Windows 7?

Seems to be no drivers for Newtowrking it wont find my wireless or wired conections drivers on 6 month old laptop
The keys are for Beta 1, simple, released today. While it's been "out" for weeks because of a leak, the officially distributed keys (if you can get one at this point) are for Beta 1, build 7000.
Anybody know if Win7 installs an AHCI driver for ICH9R without actually having to supply one?
I couldnt install it with AHCI enabled and I have ICH8, it kept dying at the "completing installation" part just like Vista.

That sucks since I have AHCI enabled for my XP install. I'll try it with AHci enabled, but if it doesn't work then I will have to keep changing it depending on which OS I want to use.
The way you fix it in Vista is by enabling AHCI on one of the SATA controllers while using the boot drive on the old mode on another SATA controller, then when you boot Windows should install the AHCI driver (you might need a HDD plugged into it for it to bother), then you can move the HDD back to the good controller and it should boot. I imagine it works with Windows 7 too... this is done after installing without AHCI of course.
Those of you with the beta, I hope you have favorable reports about Microsoft's updating of the UI. Honestly, it annoys me that pretty much every UI element in Windows is a mirrored copy of UI found in Mac OS. The close window button in Mac OS is in the upper left of the window? In Windows, it's in the upper right. Spotlight in OS X is activated by clicking a button in the upper right corner? In Windows, you can perform a system search by opening the start menu in the lower left. And now they're pretty much replacing the taskbar with the OS X Dock. I love the Dock, but originality would be so much better.

Looing forward to detail on actual UI construction, not just performance. (I realize this is an enthusiast forum, but can't we be enthusiastic about UI presentation as well as performance enhancements?)
Well, get to being original and code your own OS if that's your case.

As far as originality goes, don't get started on who's copying who - history would show that Apple stole nearly every concept that Xerox PARC had in their facility on that fateful day when Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and several other founding members of Apple happened to catch inside their field of vision as they passed through. The GUI was not Apple's invention - it was Xerox PARC's, more specifically one single guy that created it on a pad of notebook paper way back in 1962 and left the sketches in a drawer for 11 years till he went to work for PARC in 1973 and they gave him basically a blank check to develop it - and then Steve Jobs walked in and walked out with all of it in his head.

Windows 7 is a progression, as with any other. I've been making comments the past year or so about how we all implicitly - or we damned well should - understand that Windows 7 is (basically) a big performance and GUI tuneup, more or less. But, because it's a Microsoft product, the bashing started almost instantly from the moment Windows 7 was announced...

And yet - since you opened the door with the OSX comparison - since the moment Snow Leopard has been announced, and the fact that Steve Jobs himself stated publicly that it's more of a bug-fix/performance tuneup of Leopard, the press and most everyone else have praised Apple for making the attempt.

Why is that? Why is the fact that Microsoft has finally done something right by "going back to the drawing board" and really having fun with creating Windows 7 such a bad thing? Knowing it'll outperform Vista when it's completed? Knowing more people will probably enjoy it? Knowing even more people will bash 'em for releasing it 2.5 years after Vista?

Look at how fast Snow Leopard is supposed to be coming out in comparison, probably less than 1.5 after Leopard came out when it's released, so much for mirroring.

And I'll be the first person to stand up and say "Function over form, always" and I have done so almost constantly since even XP came around and people bitched, moaned, and whined about that "PlaySkool" GUI... but Windows 7 is actually pretty damned cool from a GUI perspective, and for the first time since Windows 95 came out, I haven't bothered to disable a damned thing with respect to the GUI...

Now that's saying something, even if you folks don't get it... :D
I've just installed on my Ali MBP. (Boot camp).

Seems OK - Not had a play with the new features yet. Trackpad support could be better.

I've always been a Windows user until I got a MBP about a month ago. It's a really lovely piece or hardware. I never used Vista and I don't think os-X is anything revolutionary (although it is nice).

One thing I will say, after half an hours use, its the hottest it's ever been (without playing football manager) and all I've been doing is surfing.
Instructions for KEYS

Open IE/firefox and login to technet using your windows live ID(you do not need to be a technet subscriber)
After login open a second tab.
For 64bit type "" into the address bar.
for 32bit type ""

Your new key should appear.
Well, get to being original and code your own OS if that's your case.

Wanting originality on the part of one market competitor for the sake of spurring higher quality across the board doesn't quite translate into hunkering down and making my own personal OS. Don't deflect.

