Windows 7 BETA Demo

I predict piracy may be high on this one since many will feel it is just Vista SP-3 or so, and that the people who moved to vista deserve some sort of compensation for it.

Sounds like its getting better reviews already than Vista even after SP1 in some cases.
If it's faster than Vista 64, I'll look at it. If not. Well, no thanks. I've gotten Vista 64 the way I like it. It's going to have to be considerably better to get me to switch.

and I just upgraded to Vista 64... and it is running SCHWEET....

They better give the Vista folks a good break....
Her voice affectation drives me nuts. She's one of those that lilts her voice high at the end of a sentence as if she's asking a question even when she's not asking a question. And she has this tight clipped speech pattern too. Otherwise, I'd check out her task bar.
edit: personally, i just wanted to lighten the mood, with all the phenom and windows 7 flaming recently, why not :)
Aren't most of those "new" features already in Vista? I mean, I didn't really see anything that is different other than the icons being a bit better looking on the taskbar.
Hell I'm not a teen and that 'nerdy-girl/sex kitten in disguise' gets me going.

Rofl me neither but I ran into a woman that new more about windows than me, and was that attractive I wouldn't be able to control myself.
Aren't most of those "new" features already in Vista? I mean, I didn't really see anything that is different other than the icons being a bit better looking on the taskbar.

Shhh don't tell anyone. We want to fool the Vista haters.
You guys really need to get out more.

Seriously. What you said.

Shes not all. Shes completely average, and that's that. Nothing wrong with that, don't get me wrong, but honestly, calling this hot cheapens the word.

Like the guy above me said, get out more...maybe then you'll know what hot actually is when you see it in person.

Beta download is already available --well, it would be that is, if Microsoft's servers weren't getting hammered so hard nobody can get in.
lol, i thought we'd have a fun thread, full of fun sexist puns... but alas, the buzzkills have arrived en masse

The majority of the new powerful "features" are things that either have existing keystrokes for (such as Windows+D and ALT+Tab), or could have already been done since Windows 2000 (even 98 in some cases). The IE clutter could have been simplified through tabbed browsing.

The "jump-to" lists do have their appeal. Good to see MS finally get around to implementing a native "side by side" window feature.

Overall opinion of the "features" shown is "meh", and I won't judge this OS by shortbus marketing material.
A too-young chick with a valley girl accent hawking the next version of Windows?

Yeah, that gives me confidence in the new OS.

At least she mentioned that they were only minor improvements to increase user productivity that she was talking about. I would like to see if there are any major improvements to Win 7, like a smaller, less bloated OS which incorporates some modularity, or the new file system they keep talking about. Stuff like that, not just the cosmetic changes that everybody in Redmond apparently thinks are so wonderful.
I think that the multi-touch is going to be fairly useful, although many will probably find it a gimmick.

It runs a helluva lot better than Vista. Much faster and we've had zero driver issues with it.
I just got dumber by reading the YouTube comments on this video. Seems as if we have a bunch of n00bs taking 1 glance and trashing it, just like they did with Vista. We also have people saying all of the new features in 7 are copied from OS X, even though they're clearly not. :rolleyes:
Rofl man, you have been a member for almost 2 years and you have 19 post...

When you actually make an intelligent contribution to this community then I might respect your opinion but for now you are just worthless troll....

Your opinion is denied.

Not to defend him, but drooling over a girl when she's trying to present an operating system hardly qualifies as "intelligent contibution"
A too-young chick with a valley girl accent hawking the next version of Windows?

Yeah, that gives me confidence in the new OS.

At least she mentioned that they were only minor improvements to increase user productivity that she was talking about. I would like to see if there are any major improvements to Win 7, like a smaller, less bloated OS which incorporates some modularity, or the new file system they keep talking about. Stuff like that, not just the cosmetic changes that everybody in Redmond apparently thinks are so wonderful.

There is no new file-system, there never was.

Also, Win7 has been said for months now that it's not a huge departure from Vista codebase. Performance tweaks, UI updates, updated accessories (paint, calculator). That said, It's running great on my computer. The only problem I've is installing driver packages that don't recognize the version number 6.1, but that's easy to work around.
What a cutie :)

I'm looking forward to this. However, you have to wonder what MIcrosoft is thinking pushing this so early. I was all ready to go get another copy of Vista for my daufghter's computer and now am probably going to wait till Windows 7. All this is going to do is hamper retail sales of Vista and people will be holding on to XP longer. It loks great though and I will probably be jumping on it at release.
Not to defend him, but drooling over a girl when she's trying to present an operating system hardly qualifies as "intelligent contibution"

Touche Azhar

Lol, ya you got me their but, that was meant to be a funny contribution. I have at least made other posts to attempt to help people with problems or suggest alternatives depending with the scenario in the 9 months I have been here.
We also have people saying all of the new features in 7 are copied from OS X, even though they're clearly not. :rolleyes:

Even if they were, who cares? I don't use OS X...I use windows and pretty much always will unless Apple decides they don't want to suck in the enterprise. If OS X, or Linux or anyone else has a great feature I might like and Microsoft includes it in the next release, then that's all the better for me.

Rofl man, you have been a member for almost 2 years and you have 19 post...

When you actually make an intelligent contribution to this community then I might respect your opinion but for now you are just worthless troll....

Your opinion is denied.

Dink behavior by many posters here keeps the post count down for more than one person here.
Gah... Just keep getting the Server too busy message... Wonder how long it'll take to reach 2.5M, will probably just try again later.