Wolfenstein Flashback


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The first time I played Castle Wolfenstein was in 1981 on an Apple II computer. I know, I am still ashamed of that, but it still was an extremely good time, and you could almost actually make out the Nazi's screaming out "Achtung!" And yes, we got in trouble for playing it during our Basic coding class. Sapphire Nation has a run-down of the Wolfenstein franchise that spans 36 years.

Check out the video.

The often forgotten first games in the series, developed by Silas Warner and originally released by Muse Software for the Apple 2. Very loosely inspired by the cinema classic The Guns of Navarrone (based on Alistair MacLean’s excellent book), they were released in a time when World War II games were few and far between. It featured a prisoner trying to escape the castle and steal important war plans. It is one of the games that established the Stealth genre and features careful resource management, stealing from guards (usually at gunpoint), finding keys that open doors and even the ability to use enemy disguises! Better still, the sequel from 1984 even added bribery and movable bodies.
"The first time I played Castle Wolfenstein was in 1981 on an Apple II computer. I know, I am still ashamed of that" Ya gotta use/play the tools ya got. I had to visit a friends school to play Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure

Nerd, and proud of it!
Dont forget the 'Halten SS' you could almost make out too.

pretty amazing considering the tech level.
Hahaha I too remember getting in trouble in BASIC class for playing this, and also Swashbuckler. Swashbuckler is probably why I jumped on Sid Meier's Pirates! when it came out. Not too long ago, it came up as like a $5 option on Steam so I snagged it and played through again. Still fun.
Huh, I didn't realize the franchise went so far back.

My first introduction to Wolfenstein was in the form of Wolenstein 3d on my 286 back in like ~1991?\\

Edit: From article I guess it was 1992.
I loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein and still play it from time to time. Also, Wolf: ET was just about my only favorite online game and even that is still playable. :)
I am a HUGE fan of the Wolfenstein series.

I grew up with a computer nerd of a father, so I got to play all the classic games, from Catacomb 3-D to Zork, but the one I played the most was Wolfenstein.

I still play through it at least once a year.
Wolfenstein (3D) was the first computer game (among the first games at all) I remember playing; on my dad's computer at his job no less *memories* :)
Wizardry was the first game I had on Apple ][ that I dedicated multiple floppy disks to. Choplifter was really cool; got a copy from a camp councilor at the computer camp I went to. We did not have a computer at that time so I would make my relatives take me to a computer store where I would pop in the disk and play for a while until the sales person kicked me out. Ahh, good times! Thanks for the memories, everyone!

But none of these can compare to LEMONADE STAND! LOL ;)
Some of my early PC game memories came from the likes of:

Sid Meier's Civilization:




Kings Quest:


Ports of Call:


Rick Dangerous II


Silent Service II


F15 Strike Eagle II

F-15 Strike Eagle II (U).png

...and a few more I'm not thinking of right now.

But yeah, wolfenstein was really neat, and I loved the sequel too.

Edit: And the staflights, as posted above. Man, I LIVED those games for a good period of time.
Had no idea Wolfenstein went back that far. Like Zara, I always assumed Wolf3D was where it began.
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Holy crap. I used to play this. Docking was a fucking BITCH. I also enjoyed the random 95% quality boat sinking for no good god damn reason.

I member.

I revisited the game about a year ago in DosBox.

I also remember docking (and avoiding reefs & icebergs) being a painful and difficult experience, bit as a more coordinated adult I find these things are much easier now :p

I still found it to be exceedingly difficult to save people in life rafts. I only succeeded once or twice.
Fun fact, the release date of Wolfenstein is actually closer to the end of WW2 than it is to today.
Well I played Rogue on an Apple II in the early to mid 90s in my 7th grade basic class. So I am not sure which one of us should be more ashamed...

Though I never got in any trouble for doing it. The teacher was usually too busy with some of my...distractions that were coded for his computer. ;)
I was ashamed of playing on an Apple, not my age. ;)
It was also out on the Commodore 64, that's when I first played it around 82 I think. I remember sitting there in a room in deep thought about where I should go and the guard coming in suddenly and shouting "Achtung!!", scaring the shit out of me and throwing the joystick across the room.

I played this game for hours. It, One on One and Summer Games were the first 3 games I ever played on a PC. I was blown away by how good the graphics were after coming from an Atari 2600.
And I was ashamed that my high school still had the same computers you used...probably about 15 years later. And the apple.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not catch that.....
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I loved gaming back then, now... there are so many games, and only 1 or 2 out of 1000's I actually enjoy. Lately, surprisingly, most of the games I like are from indie companies, or not surprisingly as I remember a day when ID Software was not a big company, and I was enjoying, shareware Doom 1. Games now are so plentiful that only a few are actually shining examples anymore, and most are just junk. I consider the time of Karateka, Ultima 1-6, Red Baron, Bards Tale the original, and so on to be my golden time for PC gaming. I still of course enjoy gaming even now, but games now, are all glitz and glam, and very little have substance anymore which is all games had originally. Technology was too limited at the beginning, so if a game didn't have a story, the spritely graphics just didn't cut it. Now just about anything is shoveled out to us, and pretty graphics try to apease us if a game has a horrible story mode.
Tell you what, the Apple II was a bit of a legendary games machine, wasn't it? Despite being actually quite rubbish :D
For me it was Ultima II on the Atari 400. Ha!

A Atari 400 was my first computer. Had it for almost ten years and modified it with a mechanical keyboard, a special 48k ram kit, started with a tape drive(both editions), upgraded each floppy type as they became affordable. Had something like 100 games on it, learned basic, pascal, some assembly on it. Went through Dos 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.5, and even a little CP/M. Wrote a word processing program on it, also integrated SAM to create a spelling program for early grades 1-4 in my school. Couldn't even remember how many programs I entered from Compute!.

Those were good times. :)
Shit. I needed to see this thread like I need another nut. Now I'm dusting off my Apple II+..time to see if the belts in the Disk ][ drives have turned to dust.........hmmm..I wonder if that amber screen monitor is still good? Dear Capacitors, please do not 'splode.
Tell you what, the Apple II was a bit of a legendary games machine, wasn't it? Despite being actually quite rubbish :D

Shit. I needed to see this thread like I need another nut. Now I'm dusting off my Apple II+..time to see if the belts in the Disk ][ drives have turned to dust.........hmmm..I wonder if that amber screen monitor is still good? Dear Capacitors, please do not 'splode.

Both of you must be ill...