Wishing to update specs of possible future build


Nov 11, 2001
Hey guys,

Back to being that time again. No, I STILL haven't had the chance to build my computer. I'm working off of some specs I previously configured a couple of months ago. I'm looking to upgrade the components to what would be the equivelant ones that I have posted. I'm always looking for performance for price, so anything you guys could do to help me would be great. I am not sure about gaming at a very high resolution. Right now I would be gaming at 1280x1024, however with a larger monitor which is in the works a higher res may be possible. Please update what you guys think is necessary! Also, if you wouldn't mind, please post your reasons why... it will help out with everything in the long run. :)

Also, I'm I don't believe I will be going SLI.

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield
HSF: Xigmatek S1283 Rifle
Motherboard: nVidia nForce 680i
Memory: G.Skill 2x2gb DDR2-800 (PC2 6400)
Video: Was an EVGA 8800GTS (G92), they listed out of stock and I'm sure there are others out now.
Power Supply: Corsair 620w Modular
Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum (From old rig)
HD: Seagate 320gb SATA 3.0gb/s
Case: Cooler Master Centurion 590 (This is up for debate)

I thank you so much for your help. Links are appreciated!
Gotcha, makes sense that a motherboard upgrade would be due too. Just to throw it out there: I don't think I'm 100% married to nVidia. Again, I'm looking for a great performance / price ratio. I'm hearing a lot about the ATI 48xx series cards doing well and are relatively cheap... can someone elaborate on that? I also read a few minutes ago that a 22" LCD at 1680 x whatever would do fine on a single card setup... I think that's as high as I would go.

Edit: Any recommendations on a specific 750i motherboard?
Thanks for everything Guru. :) I am going to go over everything and check it out.

Does anyone else have any problems with the specs that Guru posted?
Does anyone else have any problems with the specs that Guru posted?

Nothing really. I personally don't like the case but that's more of a personal and aesthetic issue rather than any real practical issue.

I say go for it.
Yeah case is all about personal preference, that's why I'm hoping some others post their ideas... so I can form another opinion about them and pick one! Case has been the hardest choice by far with me.

The Asus I can get past the nasty brown color. But I was more concerned with the Motherboard / Video Card, to make sure those 2 components were the ones that other guys go with. I've had help from both Danny and definitely Enginurd (took you long enough to reply!), and since you guys don't have any complaints about those components that's a plus.
Yeah case is all about personal preference, that's why I'm hoping some others post their ideas... so I can form another opinion about them and pick one! Case has been the hardest choice by far with me.

I'm partial to the Coolermaster RC-690 from amazon.com since it has free shipping:
Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP ATX Case - $75

The RC-690 case is a bit easier to work with, has better cable management and IMO, looks a lot better than the Antec 300.

The motherboard and video card are both fine choices.
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Well, its cuz I didn't get an IM this time. :p j/k, I've been pretty busy, so everyone usually beats me, lol. On the bright side, its less typing for me. :)

Hm... it shows through when you quote me, lol.
I'm partial to the Coolermaster RC-690 from amazon.com since it has free shipping:
Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP ATX Case - $75

The RC-690 case is a bit easier to work with, has better cable management and IMO, looks a lot better than the Antec 300.

The motherboard and video card are both fine choices.

Me too! I Agree, very fine choices
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lol, its a great deal if you're on a low budget, but if you can afford more, might as well!
Reading the reviews about the card, numerous people are commenting on how huge this card is. I've dealt with large video cards before. Is this going to be a problem to install in most of the cases I'm liable to buy?
It's 10.5" long. Pretty long. 1.5 inches longer than my 8800GT video card. However, most cases should be fine to install these type of video cards. However, one of the cases that would be a problem is the Coolermaster Mystique cases. The depth is not that long and will pose a problem. A 8800GT at 9" in length is pretty much the longest card you can go in the case. Plus, you have to take into account the PCI-E power connector that adds another .5 - 1 inch more in length.
Also, been meaning to ask:

What are your reasons for going with the MSI Version of the 260 GTX? Also, isn't that the one with lesser amount of processing cores?

Just curious! :) I do like the price though.
At the time, I listed the MSI GTX 260 is because it was a very good price for $215. Also, this will be plenty if you have a monitor 22" lcd or smaller. The price/performance is very good. Yes, there is GTX 260 with 216 stream processors but you do pay an additional cost for it. What is your max budget and what size LCD monitor you will connect to this build?
I haven't established a max budget yet. I'm really waiting until I get this new job to see what I'm working with. I know, having a budget is one of the main things to building a computer... but in all honesty it's not something I thought about yet; I really only go for things that are reasonable. :) That price is reasonable for a video card.

Oh, and I picked up the LG L227WTG 22" Widescreen Monitor. That's what I'll be gaming on.
Innocent, says page is unavailable for me... in fact the link itself has the ...'s in it lol. Repost?
Since I primarily do gaming, should I be concerned with sticking with the Q6600? I don't know if there will be any games that utilize all 4 cores. I don't know much of anything in Photoshop or other applications that would jump all over the 4 cores.

Is there a processor out there that is very close to the Q6600 in price range, that would probably work better with what I would be doing with it? Or is the Q6600 the way to go?
The E8400 is close in price range and can OC much higher. If you don't do any heavy multi-tasking and/or encoding, you most likely won't need a quadcore. However, seeing as how you like to keep your systems for a long time, a quadcore may prove useful in the distant future for you. :p
Yeah someone else said the same thing, if I'm interested in keeping the system long time, then I can always keep the Q6600. However, if I can get the most performance out of an E8400 or whatever... that may be better off for me. I shouldn't have to upgrade too much (besides motherboard, MAYBE memory) to do what I have to do. I think the system I get now would last me about a year, maybe 2... but beyond that, no one can predict what will come out for replacing or games that I need to take advantage of.

I may go with the E8400 instead!

I wonder if my cooler would be sufficient enough for OCing... though I really want to, I don't see myself going for a water cooling rig yet... purely for financial reasons.