Will Win7 Trancend Vista?

Will Win7 Trancend Vista?

  • Hell yes! This is Microsoft's comeback!

    Votes: 67 64.4%
  • It'll be better, but there is no recouping from Vista...

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • It's just Vista with a few new features.

    Votes: 27 26.0%
  • I've already jumped off the Microsoft wagon.

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 21, 2004
So far, most of the public opinion on Win7 has been very positive. Will Win7 be the next XP? Will it really recoupe what Vista lost?
This is more about popularity than quality.
Vista was only "bad" (if you can even call it that) in the beginning, when device manufactures couldn't keep up with the time and put out properly working drivers.

Windows 7 IMHO is just Vista with a few tweaks here and there. Granted I'm using "7" on all my machines, I do like a lot of features it has added, but Vista is nothing to turn your nose up at.

I voted for the "hell yes" option. Because hopefully "7" won't be surrounded by so much fucking FUD.
From what I've seen, Vista is not a bad OS. It just got some early bad press due to some things that were outside Microsoft's control, coupled with the Apple smear campaign and all of a sudden people who otherwise would have no idea were bad-mouthing Vista.
The more I read about Windows 7 the more convienecd I am that this will be perhaps the most well recieved version of Windows ever. I lot of people have comment that 7 is what Vista should have been, maybe so, but there was not way to have launched a product as solid as 7 without Vista before it.

Vista has a HUGE architectural change and that simply broke a lot of stuff and drivers needed to be rewritten and vendors either couldn't or didn't get the job done. I know that a lot of vendors were saying that they simply didn't have a stable version of Vista for long enough to get the job done and that was probably part of the problem as Vista's development was kind of all over the place for some time.

Three years later however that's past us. As bad as some claim Vista is, it's amazing that all new hardware and software works with it. From my testing Vista and 7 are around 99% compatible, just a guess but its in that kind of ball park. So a big problem with Vista isn't a problem this time around, third party support with is perhaps Windows greatest strength.

Secondly, 7 is performing as well as an 8 year old OS and has a ton of new features will maintaining performance. Microsoft got the message and this was critical.

I think Microsoft just took a look at where the problems were with Vista, addressed them and then a large number of smaller improvements, learning from Vista and simply trying to make a great OS like Vista into something people would want and could want even for lower powered and older machines.

Now let's hope the economy doesn't spoil the release!
You forgot a very important, and probably a very common option:

It should and will, but Vista was, in reality, a fine OS as well.
Oh boy flamebait.

All of your polls suggest Vista is a bad operating system. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself using Vista before you spout off against it. My 2 cents.

Or add a fifth choice: There's nothing wrong with Vista, but will you use Win7 anyways?

That would be my choice.
Vista = win7

It really does, just that vista had bad rep people will talk smack about it as if it just came out.
Windows 7 seems to have more issues than vista does today, not worth upgrading IMO.
Oh boy flamebait.

All of your polls suggest Vista is a bad operating system. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself using Vista before you spout off against it. My 2 cents..

Educate yourself and read my post instead of just the Poll.
I'm talking about popularity and adoptions, not quality. :rolleyes:

Yeah, the poll options should maybe be different. Oh well.
Educate yourself and read my post instead of just the Poll.
I'm talking about popularity and adoptions, not quality. :rolleyes:

So you're suggesting we become sheep and follow local customs? How about.. no?
Wow. You're description says nothing about popularity, but hints at quality, and then you edit in a sentence to say it is more about popularity. Then, when someone questions it, you drop them an attitude. Who cares about the popularity...honestly. Do you base your opinions of an OS on public sentitment, or what you "educate yourself" on? If popularity matters to you, then you aren't caring about what is really important.

And this is why your poll was labelled as "flamebait". Too many people worried about if it was "cool" to use Vista, instead of looking at the facts....that it is a good OS.
Vista simply didn't get the bake time it needed, it was rushed as bit. Microsoft will not repeat that mistake again and why they are being VERY cautious about the release date though its looks pretty obvious that 7 is close to being ready.

