WoW; 5th expansion Warlords of Draenor


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Blizzard Entertainment has announced World of Warcraft's fifth expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The expansion will bring players to Draenor, the original homeworld of the Orcs. The expansion leads players to familiar and new locations seen in WoW's first expansion, The Burning Crusade.

Warlords of Draenor FAQ and Videos;

Highlights of Warlords of Draenor include:

- Build and upgrade your own garrison
- New character models
- New PvP zones
- Level cap raised to 100
- Boost to level 90 and play immediately
- Brand new continent of Draenor

World of Warcraft: What's Next


- Garrosh will be put on trial and escape before a verdict. He is going back in time, altering the current timeline slightly.
- Garrosh's goal is to stop the Orcs from drinking the blood of Mannoroth and building the Iron Horde using technology from the present.
- The end of this expansion is going to spill over into the next one. Many more expansions are lined up now.


- Homeworld of the Orcs, heart of the Draeni, lots of giants, seven new zones.
- The Iron Horde is here to take an army into Azeroth and your job is to stop them.
- Grommash has united the Orc clans.
- The Alliance will defend Karabor (Black Temple) and make it their main city this expansion.
- The Horde will defend the Bladespire Citadel and make it their main city this expansion.
- Catacylsm changed up the zones, but WoD zones are rebuilt from scratch, not just modifying Outland.
- Azeroth has had many different empires over time, but Draenor is a more savage world with just the Oger empire.
- Netherstorm will be used in a future patch, not at launch.
- The Frostwolf Clan, Shadowmoon Clan, and Shattered Hand Clan will make an appearance.
- Kargath led the Shattered Hand Clan out of slavery and chopped off his own arm to do so.
- Grommash will play a major role in the story to come. Will his anger get the best of him?
- Kilrogg Deadeye leads the dark shamanistic Bleeding Hollow Clan, which is located in the jungle that becomes Hellfire.


- Lots of opportunities to create new creatures.
- Dragonfly mount.


- There will be an expansion introduction similar to the Death Knight starting experience.
- Launch event will set up a suicide mission, Dark Portal will turn red.
- After into, Horde go to Frostfire Ride, a Tundra with volcanoes. You meet up with the Frostwolf Clan and help them defeat the Thunderlord Clan.
- After intro, Alliance go to Shadowmoon Valley, where it is always night time. You save Karabor (Black Temple) and turn it into your main city. Home of the Shadowmoon Orc Clan.
- Gorgrond has lots of steam vents that are being capped to power the Iron Horde war machine. Blackrock Foundry is one of the raids in WoD.
- Talador has a much larger Shattrath city and Auchindoun before it was destroyed. Auchindoun is a dungeon in WoD.

New Player Models

- New models have lots of facial detail, teeth, tongues, smiles, and animations.


- Build your own base on Draenor, WoW version of Housing.
- Your friends can come and see it, trade resources.
- Collect followers and send them on missions. Name them!
- Customize your base. Pick the zone and buildings
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Still no Emerald Dream

You suck Blizzard :mad:. Returning to Outland sounds cool though. I like the Skeksis.
Tiggy, bear... what's next? Rabbit race and Christopher Robin and a raid, where you have to defeat giant bee, keeping the big jar of honey?

It's becoming World of Winnie the Pooh :)
There's going to be massive community outrage if they pull another Cataclysm. Just sayin'.

Tiggy, bear... what's next? Rabbit race and Christopher Robin and a raid, where you have to defeat giant bee, keeping the big jar of honey?

It's becoming World of Winnie the Pooh :)

+1. Would read again!
Tiggy, bear... what's next? Rabbit race and Christopher Robin and a raid, where you have to defeat giant bee, keeping the big jar of honey?

Or the dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they spit bees at you!
Fuck, now I have to play again.

I hate my life.
The Opening Ceremony has Started!
Stay tuned for updates as they happen.!?page=5#comments

Update 2:37 PM EST: Pardo is talking about Hillsbrad and Southshore, Onyxia, and other things from Vanilla. Next the Dark Portal, AQ Gate opening, Corrupted Blood and other fun shared experiences.
Update 2:40 PM EST: Chris Metzen is here to talk about the next chapter of WoW
Update 2:42 PM EST: The team has been thinking about the early days with the first Blizzard games.
Update 2:43 PM EST: Many WoW players never got to see the early Blizzard games or earlier Warcraft story.
Update 2:44 PM EST: Draenor produced some of the biggest villains of Warcraft, but the races of Azeroth came together to stop them.
Update 2:47 PM EST: The dark days from the early Warcraft are coming again and will be the Alliance's finest hour.
Update 2:52 PM EST: The Warlords of Draenor trailer is playing
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So is this new expansion set in Outland ? Or in a new continent done in a sort of 'Outland' theme ?

Its Draenor, outland i think was a small fragment of the draenor. So there will probably some similar zones, I hope more info is revealed on the WoW panel.
From what I'm's the second part of your question.

The new map of Draenor has a couple of zones with the same names from Outland; Shadowmoon and Negrand. Will be interesting to see them revamped :)
Is it just me or does Chilton look like a stereotypical rapist?

