Windows 7 Screenshots

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
This blog has some screenshots from Windows 7, which is planned for release in 2010. Some are old news and some are new to me. I get a “Vista Aero” vibe from it but some of the features look pretty nifty.
some of the screens are of the tablet features. otherwise its shaping up to be a beautiful looking os. i can just imagine all the eye candy we can enable lol.
Looks all right. Going to get it on the first day it comes out :) Anyone knows when the open beta will be available?
The client versions of Windows 7 will ship in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Why cant they just got 64 bit so we can start getting more than 4 gigs of ram...

M$ is starting to piss me off... ALL new computers (i think even then EE or w/e it is) supports 64 bit os. So why the hell are they not going 64 bit yet...

Like normal the 32 bit will be the more supported and "stronger" os and 64 bit will be left in the dust just like it is now with vista and xp pro....
MS need to seriously be willing to make the jump to 64 bit exclusively by 2010. I mean common seriously a majority of systems out there to day are 64-bit, just running 32-bit OS, this is ridiculous, sorta like Fort making the Model T, but having it drawn by horse because no one want to drill for oil.
Agreed, this 32 bit crap is getting ridiculous. Vista should of been 64 bit exclusive, and now apparently they think they can get away with that AGAIN for Windows 7? What the hell Microsoft?! :mad:
:confused: There seems to be no consistency between the UI in the screenshots. Some of them look like a continuation of the Aero theme, some of them look like they came from KDE, some of them look like they are very inspired by OS X.

Aren't these the same Faked images that were proven to have been taken from some random dude messing with windowblinds or whatever in Vista a couple of months back?

Regardless, an OS is not's it's UI, at this early stage in it's development Windows 7, if it has a UI at all, would have a totally placeholder UI (probably Aero if they are going to base the final UI on the same tech), with no final elements in place (probably not even any proto-type elements).
The UI is one of the last bits of an OS to be developed (it needs to follow on from function and features, which windows 7 ceretainly doesn't have in place yet)

At best, BEST, these are concepts/sketches of ideas for aspects of the final UI, and don't even slightly represent the overall design.
Agreed, this 32 bit crap is getting ridiculous. Vista should of been 64 bit exclusive, and now apparently they think they can get away with that AGAIN for Windows 7? What the hell Microsoft?! :mad:

Vista adoption is bad enough even with the 32bit option...

The option to choose 32 or 64 makes better business sense because you can sell to a broader audience. Microsoft might be reluctant to force 64bit on the average user who doesn't want it or need it.

Those graphics are pretty but I'll take the "glitter free" appearance of the Windows Classic look.
Those look fake to me for some reason. Usually when we see early shots of MS's new OS, it looks almost identical to the version before it. Meh, we still have a good 2.5 - 3 years (it'll get delayed) before we see this so whatever.
Aren't these the same Faked images that were proven to have been taken from some random dude messing with windowblinds or whatever in Vista a couple of months back?

Regardless, an OS is not's it's UI, at this early stage in it's development Windows 7, if it has a UI at all, would have a totally placeholder UI (probably Aero if they are going to base the final UI on the same tech), with no final elements in place (probably not even any proto-type elements).
The UI is one of the last bits of an OS to be developed (it needs to follow on from function and features, which windows 7 ceretainly doesn't have in place yet)

At best, BEST, these are concepts/sketches of ideas for aspects of the final UI, and don't even slightly represent the overall design.


Looks spiffy, but whats more important is what lies under the hood, we'll see. I agree to the moving completely to 64bit, no point in keeping 32bit crap by then.
Why cant they just got 64 bit so we can start getting more than 4 gigs of ram...

M$ is starting to piss me off... ALL new computers (i think even then EE or w/e it is) supports 64 bit os. So why the hell are they not going 64 bit yet...

Like normal the 32 bit will be the more supported and "stronger" os and 64 bit will be left in the dust just like it is now with vista and xp pro....

There is way too many folks still stuck in the stone ages.
Way too many application developers that are lazy as hell and don't want to get into that new world.

IMO- Vista increased 64 bit usage dramatically.
Windows 7 will continue that on- giving application devs plenty of time for Windows 8 to be 64 bit.

Usually when we see early shots of MS's new OS, it looks almost identical to the version before it.
That keyword there (early) is exactly what I was thinking too.

That said, I think Windows 7 will be similar to this... more UI changes vs. kernel changes this time around.

Oh, and the 2 screens show teh same build #, definately fake!
More than likely, each new version will go up .1. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, etc. So at the end, it will be 7.0.