I'll being the process of upgrading all of my personal Vista production machines when the RC hits. I'll simply swap out the hard drives (I always keep the old OS install until I KNOW I don't need it anymore) install the RC and test. If it looks good I'll keep using it and then plan of a rebuild with let another set of hard drives for the production release. This is the only way to upgrade and not go crazy in my opinion.

I'd like to build a new s new rig on 7, but I think I'll wait to the 32nm CPU's come out which probably won't be until early next year.
So you're suggesting we become sheep and follow local customs? How about.. no?
What? How am I saying that at all? I'm asking people what they think will be the public reaction to Win7, and their own reaction as well.

DeaconFrost said:
then you edit in a sentence to say it is more about popularity.
I did way before Azhar made his post. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Who cares about the popularity...honestly. Do you base your opinions of an OS on public sentitment
Jumping to conclusions much? I'm simply asking what others think. Jesus.

If people actually read my post instead of just the Poll options, they would understand the question at hand, but I know it's easy to twitch react to these kinds of things.
Chill out, read, and think. Lets review what my first post said, pre-edit:
So far, most of the public opinion on Win7 has been very positive. Will Win7 be the next XP? (XP was and is still very popular with Windows users) Will it really recoupe what Vista lost? (implying userbase)
Woah-ho-ho. What do ya know? Amazing what a little reading can do. Sorry that I didn't hit you guys over the head with what I was asking, instead relying on people's ability to infer meaning. I'll be sure to clarify in the future for those who like to jump-the-gun and cry "flamebait!". My apologies.
Windows 7 is "Vista as it should have been." Also, hopefully there will be no PR disaster or FUD wars with "7" either. Vista's not bad, really I can't stand to use an XP machine anymore having been using Vista since the January after it came out...
I don't think that Windows 7 is a major step from Vista; it's an evolutionary one, polishing the OS' rough edges and adding a few new features (though not a fan of the new taskbar).

However, in terms of public opinion, it seems that everyone absolutely loves 7, even if they hated Vista. I don't think this is necessarily so much that 7 is in an entirely different league to Vista, so much as 7 being released on a mature platform (lacking the driver issues of Vista's launch) and being rid of the tarnished Vista name.
Even I as a Vista user can say that Windows 7 will be what Vista should have been, in that uninformed bashers won't attack it like it's going out of style.

My testing of 7 on a 1 GB, single core machine was also very impressive - much more usable than Vista. While Vista has been the first choice for the more powerful machines I own, it was simply frustrating to use on machines that didn't have the horsepower to take advantage of its features.
there are lots of people saying that windows 7 is just like vista. that is alarming. if u guys are correct, lots of people won't be able to run windows 7 on their system, because it will crash just like vista does.
windows 7, better be different on the inside, or lots of people are screw.

you should put an aditional option: better be or i am saying good bye to pc's!

ps: and i am not going to wait for windows 8.
there are lots of people saying that windows 7 is just like vista. that is alarming. if u guys are correct, lots of people won't be able to run windows 7 on their system, because it will crash just like vista does.
windows 7, better be different on the inside, or lots of people are screw.

you should put an aditional option: better be or i am saying good bye to pc's!

ps: and i am not going to wait for windows 8.

Nothing about this post is correct or factual. Please disregard. The supposed issues about Vista have been discussed as nauseum for years know.

7 is NOT Vista SP whatever. There's simply too much in it that has changed. Period.
What are you talking about vista will just crash? Sure apps on occasion just like windows 7 beta. But alot of people felt inflict alot of problems and are too uninformed to figure it out. Example - people who have 4 gb of ram try to install vista with both sticks in. Wrong - for a proper install you should use only of stick (2gb<) ram.

Windows vista properly installed (with drivers etc) = windows 7. Atleast on my end with a decent system. I cant talk from a low end system point of view because...well i dont have one.
defending ms?!!

defending ms?!!

Against trolls like you who do nothing but spread FUD? Sure.

