Need one? Tired of trying key after key to find that they're all used? Shoot me a PM/AIM with your email adress and I'll mail you a new one that is guarantee'd to be unused!
Ok everyone, I've got plenty of keys to go around:
I currently have: 13 GUEST PASS (TRIAL) KEYS
10 linked to 2 seperate accounts, 3 unlinked keys (I believe the 3 are unlinked at least)
For a LINKED key please pm me your valid email address and you will recieve an invite key within 24 hours. These keys are good for 10 days of play time, with some limitations. You can not exceed level 20 while on a trial key, and certain features of the game are limited. However, linked trial keys have the benefit of 300% exp gain if adventuring with your recruiter. I am open to some quick leveling!
For an UNLINKED trial key you may take one of the following, first come, first serve.
For a scroll of resurrection 10 day pass, you must be a previous subscribed owner of a World of Warcraft account that has been inactive for at least 90 days. These keys give your account full access to Burning Crusade content for the full 10 days, and you will be able to play any of your characters as if you were paying for the duration of the 10 days. I have 10 of these resurrection keys, pm me the email address registered with your World of Warcraft account and you will recieve a resurrection invitation shortly.