WinXP Icons/Explorer


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2009
I am having a problem in which sometimes after logging in, nothing shows up on my desktop, no icons or the explorer task bar. I know I can restore them if I end the explorer.exe in task manager and run it again but how can I fix this problem?

I have tried to go to the C:\Windows folder and make a copy of explorer.exe and named it explorer1.exe and set the necessary registry to reflect the new name but this hasn't helped either.
Do they come back if you right click the desktop and choose 'refresh'

Thought there was an issue with a specific nvidia driver and desktop refresh..
IIRC XP had problems with icon cache corruption that may be the cause. I don't remember how you could force rebuild the cache, Google it.
What is on your desktop? Maybe some particulal shortcut or link on the deskop is messing up with explorer or you have too much stuff going on the desktop. I believe ccleaner can clean iconcache.db file, but you can find and delete it yourself, if you want, it is not locked file so you can do it right away from the explorer window and then restart pc to rebuild all shortcut file icons.
I can't refresh because there is nothing that comes up when I right click.
Desktop has minimal icons. I will try cleaning/rebuilding the icon cache.