No, it's that each subsequent version of Windows builds on the previous. For a while Longhorn said 5.1, then after the reset it said 5.2. Windows 7 will continue to read 6.1 until MS decides it's time to up the version number to reflect what they consider it to be. It's the build numbers that reflect the code changes.
Those graphics are pretty but I'll take the "glitter free" appearance of the Windows Classic look.

Amen to that my friend! I just want that damn thing to work and could care less about all the crazy effects.
I can't wait for the Vista naysayers to praise Windows 7. It's going to be very amusing considering 90% of the naysayers say Vista is bloated with eyecandy and not having any improvements over XP lol

Windows 7 seems to be more heavily eyecandied than Vista!
I can't wait for the Vista naysayers to praise Windows 7. It's going to be very amusing considering 90% of the naysayers say Vista is bloated with eyecandy and not having any improvements over XP lol

Windows 7 seems to be more heavily eyecandied than Vista!

Windows 7 looks exactly like Vista at this point.
Windows 7 looks exactly like Vista at this point.

I know, thats what I'm saying. You hear people say "no thanks, I'll wait for Windows 7" all the time. I wonder if they even follow Microsoft's progress with it lol
I know, thats what I'm saying. You hear people say "no thanks, I'll wait for Windows 7" all the time. I wonder if they even follow Microsoft's progress with it lol

Probably not.

At this point most folks (that follow it) will accept it's pretty much Vista with FEATURES added. The underlying system, kernel, UI is all the same.
And as we see so far- minor tweaks (features), nothing more...

I seriously don't know what else they could do, other than UI and feature improvements.
It's pure speculation considering we've got 2 or 3 more years before W7 becomes available but I'll play along.

Even the most ardent XP users will probably be ready to move to W7 by 2010/11. I'm more eager to hear the Vista fanatics...all 8 of them...;) proclaiming W7 as "the second coming" of new sprinkles and shiny bits. It'll be like rats jumping from a sinking ship (Vista). Should be entertaining...
The UI looks nice and the expandability of the task bar is a good thing.

But the only thing I really want is for Windows 7 is that it needs to run faster, faster and faster. I want to play games with higher performance than XP gives us currently.
Looks like one of those badly slopped together Ubuntu themes trying to look like Windows Vista with ridiculously over-transparent everything and jumbo-sized icons.

Glad it's fake.
Paul is actually running build 6519 of Windows 7, so it'd be a good guess that the screenshots on his site are legit.
Paul is actually running build 6519 of Windows 7, so it'd be a good guess that the screenshots on his site are legit.

In case you're responding to my post, "they've" was referring to the original post's screenshots, not Paul's. Sorry about that.
I really have my doubts that this is windows 7, I also doubt that there is a true running version of windows 7 yet. I'd guess that they are working on windows core right now and the interface/visual teams are working ontop of vista but it would be little more than addons here and there.

Also Microsoft can't just drop 32 bit support. For the same reason we still have base memory, for the same reason power supplies still have older power plugs on them. The PC market isn't that welcoming to change. The problem of program and driver support for its current 64bit offerings is not its problem, there very well may be things that Microsoft needs to work on but it is the developers of thep programs you should be talking to when windows 2000 was released developers didn't wait for MS to fix things if they could find away around it they did, if their programs were broken because of imcompatability they fixed it.
I really have my doubts that this is windows 7, I also doubt that there is a true running version of windows 7 yet. I'd guess that they are working on windows core right now and the interface/visual teams are working ontop of vista but it would be little more than addons here and there.

Also Microsoft can't just drop 32 bit support. For the same reason we still have base memory, for the same reason power supplies still have older power plugs on them. The PC market isn't that welcoming to change. The problem of program and driver support for its current 64bit offerings is not its problem, there very well may be things that Microsoft needs to work on but it is the developers of thep programs you should be talking to when windows 2000 was released developers didn't wait for MS to fix things if they could find away around it they did, if their programs were broken because of imcompatability they fixed it.

Umm, we don't have base memory anymore. And I have a power supply that has nothing but SATA connectors.
Damn, hit submit too soon.

The original post isn't Windows 7, but it does exist and is evolving towards what will be released in two or three years. "Windows 7" is nothing more than a name assigned by MS developers to call the current project they're working on.

I really have my doubts that this is windows 7, I also doubt that there is a true running version of windows 7 yet. I'd guess that they are working on windows core right now and the interface/visual teams are working ontop of vista but it would be little more than addons here and there.
lmao, shens? It says Windows 7 Ultimate. Version 6.1... Wtf?
Oh, and the 2 screens show teh same build #, definately fake!

That's what I was thinking. This early on, Windows versions generally look a lot like the prior/current version (look at the early Longhorn releases). Focus on the betas is on the kernal; I would expect the changes in the UI to be hammered out a little ways from now.