Windows Domain Login custome pictures

Dec 11, 2001
Hey all,

I was working around today with my windows domain setup, and did some tweaking to change the styles etc on all the test machines, worked well, they now all use silver instead of blue :D

The one thing i was wondering however, can u chnage the "Microsoft Windows" banner on the logon screens, mainly with XP, but also with windows 2k too. I like it with the black backgrounds and the silver style, but a big blue banner is just an eye sore now. anyone know how to change it/remove it?

I think you can change the msgina file using a resource hacker tool.
theres BMP files in it that you can change\replace
Some of the labs at Drexel two years ago had Drexel logos there, instead of the windows logo. I know that's how they did it.