Worst MMO.


Oct 1, 2001
I thought it would be interesting to see which MMO you guy think is the crap of the crap.

Dark and Light.
Sky15 said:
I thought it would be interesting to see which MMO you guy think is the crap of the crap.

SWG:NGE <----- QFT :(
Dark and Light.

SOE sucks :(
WoW really sucks because all my friends are playing it and I cannot because it will probably kill my grades.
Generic Asian Grind-cycle.

Put whatever name you want on it. It's the same treadmill. and there's a lot of them. But are they actually bad games? Tough to say since they're wildly popular.
Auto Assault
Guild Wars
Anything other than WoW
kelbear said:
Generic Asian Grind-cycle.

Put whatever name you want on it. It's the same treadmill. and there's a lot of them. But are they actually bad games? Tough to say since they're wildly popular.

Lol, like the 1 billion linage 2 clones, that are F2P.
any ''free'' mmo that encourage you to buy stuff in their online shop!
WoW is teh suxorz--quest quest quest!!! Like OMGzzz I just want to instance wth mah peeps all up in dat shit aight? Ya heard--shit?

Anyways, I actually hated WoW. I liked PSO a lot--and FF series--and I want a Mech MMORPG
Tylerdurdened said:
Auto Assault
Guild Wars
Anything other than WoW
Nothing wrong with GW
reason: - does not interfere with your social life
- no subscription
- once you get the taste of Gw you want more and could go to bigger MMO's
I've played WoW and loved it.

Guild Wars, DDO, and Eve-Online all seemed to suck in comparison.
Earth and Beyond.... Made by... guess who??? EA!
Yea and they shut that game down due to lack of profit...
Onslaught said:
Earth and Beyond.... Made by... guess who??? EA!
Yea and they shut that game down due to lack of profit...

did they offer refund of the game for people who bought it? i hope they did... imagine a game you need to pay to play ... and you cant..

Sky15 said:
I thought it would be interesting to see which MMO you guy think is the crap of the crap.


Yeah SOE butchered SWG, it went from a game with a unique system with a bright future, to another run of the mill game similiar to WoW that had nothing right. DAMN SOE
Gotta go with Lineage 2. You people who say WoW is a grindfest with no content haven't seen anything if you've not seen Lineage or Lineage 2. Holy jumping fucking shitballs that game was ridiculous.
WoW - cause of the f-a-n-b-o-y-s and first time MMO players claiming it to be the best even though they have never played any other MMO.

If you have no idea what i'm talking about, then you haven't explored the world of MMO's
krameriffic said:
Gotta go with Lineage 2. You people who say WoW is a grindfest with no content haven't seen anything if you've not seen Lineage or Lineage 2. Holy jumping fucking shitballs that game was ridiculous.

QFT. don't complain about ANY grinding problems in ANY MMORPG until you played Lineage 2. At least the grinding WoW isn't killing monsters for 1-2 weeks straight only to gain 1 level and then die once to lose a half of it.

Well, I'm exaggerating on losing half of it when you die but the grind does take that long, post 70s, 8-10 hours of grinding a day will get you anywhere from 1-4%. This goes on until lvl 78. Dying once will be a waste of that 8-10 hours.
And yet that formula works! So many people find themselves enjoying that sort of thing.

For these games it's not about having fun on the long long journey, the fun comes when you've reached your destination and look back on how much you suffered to get there(and then set out for the level/item). In the meantime you turn into a vegetable and "work" for a reward.

MMOs really ought to have a goal of making the game fun to play, and have all the rest of the gameplay mechanics tuned to meet that ultimate goal. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like some MMOs aren't trying to be fun, just "epic" (but they really mean long and slow).
for me, that reward for obtaining the item was more so in winning the battle and seeing areas of the game I wouldn't have before, if the game makers take their time and put in some really snazy shit then I feel it was worth the time

I'll use EQ for example since it seems everyone and their mother played this game, first expantion really didn't offer much in the realm of seeing cool shit till later, seeing the dragons was cool and all but their residence was ... bland at most, seeing them though was fairly bad ass! come pof, poh (coolest old world zone!) and poair was really a treat, FEAR was crazy with its oversized objects and walls of fire, hate was cool cause it really reminded me of some B-rated horror movie set in a fictional town, and air was cool because you were on floating islands hooked together by chains. I could go on through the expantions but everytime I got up there and got to see the cool new shit and experience the different looking zones I was very pleased and held no regrets.
i have to throw in my vote for SWG as well. For all of those that complain that EA is a profit whore, SOE is just as bad. Releasing expansion after expansion and not fixing what was there first. At least Blizzard put some serious polish on their game before releasing Burning Crusade, I have high hopes for it. And it doesn't seem half hearted like the SWG expansions...extra levels, new races, new shtuff...SWG expos had it, but it really was just a grphics change. Hardley means anything anymore.
mmo's with aspects i hate:

wow for all the tards that play it.
all korean/asian mmo's for the grindfest and same old shit race-wise.
eq2 for it being insanely bland looking and not having any sort of soul.
guild wars and d&d online for being completely instanced (i give guild wars props for no fee and not quite being an mmo)
eve-online (sort of) for as much as you play there will be players that are like gods to you (guys that have been playing since almost launch) and being a bit too boring for me (more cerebral than i like)
city of heroes/villains for lots of tedious repetition

i just don't like mmo's much any more...
Onslaught said:
Earth and Beyond.... Made by... guess who??? EA!
Yea and they shut that game down due to lack of profit...

