Ok, I installed the first client and I swear the thing >>>IS<<< UD. Even says powered by UD and all that. Same install near as I can tell.
Problem is this is a dual core notebook and WCG was only using one core. So I tried the BONIC client..... BONIC installed with 2x SETI instances be default (for me anyways). So I removed the SETI projects and installed a WCG instance- cool. However the thing will only let me install 1x WCG instance.
Anyone know how to use this BONIC shit? I've used it a few times, all in all it's sucks Moose ass but... I'm guessing just attach to another project but...
"Partial" list of projects below from that link.
Climateprediction.net http://climateprediction.net
SETI@home http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
Leiden Classical http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/
uFluids@home http://www.ufluids.net/
Spinhenge@home http://spin.fh-bielefeld.de/
Einstein@home http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/
Quantum Monte Carlo at Home http://qah.uni-muenster.de/
LHC@home http://lhcathome.cern.ch/
Mathematics and strategy games
SZTAKI Desktop Grid http://szdg.lpds.sztaki.hu/szdg/
PrimeGrid http://www.primegrid.com
Riesel Sieve http://boinc.rieselsieve.com/
Chess960@home http://www.chess960athome.org/alpha/
Rectilinear Crossing Number http://dist.ist.tugraz.at/cape5/
ABC@home http://abcathome.com/
Biology and Medicine
Predictor@home http://predictor.scripps.edu
World Community Grid http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/
SIMAP http://boinc.bio.wzw.tum.de/boincsimap/
Rosetta@home http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
Tanpaku http://issofty17.is.noda.tus.ac.jp/
Proteins@Home http://biology.polytechnique.fr/proteinsathome
Malariacontrol.net http://www.malariacontrol.net
Problem is this is a dual core notebook and WCG was only using one core. So I tried the BONIC client..... BONIC installed with 2x SETI instances be default (for me anyways). So I removed the SETI projects and installed a WCG instance- cool. However the thing will only let me install 1x WCG instance.
Anyone know how to use this BONIC shit? I've used it a few times, all in all it's sucks Moose ass but... I'm guessing just attach to another project but...
"Partial" list of projects below from that link.
Climateprediction.net http://climateprediction.net
SETI@home http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/
Leiden Classical http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/
uFluids@home http://www.ufluids.net/
Spinhenge@home http://spin.fh-bielefeld.de/
Einstein@home http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/
Quantum Monte Carlo at Home http://qah.uni-muenster.de/
LHC@home http://lhcathome.cern.ch/
Mathematics and strategy games
SZTAKI Desktop Grid http://szdg.lpds.sztaki.hu/szdg/
PrimeGrid http://www.primegrid.com
Riesel Sieve http://boinc.rieselsieve.com/
Chess960@home http://www.chess960athome.org/alpha/
Rectilinear Crossing Number http://dist.ist.tugraz.at/cape5/
ABC@home http://abcathome.com/
Biology and Medicine
Predictor@home http://predictor.scripps.edu
World Community Grid http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/
SIMAP http://boinc.bio.wzw.tum.de/boincsimap/
Rosetta@home http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
Tanpaku http://issofty17.is.noda.tus.ac.jp/
Proteins@Home http://biology.polytechnique.fr/proteinsathome
Malariacontrol.net http://www.malariacontrol.net