Windows Mobile 6.1...any good for multi-media?


Nov 20, 2005
...II have never owned a "smartphone", so forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but I am looking at getting a Samsung Omina and wonder...

How well does WinMo 6.1 handle media, (online media specifically)? youtube, hulu, porn, music videos, etc...Is streaming movies, such as Netflix, possible?

Any input is appreciated. ;)
Some phones have built in youtube players but other than that flash support is generally pretty poor. The easiest way around this is to use skyfire. It is a web browser that renders everything on its servers and then sends the web page to your phone. So you get full hulu, pornhub, etc.

For media you already have it is fine. With core media player you can play just about any file type.
Some phones have built in youtube players but other than that flash support is generally pretty poor. The easiest way around this is to use skyfire. It is a web browser that renders everything on its servers and then sends the web page to your phone. So you get full hulu, pornhub, etc.

For media you already have it is fine. With core media player you can play just about any file type.

woah nice find :)
Is anyone else skeptical about giving so much info to skyfire to get their browser though? I mean, you give me the cab file, i use your software, you don't need my name or phone number for this transaction to take you?
The best method I found is to use a third-party media player and load your files onto an SDHC card. Youtube sucks with EDGE, the programs I've tried were flaky, and you may have to do a lot of work to set it up depending on your phone. Encoding your downloaded media to h.264 or WMV is probably your best option.
Depending on your settings you can get Core player to get through most things with very little to no studering with zero conversion.

My phone came with a great you tube app and once I set it to the high quality version it streams like a dream. (3g / HSDPA) On edge you should let it download ahead a little bit before trying to play so it wont stop but it works.

I have not tried that other browser but hear good things about it.
Personally I would recommend TCPMP build 0.72RC1 myself. The Core Player (the "official" one) is bulky and slow in my experience of using it with WM6.1 when I had my Dell Axim x50v recently. TCPMP turned out to be nearly 60% faster with playing back video content, especially Xvid movies, than the Core Player did/does. It handles all the audio formats, of course, but that increased efficiency with playback of video (disclaimer: the Axim x50v does have a dedicated video chip with 16MB of video RAM) resulted in far far longer battery life.

And I could play movie rips I'd made with HandBrake without needing to recode them specifically for the portable device profiles, meaning a DVD rip would be a ~700MB AVI file encoded with two pass Xvid compression (typical movie encoding) and I could play back movies for hours before the battery choked. In fact, I was running that Axim x50v at 208 MHz and still getting > 30 fps playback consistently. That translated into about 7 hours of video viewing before the battery even started to provide the alert because of low battery status - and that's with 75% brightness on the LCD too.

The Core Player, for video playback, just doesn't cut it, even on mobile devices with dedicated video chips/RAM. TCPMP is far more refined and efficient, even in spite of the fact that it's years old and isn't even updated anymore. You can find a codec pack for TCPMP that allows for playback of pretty much any format you'll encounter, too... :D
Divx has a player for WM 6.1. It works pretty good. I use divx convertor to convert my videos to the mobile profile and then watch them on my phone.

I also use Orb to stream my videos from my home pc to my phone.. it takes care of the converting them to WM format at the proper bitrate.
For streaming audio i use gsplayer and for mp3s i use pocketmusic. GSplayer seems to play more nicely with subsonic when streaming, where pocketmusic chokes when trying to play my streams. But pocketmusic plays entire folders more easily and the interface is more finger friendly (and ad2p bluetooth profile support by DEFAULT).

-1 Core Player

Edit: google "subsonic" - its on sourceforge and its awesome!