WinXP SP3 (32bit)


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2009
Jul 4, 2007
Ok. So my corporate laptop downloaded and installed SP3 (I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, I can't change the auto update features). Now every time I start F@H (SMP Version), I get EUE's left and right. I can barely get started before it errors out.

I am running 6.22R3 and it was working just fine up until SP3 was installed.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there something I can do to prevent EUEs? This laptop is obviously not OC'd and I'm not running the GPU2 client on here (tried and failed miserably).

I would hate to lose my lappy as a valid producer, but if I can't even get to 1% before the EUE, I will have to stop using it to fold.
Is that an AMD laptop, I read there were some issues with SP3, Did you try reinstalling the Folding MPI?
It's an Intel C2D T7500. I did re-install the Folding programs, but no success there either

Ok, to make sure it's 100% uninstalled, delete the client folder with everything in it then open regedit. Delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PandeGroup branch. After this is done, restart for good measure then reinstall it. Also, don't try to install in C:\Program Files\.

It pulled down a 3064. It seems to be running (at least farther than it had been getting). If it fails again, then I'll go through the process of re-installing everything. If it doesn't, then I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it fixed itself.

Well, it did fail. So I did a complete uninstall, rebooted, and reinstalled. I'm still getting EUEs within minutes of starting. I don't even make it to the first 15 minute check point.

Any other thoughts / suggestions?

Well, it did fail. So I did a complete uninstall, rebooted, and reinstalled. I'm still getting EUEs within minutes of starting. I don't even make it to the first 15 minute check point.

Any other thoughts / suggestions?

Ok, if it fail after 10-15 mins, we can forget about installation issues. Somehow, SP3 cause issues but before we continue bonking the head on the desk, did you add the folding client folder in the antivirus exception list ? Windows Defender allowed list ?

Checked Symantec AV. Folder is excluded. Windows Defender is not installed on this box. Also checked logs for SAV and no entries there for F@H programs or files

Go back to the older version of the client. That seems to have fixed most people's problems. Whether it has something to do with SP3 or not I have no clue but at least we know that one works decently.

where can I find the old version? I honestly can't even remember what the old version is LOL

Weird I updated to SP3 on one machine and it is still kicking!

Ok. Update: It continued to fail before the first checkpoint all day yesterday. I was working from my clients office is Des Moines, IA (can we say BORING!!, but that is another story). I am with other consultants on a shared DSL line in the office. I gave up until I got back to the hotel.

Without making ANY changes other than deleting the Work Folder, A1 core, Unit Info, & Queue.dat, I restarted. It ran all night. I had to shut down so I could walk to the office. It is failing again. So something in my clients office environment is causing me issues.

I'm thinking it might be the DSL router we are on as I seem to be having VPN issues as well :(

We know the Windows client is extremely sensitive to network issues, especially with XP, so problems with their network would definitely explain it.

We know the Windows client is extremely sensitive to network issues, especially with XP, so problems with their network would definitely explain it.

Yeah, sound like that. A good trick to try is to add a loopback adapter driver (there is a good guide by Killer[MoB] around) and this will immunize yourself from issues.

I've got the loopback adapter installed. I installed previously when I was having problems earlier in the year.

For now, I'll just run the client when I'm at the hotel and I know I won't have any issues.

:pHello my man capreppy, I don't know if this little "glitch" I had is the same as yours, but it might help. If it don't just ignore it. I just now checked, both machines are new installs and neither has SP3 on them. (I thought one had SP3, oh well) ;)

After folding for less than a week 24/7 uninterrupted (no reboots, Windows updates OFF, no power failures, no nothing) The two (2) Q6600's I have runnin' WinXP (1x with GPU2 and the other with no GPU yet :rolleyes:) BOTH freakin' boxens EUE'ed on 2665 WU's. Not bein' the panicking kind, I figured a bad batch of WU's and simply did the reinstall deal (including the registry key deletion thing, not only did I delete the Stanford key, but I also deleted the MPICH key, what's that "better to be safe then sorry" deal?)

Anyhoo, both boxen just EUE'ed again and again (about 3x times each after the whole reinstallation deal, reboot, including the registry deal :mad:) So what I did, thanks for the links Xilikon and SmokeRngs, was simply download the 5.91 beta extended .exe file, reinstalled the WinSMP F@H program (from download page "High Performance Windows Clients"), swopped out the the 6.22 .exe, did the setup .bat and used the 5.91 .exe for the other setup, name, rank and serial number (err.. I mean name, team and server serial number :rolleyes:). I ain't had a "burp" yet, everythang' is "copa freakin' cetic" (1x Q6600 is at 61% and the other Q6600 is at 60% ATM :D)


:pHello my man capreppy, I don't know if this little "glitch" I had is the same as yours, but it might help. If it don't just ignore it. I just now checked, both machines are new installs and neither has SP3 on them. (I thought one had SP3, oh well) ;)

After folding for less than a week 24/7 uninterrupted (no reboots, Windows updates OFF, no power failures, no nothing) The two (2) Q6600's I have runnin' WinXP (1x with GPU2 and the other with no GPU yet :rolleyes:) BOTH freakin' boxens EUE'ed on 2665 WU's. Not bein' the panicking kind, I figured a bad batch of WU's and simply did the reinstall deal (including the registry key deletion thing, not only did I delete the Stanford key, but I also deleted the MPICH key, what's that "better to be safe then sorry" deal?)

Anyhoo, both boxen just EUE'ed again and again (about 3x times each after the whole reinstallation deal, reboot, including the registry deal :mad:) So what I did, thanks for the links Xilikon and SmokeRngs, was simply download the 5.91 beta extended .exe file, reinstalled the WinSMP F@H program (from download page "High Performance Windows Clients"), swopped out the the 6.22 .exe, did the setup .bat and used the 5.91 .exe for the other setup, name, rank and serial number (err.. I mean name, team and server serial number :rolleyes:). I ain't had a "burp" yet, everythang' is "copa freakin' cetic" (1x Q6600 is at 61% and the other Q6600 is at 60% ATM :D)


Well I had downloaded the 5.91 beta and tried running it. I'm STILL getting EUEs. It won't go more than a few minutes before giving up the ghost. I don't have time to muck with it onsite, so I'll just have to run when I'm at the hotel or home. Best case, I'll only be at this client for another two weeks with next week at home. Worst case (which I REALLY don't want to happen) is that I'll be here for another 6 weeks.

Thankfully, I've got it backed up before the EUE, so I'll restore the backup and just let it continue tonight.

Final update.

I figured out what was causing me issues. My current client requires me to VPN to gain access to the database backend. Apparently, even with the loopback adapter, the VPN was causing communication errors within the SMP client. I figured this out when I VPN'd this morning and I immediately got an EUE and I've been stable since I stopped running it during the day (when I happened to be VPN'd in).

I am using Cisco VPN 4.8.x for those interested.

This morning I installed XP Pro SP3 on my existing XP Pro SP2 dell precision. When the update is finished and I reboot the machine... BSOD. I couldn't even boot into Windows XP in safe mode. I had to do a repair from a XP Pro SP2 installation disk. Anyone had issue similar to mine?
This morning I installed XP Pro SP3 on my existing XP Pro SP2 dell precision. When the update is finished and I reboot the machine... BSOD. I couldn't even boot into Windows XP in safe mode. I had to do a repair from a XP Pro SP2 installation disk. Anyone had issue similar to mine?

I heard this kind of issues and at work, we have a team working to build images of computers. They are pulling a lot of hair due to SP3 bombing out with certain configurations...
