Windows 7?

Weird, I got between 900 KB/s and 1.1 MB/s throughout the entire length of the download on a 10Mbit line.
Ive got x64 running on the computer in my sig, its def. faster then vista. Now I need to get all my apps back on here :(
getting about 900kb/sec right now at home. Wish I couldve done it at work with their pipe though.

Whats the deal with the key? I assume the beta site is getting hit major, but when/where can we expect to get a key?
Well first two issues with x64... Chrome doesnt work, comes up with compatibility issues and if you install when you go to a web site it gives you that aww crap thing. Second being when I came into this thread with IE the whole browser went white, but navigating the rest of the site is fine... On firefox now and works fine

Using 1.23GB of RAM with just AV, IM and web browser running.
Well I have a download going from the link on the front page. I was unable to find a link for the download on so I checked here. I am still wondering if it is too late to get a key because I see no mention of registering anywhere. Did they pull that page too? And does anyone have a link if the page still exists?
I dont think anyone has got a key yet, they took the page down to put more infrastructure up to support the large load.
getting about 900kb/sec right now at home. Wish I couldve done it at work with their pipe though.

Whats the deal with the key? I assume the beta site is getting hit major, but when/where can we expect to get a key?

I would also like a response to this, as even though i signed up for the feed i still have not received any info from them as of yet.
So, I'm still dl'ing the MSDN W7x64 DVD... I'm hoping it's the latest build (7000) because it has a different file name. (no build number in the file name.) Anybody with MSDN know the answer?
So, I'm still dl'ing the MSDN W7x64 DVD... I'm hoping it's the latest build (7000) because it has a different file name. (no build number in the file name.) Anybody with MSDN know the answer?

the filename I got when I downloaded it Wednesday night is en_windows_7_beta_dvd_x64_x15-29074.iso

where do you get a key? for windows 7 beta? i didnt see anywhere to log in
To those getting the redirect to Windows 7 page, you must have completed all the steps up to the confirmation e-mail and be logged into windows live. If you don't know if you are or not, go to a Live login page, log in and set it to remember. Good luck!
Just put up on the windows 7 page.

Thanks for your interest in the Windows 7 Beta. The volume has been phenomenal—we're in the process of adding more servers to handle the demand. We're sorry for the delay and we'll re-post the Beta as soon as we can ensure a quality download experience.
Finally got the 64 bit version. Also downloading 32 version.
God dammit i have stuff to do tonight, if i dont get a key im going to be pissed! :mad::mad::mad: Ive been waiting all freaking day!
Pssst... hey, you, you people... pssst... you don't need a key... that's just for activation... you can do that 29 days after you install it, actually 29 days, 23 hours 59 mins after you install it and still be ok... Windows 7 can even tell you to the exact minute when it's gonna go into limited feature mode... and even if it does, you can still use it with limitations and activate it which then restores full functionality... get over the key thing...
Got my key! Refreshed a page and gave me the key and the button to download Win 7. :D
How do you get rid of the build number on the desktop in windows 7?
What's so funny :) I hate that thing. I know when people had xp beta and vista beta you were able to do it. I just can't figure it out...
Pssst... hey, you, you people... pssst... you don't need a key... that's just for activation... you can do that 29 days after you install it, actually 29 days, 23 hours 59 mins after you install it and still be ok... Windows 7 can even tell you to the exact minute when it's gonna go into limited feature mode... and even if it does, you can still use it with limitations and activate it which then restores full functionality... get over the key thing...

That's true, but the concern is the 2.5 million limit; if it was just a matter of waiting a day or two (or ten) to get the key it would be no issue as you could just do as you say. When you're up against everyone else who wants a beta key, though, and they'll only be available for a limited time, it becomes rather more important to get one ASAP.
what page did you refresh

The page that Symon14 took a (or rather 4) screenshots of. Once you validate your email, you click continue. You get to the page that says something like "please try again tomorrow". You refresh that a million times and it should give you a key eventually.
That's true, but the concern is the 2.5 million limit; if it was just a matter of waiting a day or two (or ten) to get the key it would be no issue as you could just do as you say. When you're up against everyone else who wants a beta key, though, and they'll only be available for a limited time, it becomes rather more important to get one ASAP.

I'll reiterate it again in a different way: you don't need a key. Another beta will more than likely be out soon if warranted, a Release Candidate is more likely within the next 45-60 days or less, and you can run Windows 7 for close to 120 days without a key sooo... I just don't see why people are so absolutely must-have gung ho fucking insane over the key right now. :)

It's not necessary, doesn't convey any additional benefits over having one and having Windows 7 Beta 1 "officially" activated, and since another beta or potentially a Release Candidate will come very quickly on the heels of this release, would you still be running Windows 7 Beta 1 when another beta or Release Candidate appears, meaning would you continue running Beta 1 instead of dumping it for the newer builds if/when they're released?