeps. Keeps HAVE to be either taken or defended and under your factions control for you to purchase them.

If you do join. I HIGHLY suggest doing a Keep assault or defend. Last one I was in went back and forth for over 3 hours. Was honestly the most fun I've had in a game in years.

With every post I read i am wanting to try out WAR more and more, just dont know if i can justify $50 for a game i might not enjoy. I really wish they would put out a 10-day trial so people could get a feel for the game. I think they would recruit a lot more people that way. All the keep raids and PQs are sounding very fun. I catch my self on youtube looking at WAR vidieos now more than WoW vids. I really want to try out WAR. I might just gave to suck it up and drop the cash.
True that damn fury war of mine is a bitch to lvl, and last night I ran through Ramps and BF and i really felt like I didnt nothing for the group. I am having problems keeping aggro and tanking more than one mob is a joke. On my Feral druid tanking just seemed so much easier. The only thing from keeping me from just putting my Warrior in Hibernation is the 1,000 gold I just spent on his mount and all his new skills. I am really leaning back toward my druid. Do warriors get a lot better at tanking whe they get lvl 70? Also i agree my warlock can throw out some mad Shadow Bolts with his new Destro Sac build. My new record Shadow Bolt crit is 4.8k i am loving it. Now to learn how not to pull all the aggro and die : ) LoL

I hate tanking with warriors which is why I prefer fury or arms. I actually quested as arms from 1 to 60, fury (before the hit rating was implemented) from 60 to 70 and now on the beta, all out fury with a good hit rating. I'm currently enjoying the capabilities of my warrior.

Check out my warrior if you're interested. I'm mostly a solo quester, so the gear isn't phenomenal but I do put my time into making best with what I can come by.

Shadowfyre - Lightning's Blade
With every post I read i am wanting to try out WAR more and more, just dont know if i can justify $50 for a game i might not enjoy. I really wish they would put out a 10-day trial so people could get a feel for the game. I think they would recruit a lot more people that way. All the keep raids and PQs are sounding very fun. I catch my self on youtube looking at WAR vidieos now more than WoW vids. I really want to try out WAR. I might just gave to suck it up and drop the cash.

Don't expect free trial accounts anytime soon. Mythic is busy working on patches and rolling them very frequently to address gameplay and bug issues. I think once they nail down all the bugs they'll release a free trial.

More importantly Mythic is trying very hard to ban gold spammers. Introducing free trials would open the flood gates for gold spammers. The same thing happened in WoW when Blizzard first introduced free trials. I think Mythic is trying to avoid the same mistake.

Some LAN centers do offer trial keys if you go to their center and fill out some forms. But it's very limited and I'm not sure which LAN centers offer the keys. Try calling your local LAN center to see if they are giving out keys to customers.
I hate tanking with warriors which is why I prefer fury or arms. I actually quested as arms from 1 to 60, fury (before the hit rating was implemented) from 60 to 70 and now on the beta, all out fury with a good hit rating. I'm currently enjoying the capabilities of my warrior.

Check out my warrior if you're interested. I'm mostly a solo quester, so the gear isn't phenomenal but I do put my time into making best with what I can come by.

Shadowfyre - Lightning's Blade

Yea as soon as I get a decent 2-hand i am definitely going back to Arms. I dont see my hit rating getting much better anytime soon. Yea when i get off of work ill be able to check your armory out. Can you check out the armories of the beta accounts ? Would be nice to check out the new gear..
Don't expect free trial accounts anytime soon. Mythic is busy working on patches and rolling them very frequently to address gameplay and bug issues. I think once they nail down all the bugs they'll release a free trial.

More importantly Mythic is trying very hard to ban gold spammers. Introducing free trials would open the flood gates for gold spammers. The same thing happened in WoW when Blizzard first introduced free trials. I think Mythic is trying to avoid the same mistake.

Some LAN centers do offer trial keys if you go to their center and fill out some forms. But it's very limited and I'm not sure which LAN centers offer the keys. Try calling your local LAN center to see if they are giving out keys to customers.