As far as originality goes, don't get started on who's copying who

No need to get defensive. Everyone knows the story of the GUI, the mouse, etc. Has nothing to do with what I mentioned. "Apple copied Xerox!" doesn't somehow justify "Microsoft copied Apple!" And of course that's not what I was getting at: the point wasn't to somehow defend Apple, it was to highlight that Microsoft has stagnated the Windows UI and made its progress wholly and demonstrably dependent on the implementations of its competitor. That's uninspired product design at best.

Furthermore, there's a difference between UI and GUI. I'm not referring to the visual style of the OS--Aero, Aqua, Gnome, etc--I'm referring to the principles and trains of thought that go into the conceptualization and standardization of UI widgets, primarily their presentation and functionality. I'm talking about something along the lines of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, you're responding in terms of XP visual styles.

Performance improvements are great and warmly welcomed. But Windows needs some serious UI brainstorming and redesigning, and apparently Steven Sinofsky agrees, because the Windows taskbar is now the Windows Dock. All I'm saying is, why Windows Dock? Why not something else that is not demonstrably derivative? If they can come up with the Microsoft Surface they can come up with a better taskbar that doesn't involve Xeroxing (pun intended) the OS X Dock.
At least we're not stuck with two damned things at separate edges of the screen... Stick that in your Fitts's cap and wear it... bleh.
Well, the key site now seems to work and I now have at least 8 different keys for Windows 7. MS has screwed up again. When I go to download the ISO it just goes back to the key page and most of the time there is a different key posted.:eek:
Well, the key site now seems to work and I now have at least 8 different keys for Windows 7. MS has screwed up again. When I go to download the ISO it just goes back to the key page and most of the time there is a different key posted.:eek:

Mind sparing a 32 and 64bit key for me? Please.

That key page keeps bombing out on me.
Well, the key site now seems to work and I now have at least 8 different keys for Windows 7. MS has screwed up again. When I go to download the ISO it just goes back to the key page and most of the time there is a different key posted.:eek:

I think its been established there's only a limited number of unique keys its giving out. No real reason to restrict activations on a time limited install. If you kept refreshing you'd eventually get all of them. Of course, ever refresh probably takes away from the 2.5M total even if they are the same keys.
I think its been established there's only a limited number of unique keys its giving out. No real reason to restrict activations on a time limited install. If you kept refreshing you'd eventually get all of them. Of course, ever refresh probably takes away from the 2.5M total even if they are the same keys.

Was not trying to get them :mad: I was trying to simply go to the download. I tried different things to try to get it to go. It is not my problem that MS doesn't not know WTF they're doing. Don't ridicule me for simply trying to follow MS's site.

How do you know that there aren't only 10 keys which everyone will use and each key gets 250,000 activations.
Instructions for KEYS

Open IE/firefox and login to technet using your windows live ID(you do not need to be a technet subscriber)
After login open a second tab.
For 64bit type "" into the address bar.
for 32bit type ""

Your new key should appear.

Thanks, man... Their little verification page link errored out, that was exactly what I needed.
How do you know that there aren't only 10 keys which everyone will use and each key gets 250,000 activations.

That's what I'm thinking too. I won't use more than one key but to test this theory out I kept refreshing the page, and it keeps cycling through the same keys.

Here's the last 5 digits of all the keys I've got, anyone else's match?
That's what I'm thinking too. I won't use more than one key but to test this theory out I kept refreshing the page, and it keeps cycling through the same keys.

Here's the last 5 digits of all the keys I've got, anyone else's match?

This is a post from this morning in another Windows 7 thread on here:

Something is up, the keys you are getting are not unique, but the same ones repeating.

From the x64 link: (64bit)

From the x86 link: (32bit)

Not like they keys I got :confused:
^^^ Ahh, so it appears Microsoft is handing out the same 5 keys to everybody (depending on version).
However, Technet Plus and MSDN keys appear to be individually generated.

This is why I love these forums... Can figure out how Microsoft does things ;)

I don't have TNP subscription... Was waiting for the next rollout of the $90 subs but haven't seen it thus far this year.
This is why I love these forums... Can figure out how Microsoft does things ;)

I don't have TNP subscription... Was waiting for the next rollout of the $90 subs but haven't seen it thus far this year.

Same here, and I keep looking for TechNet sub coupons almost daily for a few minutes at a time... nothing has turned up, so... if you find one, share it, if I find one, I'll do the same. If ANYONE knows of decent TechNet discount coupons (there's one that still works but it's only good for about $50 off which still leaves it at ~$300 bucks a year... post 'em. :)

My current sub is going to expire in mid-March so I'm on the lookout...