Wolfenstein Youngblood Announced


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
B.J. Blazkowicz's twin daughters are on the prowl in Paris in the 1980s and is a Co-Op gameplay experience that will be out in 2019.

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Will be meh. The second game lost what made new order so magical.
I'm torn on this. I want more Wolfenstein but, goddamn, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus was a fucking horrible game. I don't care what the [H]ard consensus is about the game or what reviewers say, it was fucking stupid and a step back from the previous two games (TNO and TOB) in nearly every way. Completely uninspired with a nice sprinkling of white hate on top of it all in between Blazkowicz's nonstop crying.

Very much a 4 out of 10 game for me on a good day. Considering this is just DLC though I expect more crappiness. Meh.
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I'm torn. I want more but, goddamn, Wolfenstein 2 was a fucking horrible game. I don't care what the [H]ard consensus is about this game or what reviewers say, it was fucking stupid, a step back from the previous two games in nearly every way, and completely uninspired. A 4 out of 10 on a good day.

Anyone who isn't a game 'journalist' generally disliked two for many various reasons. 'Journalists' loved it though largely because fuck you.
Anyone who isn't a game 'journalist' generally disliked two for many various reasons. 'Journalists' loved it though largely because fuck you.

No, get it right. "Journalists" loved it though largely because kick back $$$$$.

Most people know what frauds gaming journalists are.
I thought 2 was okay..... not great.. alittle short.. but okay

Not sure how to take this one.. we will see how it turns out thou.
Pass, burned out on nazis and robotic nazi-like things.
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Yea for gender equality in gaming.


AT the very least - they are not "remaking the story" (aka Ghostbusters)

I HONESTLY think Ghostbusters would have been better had they did something like this... instead of that silly remake.
Hell yea, his daughters are on the prowl, and in Paris of all places. Wait a minute. **Flash Back**

OMG no. NO NO NO NO. GOD NO. I take it back, no game please.
I'm always enthused when an action game has a woman protagonist in it. Just saying....
This could be good if they go back to the game play in the first one.
so is this what's cool now? Every single game now has a female lead? It was nice at first seeing some game going that direction but now that every game is doing it.... just feels like it's being shoved down my throat. What's the goal here? Try to make me feel bad that as a guy, I want my character to be the badass robot nazi killer I wish I could be? Too much to ask for a choice of who you want to play as?

Of course if I stand up and say "hey, I want my character to be a dude because I'm a dude" the SJW brigade will show up and do whatever it is they do when not living with their parents. From what I'm seeing these days whenever you start off a game with the idea "we need a female lead character because everyone else is doing it" that's just a shit design process right there.

Love me some wolfenstein -- and gender stuff aside, this doesn't even look 1/2 good.
only interested if they are lesbians. which they might be due to that sjw edgy that wolfenstein has become. thats irony.
So many people likely agree with this. I know I do! Hell, I'd love just a buffed up remaster of that if nothing else.
The age of the game will probably keep a remaster from seeing the light of day, but we can always dream about it.
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I don't have a problem with this. Cautious optimism though, based on New Colossus being just okay compared to New Order, which was amazing.
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so is this what's cool now? Every single game now has a female lead? It was nice at first seeing some game going that direction but now that every game is doing it.... just feels like it's being shoved down my throat. What's the goal here? Try to make me feel bad that as a guy, I want my character to be the badass robot nazi killer I wish I could be? Too much to ask for a choice of who you want to play as?

Of course if I stand up and say "hey, I want my character to be a dude because I'm a dude" the SJW brigade will show up and do whatever it is they do when not living with their parents. From what I'm seeing these days whenever you start off a game with the idea "we need a female lead character because everyone else is doing it" that's just a shit design process right there.

Love me some wolfenstein -- and gender stuff aside, this doesn't even look 1/2 good.

That goes both ways, although I would assume the female playerbase is in the minority in this case. I am surprised they didnt go with a 50/50 split though.
This game will be another shitshow.

I would have preferred a sequel to RTCW or something with similar gameplay and level design.

RTCW was easily the best in the entire "Wolfenstein" line, including the original for the Apple ][. Amazing single player campaign, fun team based multiplayer, oh and no politics (short of murdering zwillions of evil nazis).