Wishful thinking I guess.. I didnt even think about that gold spamming issue, I agee that would be a big problem. I am glad mythic is looking at WoWs mistakes and learning, maybe WAR will be around a while.
Wishful thinking I guess.. I didnt even think about that gold spamming issue, I agee that would be a big problem. I am glad mythic is looking at WoWs mistakes and learning, maybe WAR will be around a while.

I was in Plaguelands last night trying to clear out my quest log and looking for a Strat team. I got asked what my spec was THREE times and when I answered arms(mortal strike) the conversation ended.

I went to IF and respecced to Prot. When I get on tonight I'll see if I get rejected as many times as I did being a fury dual wielding warrior.

I tested the Prot out and my health bar doesn't move as much as a fury, obviously, but taking on anything more than 2 of my level or higher knocks me down to half my hit points.
That was a bit disappointing.

I'm level 61 too.

And as far as Outlands go, I died a lot there as well.

Will head back there when my quest log is less full. Kind of anal about getting that stuff out of the way.
I've been playing WAR and so far it's ok. Everyone gets tired of WoW because it's been out for so long, and WAR is a fresh and new game, with almost no grind. But I dunno...WoW still has much more depth to it at this point.
I was in Plaguelands last night trying to clear out my quest log and looking for a Strat team. I got asked what my spec was THREE times and when I answered arms(mortal strike) the conversation ended.

I went to IF and respecced to Prot. When I get on tonight I'll see if I get rejected as many times as I did being a fury dual wielding warrior.

I tested the Prot out and my health bar doesn't move as much as a fury, obviously, but taking on anything more than 2 of my level or higher knocks me down to half my hit points.
That was a bit disappointing.

I'm level 61 too.

And as far as Outlands go, I died a lot there as well.

Will head back there when my quest log is less full. Kind of anal about getting that stuff out of the way.

I havent really been turned down yet but i can definitely tell that my tanking sucks as fury, i guees ill need to respec to Prot also.If i was you I would go to Outland and get that huge gear upgrade. Dump the old quests, you would lvl faster and be better off.
I'd have to agree with this, forget the old quests! You can go with a mix of prot and DPS talents and tank pretty well. I had good success with 5/**/11 to get Last Stand.

You do need to collect a decent tank set also though. Focus on Armor, Stam, and get as much +Def as you can, up to the (soft) cap of 490.
I'd have to agree with this, forget the old quests! You can go with a mix of prot and DPS talents and tank pretty well. I had good success with 5/**/11 to get Last Stand.

You do need to collect a decent tank set also though. Focus on Armor, Stam, and get as much +Def as you can, up to the (soft) cap of 490.

Really? I guess I could go back when I am 70 and do it and it might be a bit easier.
Ok, so clear out my old quests and stay in outland?
your buddy is/was on crack

The DK class is awesome, the new areas/quests are incredible. I canceled my live account a year ago, wotlk will make me play on live again

Yeah I'd have to agree, I really have no intention of playing much, if at all even when WOTLK comes out, but I'd have to admit that DKs and Northrend are some of the best work Blizzard's ever done.

I am going to give WotLK a chance for sure. I just cannot leave WoW knowing that there was a new class out there that I did not give a try. Did they make the Raiding easier for casual players? or what did they do to mess it up?

Basically they're re-organizing and re-working the way buffs stack and share throughout a raid, much like how they overhauled the system during the BC transition two years ago.

With the new talents and DKs, raid buff stacking would get as ridiculous as consumable stacking pre-BC, so they grouped a lot of them together, and made most raid-wide so that min/max raid composition won't demand one of every spec of every class for everything. I mean it is pretty silly as of now when the "melee dps" group consists of three guys being in the group as buffs for two rogues (feral druid, fury warrior, enhancement shaman; the buffers outnumber the non-buffers). It's something that's really hard to tune just right, so at the moment the results are up in the air.

. The one I really love is gear doesnt make that huge of a difference yet.

