Wolfenstein leaked Multiplayer footage, this does not look good

If the multiplayer is the same as the multiplayer in Return to Wolfenstein, I may have to buy this game. It was my favorite xbox game back in the day. I played it everyday for a whole summer.

Volt what was your nickname when playing Wolf on Xbox live? I played this game like crazy for 2 years!
the wolfenstein that came out in 2002 ish had GREAT multi-player. it really was better then so many other games. different classes. some classes could switch between several kinds guns that changed the game play. like the covert ops could be more like a sniper or more like a spy depending on the gun he chooses.

solider could be normal gun + extra ammo , bazooka , flame thrower or mortar.

team play was key to winning. getting on good servers with ventrilo makes it just like simple TFC WWII game.

i hope they only improve on their success from the past. maybe these videos are not really leaked like we are use to. maybe they truly are leaked early alpha testing. most of the leaked stuff we get is really planned release as part of marketing.
Dang guys, ZeniMax Media Inc. / Bethesda Softworks LLC. took down my videos today i guess it was because it was HD lol. Maybe they thought they were going to get good hype then now it turned for the worse so they started to delete some of the videos out there. Not sure. Just hope the final version is a lot better.
"... this does not look good." - Because the finished game will obviously look like that.:rolleyes::D Even if the graphics aren't Crysis, if the game-play owns, then that will hold my interest.

Hmm, I think it's only running DirectX 8.
How does the game sound? I personally love in Return to Castle Wolfenstein the sound of the Flame Thrower (*had that deep bass roar to it), and the explosions of grenades, and also the sound of the thompson and reloading all sounded awesome in Return to castle wolfenstein.

doesnt sound like the old flame thrower.. its actually kind of annoying.. also the guns sound like automatic air rifle guns.. you know the ones that shoot the plastic BB's..

also there is no thompson in the beta at least.. the only sub machine gun is the mp40.. honestly it really feels like there is a ton of stuff missing in the beta.. a lot of the weapons.. aka no experimental weapons are in the beta.. also there are only 3 classes.. and even a medic can carry a sniper rifle.. also the damage hits are all wrong in the beta.. me and a friend decided to try it out.. same weapons shooting the same exact spots on our body point blank switching off who shoots who.. first try took 3 shots to kill me.. second try took me 11 shots to kill him.. 3rd try took him 8 shots to kill me.. 4th try took me 3 shots to kill him.. and it just went back and forth like that.. really inconsistent..

right now the biggest thing that annoys me is that the servers can only hold 12 people.. and some of the maps are HUGE!.. im sure we all remember the crazy fun 64 player games in RTCW:ET.. so i really hope its not going to be 12 players only and that its just a lan thing or beta thing..
also there is no thompson in the beta at least.. the only sub machine gun is the mp40.. honestly it really feels like there is a ton of stuff missing in the beta.. a lot of the weapons.. aka no experimental weapons are in the beta.. also there are only 3 classes..

That's what I noticed, no thompsons. But I don't think it's missing.
Check the command prompt when it loads. The leaked "beta" is a very recent build. I doubt the retail will be significantly different.

They gave an interview and said they weren't putting all the experimental weapons in MP cause they were too powerful.

And yes, there are only 3 classes in the game. :rolleyes:

I still think the SP looks good. I loved RTCW's SP.
I haven't actually played the new Wolf MP game yet, just loaded it up to see how it feels, check out the graphics and designs of a few level, but I'm worried.
doesnt sound like the old flame thrower.. its actually kind of annoying.. also the guns sound like automatic air rifle guns.. you know the ones that shoot the plastic BB's..

also there is no thompson in the beta at least.. the only sub machine gun is the mp40.. honestly it really feels like there is a ton of stuff missing in the beta.. a lot of the weapons.. aka no experimental weapons are in the beta.. also there are only 3 classes.. and even a medic can carry a sniper rifle.. also the damage hits are all wrong in the beta.. me and a friend decided to try it out.. same weapons shooting the same exact spots on our body point blank switching off who shoots who.. first try took 3 shots to kill me.. second try took me 11 shots to kill him.. 3rd try took him 8 shots to kill me.. 4th try took me 3 shots to kill him.. and it just went back and forth like that.. really inconsistent..

right now the biggest thing that annoys me is that the servers can only hold 12 people.. and some of the maps are HUGE!.. im sure we all remember the crazy fun 64 player games in RTCW:ET.. so i really hope its not going to be 12 players only and that its just a lan thing or beta thing..

Hoping for some 64 player goodness also. I think if the game is set to release almost the way it is now then we are in trouble. Hopefully it isn't one of those games where you play it once and never play it again.
Everyone in this thread who critizes the graphics in the first video is ignorant.

http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1728761 " Nostradamus has leaked never before seen footage from the upcoming Wolfenstein release. The videos show ingame multiplayer action with a HIGH performance config, it also includes use of the veil and a walk through of one of the maps. "

most serious RTCW players had similar graphics settings mainly to get a gameplay advantage, some even removed the gun model so they could aim better, op is ignorant too because he misinformed many people in this forum even if he didn't really want to.
That's what I noticed, no thompsons. But I don't think it's missing.
Check the command prompt when it loads. The leaked "beta" is a very recent build. I doubt the retail will be significantly different.

They gave an interview and said they weren't putting all the experimental weapons in MP cause they were too powerful.

And yes, there are only 3 classes in the game. :rolleyes:

I still think the SP looks good. I loved RTCW's SP.
I haven't actually played the new Wolf MP game yet, just loaded it up to see how it feels, check out the graphics and designs of a few level, but I'm worried.

if it does get released in its current state.. ill probably end up waiting for the enemy territories expansion.. Id software would have to be dumb not to release an RTCW2:ET..