Winklevoss Twins Push Another Suit Against Facebook

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Just when you thought you'd finally seen the last of these two idiots, they file another lawsuit against Facebook. Can Facebook please give me $65 million so I can show these guys how you are supposed to act when you get millions for nothing. :D

In a status report filed on Thursday with the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, the twins and their business partner, Divya Narendra, said they would move the court for discovery on whether Facebook "intentionally or inadvertently suppressed evidence" during settlement proceedings over claims that Zuckerberg stole their idea for a college social networking website.
HarvardConnection isn't worth as much as How'd that happen?
If these guys are so great why don't they make another product? One trick pony is one trick pony?
Prime example of why were in the economical trouble were in. Selfish little bastards they pump out of Harvard, this idea of self entitlement. This poison seems to prevail in the upper echelons of power. We thought the greed of the bankers and investment houses were and still are corrupt, you ain't seen nothing yet. Woe be unto us because these kids are only in the twenties and look who there mentors are.
If these guys are so great why don't they make another product? One trick pony is one trick pony?

Umm, couldn't the same be said for Zuckerberg then? Hand over control of Facebook and make something new Zuckerberg. One trick pony is one trick pony?

See how wrong that sounds. A lot of very wealthy people only had one great product idea.
If the idiot twins had taken the $65 million in cash and stock when it was originality awarded the rise in stock price would make the award worth $150 million today. They seem intent in shooting themselves in the feet.
Umm, couldn't the same be said for Zuckerberg then? Hand over control of Facebook and make something new Zuckerberg. One trick pony is one trick pony?
If you must have one trick, Facebook isn't a bad one to have. ;)

I'm not sure of all the ventures the Winklevoss twins had since Harvard, but they haven't seemed to build anything notable. Especially not take an idea and develop it to a large scope. Seriously, I'd be impressed if they even failed big at something.

The guys seriously need to move on. They got a judgement based on their supposed contribution to what became Facebook. It's just a social network that turned out crazy popular due to favorable circumstances, lousy competition and surprisingly good management. Neither FB nor HC was anywhere near the first social network. The Winklevoss twins invented nothing new, yet act like Facebook was their idea.
I would like $65 million for one of the websites I made in college. Harvard Connection was never going to be as good as facebook. It would have not made them shit for money and they would be worse off then their $65 million settlement.

These three "gentlemen" must be bored with their 65 million.
Umm, couldn't the same be said for Zuckerberg then? Hand over control of Facebook and make something new Zuckerberg. One trick pony is one trick pony?

See how wrong that sounds. A lot of very wealthy people only had one great product idea.

Uh........ cept one person already has it, worked on it, and made it a sucess, while the other 2 idiots did nothing but bitch, whine, complain and sue.... If you really think you should give control up to people like that every time it happens, you got an odd idea of how to be a success.
They should have taken the 65 million and started a site to compete with FB and destroy it instead of whining and wanting more than they deserve. I'll bet their parents are so proud that all that money spent on Harvard is really paying off now, sue happy fucks.
They must have majored in- I have no life so I sue 101.
Good people are dying everyday yet these Whineyvoss twins are still alive? :rolleyes: The world is a cruel place. :p
I'm going to take a guess here and say that when you already have everything, it's not going to be about the monetary settlement. It's about the power, control, and notoriety.
supposedly new emails have been un-earthed in which zuckerberg literally says he is going "fuck them" in regards to havardconnection.

but i want this crap to go on to the point where facebook becomes devalued, and their new settlement ends up less than the original 65 million. just read that facebook usage is down over the month of may....

I was wondering how much Facebook would be worth, if they shut it down tomorrow. The information that can be gleaned from that database must be worth something. The experimenting with face recognition software and software i don't even know about. The info collected on individuals and their connection with their family members and other is so valuable. As an example In some ways this information is right up there with the Mormons Genealogy.I can't even imagine some of the uses this database has for research and use.
supposedly new emails have been un-earthed in which zuckerberg literally says he is going "fuck them" in regards to havardconnection.

but i want this crap to go on to the point where facebook becomes devalued, and their new settlement ends up less than the original 65 million. just read that facebook usage is down over the month of may....
The article that linked to has an update to it.
The Winklevoss twins invented nothing new, yet act like Facebook was their idea.
It was their idea. Zuckerberg ripped them off and stole their code.

That said, if they settled for $65 million, then that's what they get. Time to move on.
I'd dismiss any new case on the basis that their last name is just too silly sounding to have standing in any serious court proceedings.