That's a double-edged sword. While it makes it more newbie and casual friendly, it also diminishes everyone's sense of accomplishment and gain, which affects long-term enthusiasm. For instance Guild Wars tried a similar formula, and it sucks balls, as seen by the high turn-over and really, really low subscriber rate. However Final Fantasy also did it, and it's worked incredibly well (for those insane enough to play), as seen by its surprisingly large and long-term player base.
I just reactivated after 6 months, despite the fact that shamans are up in arms about the changes being made I actually love them, it they go through with them that is. Blizzard is notorious for promising shamans great changes and then never delivering.

Anyways I just got him to 70 this week, have 70 Warrior too on another server. Looking forward to the expac from what I have seen from my friend in beta its going to be amazing. :D Now I am going to grind honor on my shaman cause my gear is to years out of date.
I played WoW off and on the past few years on the Alliance and it just didn't hold my interest very long, I kept quitting before even reaching level 20, I still thought the graphics and art style sucked in comparison to other MMO's, and didn't touch it again for awhile

This summer, BC dropped down to $20 at Wal-mart so I bought it in June and decided to give the horde a shot and joined a RP server. I was instantly hooked and was playing it all the time, reading up the storyline and legends of Warcraft and as soon as WOTLK came out for reserve at gamestop, I had my CE reserved :D

Now im 66 blood elf frost mage, the highest level i've ever reached past level 20 and I'm having a blast on moon guard, I've mets lots of cool and nice people that make the game fun and enjoyable that I stay up late on weekends playing like I did back in my Dark Age of Camelot days years ago. I wanna reach 70 before WOTLK releases and im totally having a ball, My poor 360 is now collecting dust downstairs, lol
I played WoW off and on the past few years on the Alliance and it just didn't hold my interest very long, I kept quitting before even reaching level 20, I still thought the graphics and art style sucked in comparison to other MMO's, and didn't touch it again for awhile

This summer, BC dropped down to $20 at Wal-mart so I bought it in June and decided to give the horde a shot and joined a RP server. I was instantly hooked and was playing it all the time, reading up the storyline and legends of Warcraft and as soon as WOTLK came out for reserve at gamestop, I had my CE reserved :D

Now im 66 blood elf frost mage, the highest level i've ever reached past level 20 and I'm having a blast on moon guard, I've mets lots of cool and nice people that make the game fun and enjoyable that I stay up late on weekends playing like I did back in my Dark Age of Camelot days years ago. I wanna reach 70 before WOTLK releases and im totally having a ball, My poor 360 is now collecting dust downstairs, lol

Ahh.. sounds fun.. I prefer the pre-BC days myself.. For the [H]orde!
Warriors in general are very gear dependent, but once you hit 70 and get decent gear you will start to shine. My 17/44 Warrior had a mix of T5/T6 and badge gear as was very competitive for Top 5 DPS in Hyjal and BT. Just stick with it and level as Arms then once you get 70 grab about 125 Hit and spec Fury. WoTLK buffed Fury quite a lot and the talents are really starting to shine.

BTW, I have a 70 Fire Mage as well and will be rolling a Female Night Elf DK on launch day! Blood/Unholy!!!
Warriors in general are very gear dependent, but once you hit 70 and get decent gear you will start to shine. My 17/44 Warrior had a mix of T5/T6 and badge gear as was very competitive for Top 5 DPS in Hyjal and BT. Just stick with it and level as Arms then once you get 70 grab about 125 Hit and spec Fury. WoTLK buffed Fury quite a lot and the talents are really starting to shine.

BTW, I have a 70 Fire Mage as well and will be rolling a Female Night Elf DK on launch day! Blood/Unholy!!!

QFT about the gear dependancy. I stopped raiding when TBC came out, so my warrior only has a combo of might/wrath I was main tanking BWL, AQ40 etc when i stopped raiding, but gear makes a bigger difference for the warrior class than any other I think.

My DK in beta is a little blood a LOT unholy, IMO the unholy tree kicks ass.