Wolfenstein the New Order: PC or PS4?


Jul 25, 2005
Normally it is a slam dunk to go with PC versions of games but in this case I am unsure. From my sig you can see I run with a Radeon 7870. I run PC games at 1080p.

My impression is that the PC on high settings has a small edge in visual quality but that I would get a more consistent 60 fps on PS4. So I am leaning toward PS4 at this point, even though I don't own a PS4 yet.
Why would you ever buy an FPS on a console if you have the option of PC?
LOL. Instead of spending $400 + $60 to play it on a PS4, you could spend $300 + $60 to get a new video card & play it on PC.

To increase your framerates, you could always turn down the settings to "match" the level of detail that would be on a PS4.
The ps4 gpu is about equivalent between a 7850/7870. So I don't see why the dilemma. The gpus are the same, you just have higher graphics settings on the PC. Pretend like you don't see the "ultra" settings when you play a PC game. Turn it to medium.
My understanding is that it is tough to get a stable 60 fps on the PC without screen tear. My concern is that this is a situation where one can't get the stable frame rate due to poor coding/optimization. Regardless of how powerful the PC is.
PC, I have no problems with the game at all. The game is capped at 60 FPS, runs smooth on my rig and I don't have any of the texture popping issues some other people have complained about.
For you better on PS4. Also you can sell it off once done which is not possible on PC so you can actually spend about 10 bucks and play the game and ebay it or something.
Also I love how people come in and say FPS on controller is unpossible. Pretty retarded to read such comments in this day and age when FPS on consoles has been virtually perfected for over a decade.
Also I love how people come in and say FPS on controller is unpossible. Pretty retarded to read such comments in this day and age when FPS on consoles has been virtually perfected for over a decade.

No one ever claimed it was impossible but the accuracy is not a good if you were to use a mouse. FPS requires precision that controllers can never do without handicaps. I'm not sure what you mean by perfected? Autoaim?
I have no issues pulling off headshots with a controller in an fps game. Yes most games have some sort of aim assist which implies that you can actually play competitive fps with a controller. Is it an experience similar to PC? The answer is yes it is comparable and should not sway a purchase decision, unless you really feel at a disadvantage whilst playing games with a controller or don't have sufficient practice. To say that no one should play FPS on a console (which was spirit of one of the comments posted above) is completely uninformed bias.

I play with both and have no problems with either scheme. Heck, I even played BF3 with a controller on PC just for shits and kicks and did decently.

P.S. This is an SP game. Controller vs. mouse doesn't matter. If you are OK with playing FPS games on a console then the obvious choice here is PS4.
If you have been wanting to get a PS4, I would just go for it. I have an Xbox One and have been gaming on that more than my PC nowadays. However, if you have been gaming heavily on your PC, I would just get the game and enjoy with what you have. :)
You can re-sell the PS4 version down the road which is a bonus.
I would just wait for Destiny
On a 7870, would it be possible to achieve a constant 60 fps without screen tearing? What graphics settings?
How about you take that 400 dollars you're going to spend on that PS4 and buy and good video card?
Have there been any patches released for the PC version yet? I've heard whisperings about a 5-10GB "day-one" patch, but I think that may be for the console version.

I'm waiting for at least a patch or two before I get it, wanting to enjoy it in polished splendor. Sounds like there are a number of bugs, issues, and poor optimizations, although driver issues sound like a key part of this.
Not to be an ass...

But coming from the 2400 baud tradewars age I cannot even fathom mouse and keyboard vs yellow helmet analog stick for an FPS.

Its capped at 60 fps.sliders set to 11 it will test the newest cards at 19x10.

Playing on a console those sliders won't even approach 11. (roofles or have the option to do much outside of turning autoaim on and off)

FPS = PC. Always.

Analog stick FPS gamers pay obama billions of dollars to keep us mouse folks from mudhole stomping the faithful shortbus console gamers.

Love em tho. Same way I love the performance isle at pep boys.
Not to be an ass...

But coming from the 2400 baud tradewars age I cannot even fathom mouse and keyboard vs yellow helmet analog stick for an FPS.

Its capped at 60 fps.sliders set to 11 it will test the newest cards at 19x10.

Playing on a console those sliders won't even approach 11. (roofles or have the option to do much outside of turning autoaim on and off)

FPS = PC. Always.

Analog stick FPS gamers pay obama billions of dollars to keep us mouse folks from mudhole stomping the faithful shortbus console gamers.

Love em tho. Same way I love the performance isle at pep boys.

Sure, whatever, you go! I do not play most PC games anymore because of the stupid motion sickness inducing motion blur and other such stuff. Also, no point in sitting in front of a monitor after doing that all day long.