12:35PM So we're going to a new world called old Draenor
12:36PM this is not an Outland rework
12:39PM Seven new zones, definitely not Outland. Draenor before it was shattered into Outland. There to defeat the iron horde.
12:40PM A map! Looks very Outland-y
12:42PM Talador will be an alliance city, the horde will go to frost fire ridge
12:44PM some hidden zones still on the map for future patches
12:48PM Frostwolf clan, Shadowmoon clan, Shattered Hand clan are listed as the groups running the various zones, as part of the iron horde. Blackrock too!
12:50PM Grommash as the head of the Warsong Clan, will be important in story
12:53PM They're going for big creatures it seems
12:53PM Sabreon, cat-like race, and dragonflies will be mounts!
12:54PM Return to the Dark Portal, introductory experience, will feel similar to the DK experence. Launch event will set this up in Blasted Lands
1:08PM A big focus on maintaining the look of the characters, while massively increasing fidelity, as well as adding facial expression. Emphasis on the work done.
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World of Warcraft: What's Next


- Garrosh will be put on trial and escape before a verdict. He is going back in time, altering the current timeline slightly.
- Garrosh's goal is to stop the Orcs from drinking the blood of Mannoroth and building the Iron Horde using technology from the present.
- The end of this expansion is going to spill over into the next one. Many more expansions are lined up now.


- Homeworld of the Orcs, heart of the Draeni, lots of giants, seven new zones.
- The Iron Horde is here to take an army into Azeroth and your job is to stop them.
- Grommash has united the Orc clans.
- The Alliance will defend Karabor (Black Temple) and make it their main city this expansion.
- The Horde will defend the Bladespire Citadel and make it their main city this expansion.
- Catacylsm changed up the zones, but WoD zones are rebuilt from scratch, not just modifying Outland.
- Azeroth has had many different empires over time, but Draenor is a more savage world with just the Oger empire.
- Netherstorm will be used in a future patch, not at launch.
- The Frostwolf Clan, Shadowmoon Clan, and Shattered Hand Clan will make an appearance.
- Kargath led the Shattered Hand Clan out of slavery and chopped off his own arm to do so.
Wait, so it's another "come back from the future to stop events that would happen if we would not come into the past"? Meh, that's got old first time. I guess, it's good for me... not tempted to come back

And for those who stay in WoW, I'm not sure the auto 90 level will be beneficial - will bring some people who just get their character to 90 on their first time in WoW, and what any MMO need is more people that don't know how to play their class/role
Any hint of a release date ? Maybe this Spring ? Or not until Fall 2014 ?

Or beta start ?
Any hint of a release date ? Maybe this Spring ? Or not until Fall 2014 ?

Or beta start ?

So far no, my speculation would be summer release. I see beta happening in the spring. This just MY speculation. They'll probably leave that info for the end of the panel.
Any hint of a release date ? Maybe this Spring ? Or not until Fall 2014 ?

Or beta start ?

I've seen just 2014 for now.

MorgotPI said:
Wait, so it's another "come back from the future to stop events that would happen if we would not come into the past"? Meh, that's got old first time. I guess, it's good for me... not tempted to come back

And for those who stay in WoW, I'm not sure the auto 90 level will be beneficial - will bring some people who just get their character to 90 on their first time in WoW, and what any MMO need is more people that don't know how to play their class/role

Eh, let's not be that negative. The story does indeed sound very cool, especially listening to it live from Metzen's mouth.
- The end of this expansion is going to spill over into the next one. Many more expansions are lined up now.

I can feel the love. Good news though, but I don't know if I can handle coming back... again.
Cataclysm just destroyed the fun for me, MoP only partially brought me back.

I guess the key is figuring out how to balance constantly needing to learn new skills for work, exercise, gaming and everything else I have to deal with.
Am I crazy, or did the sound just get clear...? I've been hearing background noise and cheering the whole time, now it's just quiet, and I can only hear

I can feel the love. Good news though, but I don't know if I can handle coming back... again.
Cataclysm just destroyed the fun for me, MoP only partially brought me back.

I guess the key is figuring out how to balance constantly needing to learn new skills for work, exercise, gaming and everything else I have to deal with.

For sure, but it looks much more interesting to me, and I thought MoP was'll be tough to balance everything.
Lmao @ the animations, they look fantastic! Esp the dwarf strut when walking.

These models looks very good, exciting.
I quit before MoP and can't really see jumping back in with the current subscription setup. Hopefully they will change it up in the future.
The garrison's look great, and there's so much customization. Look rather large though, wonder how it'll all work with plot points in the real world.
The garrison's look great, and there's so much customization. Look rather large though, wonder how it'll all work with plot points in the real world.

If I had to guess, similar to the farm plot in MoP.
The Adventure guide looks very good as well. Logical path/gear progression. Some of this stuff feels like it's overdue, and very welcome for sure.
Dammit, I'm getting excited. The wife is going to want a new machine. :/
I hope they turn the graphics up a notch, starting to get excited about WOW again.
I posted this over at Anandtech, but I haven't yet seen it mentioned here:

From a blue post: "We're adding some fun new stats to gear, such as Movement Speed and Cleave, which gives you a chance to do extra damage or healing to additional nearby targets. In addition, we'll be retiring a few stats that players don't find very enjoyable to manage, such as Hit and Expertise."

On one hand, EZ-mode much?

On the other hand, it will be nice to not have to worry about it...