Again, they know by now that jamming a one sided sociological/political view down our throats is resulting in anger and low sales. Anybody here who has sat through a freshman level marketing class could think this through. These games are being gutted and destroyed because whoever is in control of them CAN ruin them and is enjoying doing it. We play video games to get a break from the insane world we live in, and now video games are just as insane.. whoop dee doo.
so is this what's cool now? Every single game now has a female lead? It was nice at first seeing some game going that direction but now that every game is doing it.... just feels like it's being shoved down my throat

Exactly my thought. I get trying to be more inclusive or accommodating for female gamers. But come on! Male gamers still outweigh the female crowd by a good portion, especially with action games. I don't want to envision myself kicking nazi ass as one of two female twins. Why would you not have twins that are one male and one female at the very least!?
Probably not gonna be interested. New Colossus was so dark and depressing not to mention stupid that I stopped playing maybe 1/2 way into it and have has no desire to finish it. Wolfenstein games have been some of my all time favorite games (Return to Wolfenstein being the best) but they've lost their way in my opinion. I don't want to play a game that makes me want to go hang myself while listening to a Sarah McLoughlin record.
Probably not gonna be interested. New Colossus was so dark and depressing not to mention stupid that I stopped playing maybe 1/2 way into it and have has no desire to finish it. Wolfenstein games have been some of my all time favorite games (Return to Wolfenstein being the best) but they've lost their way in my opinion. I don't want to play a game that makes me want to go hang myself while listening to a Sarah McLoughlin record.
Only 1/2 way through? It got worse!
I'm cautiously optimistic because I really enjoy the modern Wolfenstein setting and features, but I felt The New Colossus was sadly a step back from The New Order / The Old Blood in many ways. Many gameplay and technical elements didn't hold together quite as well (ie the reused corridors and the missions t hat required going back to old, limited maps, and the lack of real bosses at the end. There were some nice set pieces now and then, but they were window dressing ) while thematically I think it fell a bit flat outside of some neat elements. Note I did NOT think it was "SJW" inspired, anti-white, or anything like that - the story and gameplay did not support it - but it simply just wasn't as strong a story and game as it could have been. Sadly, the DLC was a low point as well using a lot of "samey" environments and content, everything reused without really breaking any new ground and the story elements were paper thin.

However, I do think the series has a fantastic environment and potential - I like the "fully realized alternate history" setting with even moon and venus bases, the mixture of the occult and ancient artifacts with advanced science. The New Order and The Old Blood showed how great things can be when they all line up, but it just seemed that there were some missteps both in story/characterization and design for The New Colossus. This does not dampen my spirits that Youngblood couldn't pick up the torch again and offer something equal or better to the first game in the series, in all respects.

However, assuming Youngblood is a "full" entry in the series and not a side story, I'm a bit surprised that not only are players ostensibly NOT controlling BJ and instead are playing he and Anya's children - both of them female at that. Especially given that BJ and Anya themselves are in good health at the end of TNC, this seems an odd choice. Playing as BJ is such an iconic character and has been at the core of the series for decades now, so it seems odd to replace him, if in fact he has been replaced. If they wanted to offer an option of a female playable character, I see no issue with this - players could be given the chance of BJ or Anya themselves I would think - they could each have new abilities or paths through the story perhaps, based on choices made along the way.

Implementing two entirely new characters in their children and making them both female seems an odd choice. I really hope they have a tremendous story to tell and major differentiation between both of the playable characters, to justify keeping them both female as opposed to writing them as a boy and a girl - another way to give players a choice to choose the playable gender of their choice. Much of the "controversy" about the last game I felt was overblown and inaccurate, but they have to know that dispensing with BJ himself (even if he was replaced by some other male character etc) would likely create fan outcry, but to not only make two new playable options but have them BOTH female - they must know that anything less than perfect execution will only seem to give ammunition to the "usual suspects" but will cause a lot more of the fanbase who would not usually listen to that element to give them some credence. I'll still look forward to a new Wolfenstein title, but frankly it seems they're making a big gamble just with the playable characters alone and I can't really see the potential payoff - maybe down the line when we know more. I can only hope for the best.