Windows Server licensing, question / usage


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
We have some system coming in that will be used for various things like MySQL databases (dont even mention linux, i know windows not linux) and other items.

Since i wont really be using many of the features of windows it's self, am i okay in buying say Windows server web edition vs standard edition since it is almost half the cost?

Or does MS have some limitation as to what you can install / should use web edition for basically forcing you to buy Standard edition ?

Does the CAL license include 3rd party installed software, so a 5 CAL would mean only 5 people can connect to the MySQL DB at once? or it is only 5 people can connect to direct say windows shares or other things?
its hard to say, is it actually crippled some how? that is the question.. if it isn't crippled then i'd say you can install whatever you want on it.. But i'd read up on exactly what it "can" and can't do. SInce your lincense is for the OS, not sure they have much say in what youc an install or can't install on it unless they specifically cripple the software.

with that, as long as you can install MySQL and run it, then i'd say you're fine.

more here said:
Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, can be used solely to deploy Web pages, Web sites, Web applications, and Web services. Customers can use Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, to install the following:

Web server software; for example, IIS.
Web availability management software; for example, Microsoft Application Center.
Installations of non-Web serving applications are prohibited. ASP.NET-based applications that include code written in third-party programming languages can include that programming language's runtime components. For non-Web serving applications, you should consider Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition.

Client access licenses (CALs) do not apply to Windows Server 2003 Web Edition. However, Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, can be used as the scale-out front end for applications such as Windows SharePoint Services and Windows Rights Management Services. In these scale-out configurations, Windows Server CALs and/or Exchange CALs may still be required.

In these types of configurations, Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, offers customers an economical way to deploy scale-out applications, thanks to the competitively priced licensing model
well, this MySQL DB will server a front end "web site" :)

i have one copy already, i cant see them disabling the installation of software,i just dont want to run into any potential legal issues down the road, not likely being in costa rica, but better safe then sorry
You can purchase windows server 2003 web edition all you want, it only has a few limitations like 2gb of ram, no AD etc
All sorted then, i think there may be another couple of minor things that may have been taken out, i think you cant cluster in web edition.
ya i just the editions and it is things like clustering and such removed, items i dont need anyways!
did you purchase web edition in the end? Also oem or retail?