I thought Earth and Beyond was pretty fun. EA didn't make it, Westwood did... and Westwood was doing a good job supporting it UNTIL.... EA bought out Westwood, moved their Earth and Beyond support and updates to EA, and most of the original Westwood people that worked on the project left. Game went downhill fast after that...

Good ol EA....

Worst MMO?

Horizons. Oh... my... god.... that game sucked.
Star Wars Galaxies takes a close 2nd.
Trimlock said:

If you have no idea what i'm talking about, then you haven't explored the world of MMO's
I miss my little Lugian rock chucker. :(
FFXI. Mega grindfest, overrun with chinese money farmers making inflation insane, arrogant US players, and snotty better than you japanese players. I never wanted to re-atomic bomb japan so much after playing that game. It's sad I played it for 1.5 years before I quit.
Astral Abyss said:
I thought Earth and Beyond was pretty fun. EA didn't make it, Westwood did... and Westwood was doing a good job supporting it UNTIL.... EA bought out Westwood, moved their Earth and Beyond support and updates to EA, and most of the original Westwood people that worked on the project left. Game went downhill fast after that...

Good ol EA....

I beta tested Earth & Beyond... it was fun in Beta. You're absolutely correct.... Westwood was supporting it like it should have been... once EA got control... all sorts of "typical" EA crap ruined the game. You'd think they'd learn from their mistakes... I kind of understand why they seperated EA from EA sports... they didn't want EA's reputation screwing up ALL their markets, so they made a seperate division... EA Sports. It's still EA.... it's still shit. :rolleyes:
Banyan said:
city of heroes/villains for lots of tedious repetition

You're right about this. That game starts out incredibly fun because it's so much different in terms of playstyle and character setup from other MMOs. It's such a wonderful feeling to get travel powers for the first time, but not long after you reach level 30 do you realize that everything that makes the game fun and unique in the lower levels makes it suck later on.
Lineage 2
RF Online
City of Heroes
Ragnarok Online

I love how people say world of warcraft is an unbearable grind..
Just play Lineage 2.. play RF Online.. hell play any Korean MMO.

There's a reason why WoW owns more than 50% of the mmo market.
Tons of quests, option to solo grind, option to party and tackle instances.
You feel like you are progressing as you are leveling..

Yes its not perfect.. pvp sucks.. raiding sucks.. but they got a lot of things right.
bildad said:
FFXI. Mega grindfest, overrun with chinese money farmers making inflation insane, arrogant US players, and snotty better than you japanese players. I never wanted to re-atomic bomb japan so much after playing that game. It's sad I played it for 1.5 years before I quit.
Eve-online is more of a cerebral game though imho, and if your the type who likes the hack and slash type of online gaming, then it will be boring. Alot of people like it BECAUSE it's not like the rest in alot of respects..It's a game that lets you relax if you want to and to gain cash/power/skills however slow or as fast as you want it.
City of heroes isn't too bad but it's entirely correct that it gets repetitive at the higher levels. More of an occasional mmo to play honestly. Has a fantastic character maker though.
Tried EQ1 and 2, and while they were fun in their own respects, they lost their appeal after awhile. (took a long while for eq1...lol).
SWG felt like it was designed by a drunk chimpanzee after they "Upgraded" it. Was barely a decent game before that though. It could have been much, much more fun if it had been designed and made good right from the start.
Tried AC1, and AO, but just couldn't get into them in their first generations. Haven't tried the enhanced/upgraded versions yet but really no interest in them atm..
UO was fun till the PvP'ers, then the developers wrecked it.
Currently playing WoW mainly, and having fun soloing characters up to 60 or at least till i can find a guild that raids in my time frame after i get off work. (late night)
Lineage 1 is a game i never really got the hang of. Very minimal classes and character development, and it wasn't really great graphic wise. My brother loved it, even when much better mmo's were out there. So much for taste.. :)
Wish they'd make a pirate mmo with ship battles, town sackings, ect. Would take alot of work to make it right, but could be fun if done correctly.
Does it seem weird that the best games out there seem to be the ones that take input from the prospective player base, rather than what the developers think we want?
Tetrahedron said:
WoW - cause of the f-a-n-b-o-y-s and first time MMO players claiming it to be the best even though they have never played any other MMO.
