Would you pay $1000 for a video card?

holy butt-sechs batman!

i just ordered one for my spare p3 733mhz file server maybe it will make my pr0n uploads faster!

i might pick up a spare as a keychain or something since it is so cheap
"can someone from [H] inquire to why exactly newegg feels the need to price this card at $300 more than ZZF?"

Because they can and people pay. I always check ZZF for prices on stuff before I order from Newegg. Newegg is not always the lowest anymore. If I'm really serious about saving even more $ I'll check other places, but usually it comes down to Newegg or ZZF.
check directron.com too..they have some insane prices sometimes...
warehouse prices..woohoo
Current exchange in pounds....roughly £550 ish.....if it was next gen then yes without a second thought.
but see, I wouldn't pay $500 for a gaming video card, either.

Now.. high end, render farm hardware, such as a $1700 quadro? Yes.
But I think people who pay $500 for their radeon so halflife 2 can give them 90fps instead of 60fps are morons..

Of course, I do *sell* them

The most I've ever paid for a video card is $250, and I feel like that was even edging on too much
There were people paying over $999 when he X800 Phantom Edition came out. So this isn't odd to see someone to pay that price. I always stick with the MSRP and will never go above it :)
Laforge said:
But I think people who pay $500 for their radeon so halflife 2 can give them 90fps instead of 60fps are morons..

Unlikely someone would put down that much for one game.....and even if they did why call them morons? If they have the cash can they not spend it as they wish?
Well i wouldn't pay 1000, but i'd pay like 250-350 once it gets down that far. As long as you don't need it RIGHT now, you can just wait for the prices to drop. They always do eventually.
Wait a year or so and we'll be able to upgrade our systems at half the prices (or less) we see now for mb and video cards or at least a lot less. May not be cutting edge, but still will be better...
Laforge said:
but see, I wouldn't pay $500 for a gaming video card, either.

Now.. high end, render farm hardware, such as a $1700 quadro? Yes.
But I think people who pay $500 for their radeon so halflife 2 can give them 90fps instead of 60fps are morons..

Why would you put a badass card in a headless render-farm box? I could see it on an animator's desk but not in a farm...
Not for a X850XT PE- but for two 6800GT/Us that would stomp the X850XT PE flat.....
Wait until the ATi Radeon xx00xtpe R528 l33t Hemi edition comes out. Core 610/650 mem, just like the real hemi. ATi and diamler/Chrysler have partnered up to bring this l33t card. When you buy a new 528 crate hemi motor for about 15,000 you get this free video card.

Actual Price on net= Well you might as well buy the crate hemi.
Superfly3176 said:
Wait until the ATi Radeon xx00xtpe R528 l33t Hemi edition comes out. Core 610/650 mem, just like the real hemi. ATi and diamler/Chrysler have partnered up to bring this l33t card. When you buy a new 528 crate hemi motor for about 15,000 you get this free video card.

Actual Price on net= Well you might as well buy the crate hemi.
Ha! That made me crack up! It's actually a pretty good idea too. You're in marketing?
The R520 Series is going to own. I just hope upon release the "high end" card will offer 2 GPUs standard and 1GB of memory. I would pay 1000$ for it upon release.
They haven't sold a single card since this thread started and they cut the price an unprecented $100!!!

Ha! That made me crack up! It's actually a pretty good idea too. You're in marketing?

No, I thought of it a couple weeks ago with the whole r520 thing. Even constructed the base model out of cardboard.
i say no. unless yo pay me $1000 i'll do it.
seems to me you could get 2 6800 ultras for that price and walk all over that card...

Id say thats price gouging...they probely on have like 2 instock... lol
PuckerFactor said:
LOL...yeah Newegg is boneing us hardcore at $999....and then they go for the reach-around and charge $9 shipping....amazing!

exactly why i dont shop with them anymore...kinda like there $1200 FX55 and they still wanted 6.99 shipping!

go monarchcomputer!!!!! No sales tax, and most of there stuff is free ground!

I really feel rapped when i order somethign, pay CA state tax, then is gets shipped form jesery without notice and take 4 days longer.....by the time you know its comming jesery, its too late to cancel!
USMC2Hard4U said:
The R520 Series is going to own. I just hope upon release the "high end" card will offer 2 GPUs standard and 1GB of memory. I would pay 1000$ for it upon release.
try reading a bit on the R580 ....
Rob94hawk said:
Talk about getting your wallet raped!

X850XTPE @ Newegg for $999!!

And it's not even the 512MB version either. I just don't get it

Update: I emailed Newegg just to see what the story is on why they would price a card so high and here is their response:

I think this is more than a fluctuation. It's flat out price gouging.

Supply and demand. When your top dog you get away with it.
Not right, but a Ferrari or BMW should not cost what they do but people are willing to pay the price for the best.
I don't think bmw's are all that great. Ferrari's yes, BMW's no. I've seen some nice luxury domestics at alot less for what you pay for. A loaded SSEi Bonneville being one, Buicks, etc. etc.

I just dont think they are worth it. Wouldn't it be nice if a 3rd or 4th Graphics card company got into the game? I'm not talking just a little bit, im talking huge. It would be constant competition and better for us.
The card itself isn't worth the price and second there aren't enough good games on the PC to justify buying a top end card anymore. This X800 XT PE is the last top of the line card I will ever buy again unless PC gaming gets a huge influx of nice games (which I doubt will happen).
MFZ said:
The card itself isn't worth the price and second there aren't enough good games on the PC to justify buying a top end card anymore. This X800 XT PE is the last top of the line card I will ever buy again unless PC gaming gets a huge influx of nice games (which I doubt will happen).

Agreed. X800XT / X800XLs are the cards to get (if none of the X850s are a reasonable price). X800XTs are right around $400 and the XL is just now finally starting to see reasonable light of day @ $300.

As for $899? Give me 2 6800Us instead :rolleyes:

Newegg still pwns tho :D Their refurb section is a gift from God, seriously!
MFZ said:
The card itself isn't worth the price and second there aren't enough good games on the PC to justify buying a top end card anymore. This X800 XT PE is the last top of the line card I will ever buy again unless PC gaming gets a huge influx of nice games (which I doubt will happen).

Agreed, with a great lineup of mid class cards, i cant justifiy it either...

although i still plan on getting a secound 6800GT when they get cheaper...
MFZ said:
The card itself isn't worth the price and second there aren't enough good games on the PC to justify buying a top end card anymore. This X800 XT PE is the last top of the line card I will ever buy again unless PC gaming gets a huge influx of nice games (which I doubt will happen).

Fix your sig. :rolleyes:
xXaNaXx said:
hell no, there's no way i'd pay that much for a video card unless it was a high-end card used for professional purposes (CAD, 3DSMax, TV production, etc.).

i'm actually starting to regret my decision to pay $370 & change 1yr 4mths. ago for the card i have now (GF FX 5900 Ultra).....i'll probably be upgrading soon, and will be getting a 6600GT to replace it, for half the price, and about double the performance (not to mention the HDTV outputs).

unless i strike it rich, i will most likely never buy the "top of the line" again.....they just get outdated too fast to spend $350+ every 1 - 1.5 yrs. (nowadays, more like $450+, and it seems like that number just keeps climbing.... :( )

why are you complaining?

we pay anything from $800-1200 for a 6800gt or ultra here in australia

$350ish for a 6600gt
Oooooh! It's down by $200. And did you read the review by some unnamed clown that says it was worth the $1000?!!? He got ripped off.
It's a test of the market... I think they are just seeing how many they can sell at that price so they can finally gouge at the highest return. Ever wonder why their price fluctuates from day to day? :(