The sheep will be all over 7 like... like something people really like to be all over. Just like I predicted. Hell, it could've been a simple cosmetic change and people would still love it because they are mindless, stupid sheep who follow the flow with no mind of their own just regurgitating all over the same FUD spread by noobs and/or trolls, i.e. all the Vista hate. After I used Vista for a couple of months I simply couldn't go back to XP, it just felt archaic.

I don't see anyone bashing nVidia for releasing shitty drivers who crashed/BSOD Vista like there's no tomorrow. Yeah, I guess it isn't "in" to bash nVidia :rolleyes:
I'm using win7 and i really like it!! never used vista after it first came outt and cai=used me all kinds of frustration trying ti network our small office...I just couldn;'t get it to recognize it...and in the beginning they just didn't recommend the right memory amount....lets face it the only real problem was it resourse hogging
Didn't vote, because there was no option for "Vista is a great OS, but I'll use 7 since it got some improvements." That's how I feel, anyhow.
I have been using Vista 64bit for sometime now and I am without a doubt happy with it. Not saying there have not been a few bumps, but most could be blamed on myself or drivers, not the OS. With that said since I have been dual booting Windows 7, I will without a doubt be moving to 7 as soon as it comes out. The beta has been trouble free for me and even though it's installed on the slowest part of my drive it beats Vista in every way, it all feels snappy again. There are a few things I don't like...Or should I say I am not use to, as I thought the same when coming from XP to Vista, but now could not live without, this will probably be the same thing. With 7 on the horizon and SSD's falling in price...I can see a hole burning in my pocket already. :D
Next February my computer will be 6 years old, looking forward to a new one with win 7.
I'm using win7 and i really like it!! never used vista after it first came outt and cai=used me all kinds of frustration trying ti network our small office...I just couldn;'t get it to recognize it...and in the beginning they just didn't recommend the right memory amount....lets face it the only real problem was it resourse hogging

With typing skills like that, no wonder you had trouble setting up a small office :p

(that was JUST a joke, harsh kidding, NOT flame bait!)
Didn't vote, because there was no option for "Vista is a great OS, but I'll use 7 since it got some improvements." That's how I feel, anyhow.

Hallaluya, Brother! Well said, you get the QFT award of the day :D
I say it will become as popular as XP, but not initially due to the "Vista stigma" right now. It will take time for companies / users to adopt, but once the word gets out etc I think it we be received well and quick.
I'm not so much talking about the quality of Vista, but popularity.

Then what's with the "It's just Vista with a few new features." option? (That's what I voted for, BTW, since I voted before I read that you were talking about popularity, not quality.)

Didn't vote, because there was no option for "Vista is a great OS, but I'll use 7 since it got some improvements." That's how I feel, anyhow.

Right there with 'ya.
Vista with a few new features. Well alot of new features. But did you really want them to completely rewrite the code again!?

Vista brought all the new technologies and Windows 7 polished that.

The problem with vista was never vista. As an OS it's fast and stable. The issue was that new drivers were needed for everything as the driver models changed. And they needed to.
Most hardware companies grew up on XP. Most developers learned to code for XP. So everyone had to learn a new way of writing drivers. This took time. It took time to get quality drivers and for those drivers to mature.

Windows 7 just uses the same driver model and those drivers have had plenty of time to mature and that is one of the reasons those still running XP think it's better than Vista. If they ran Vista with the now mature drivers they'd see it's fast and stable.
And yes there has been many improvements with windows 7. It is faster. It is polished.
lots of people won't be able to run windows 7 on their system, because it will crash just like vista does.
Is it April 1st already, because this has to be a joke. Ever notice how the people who bash Vista aren't capable of forming a complete and proper sentence?
defending ms?!!
Someone has to against the ridiculous crap that some people post. This forum is about factual information, not utter BS, which heatlesssun was right to label your post as.
I think it is Microsoft's comeback. I just think it is hilarious that Windows 7 is Vista but those who hate Vista love Windows 7. I also think the hysteria about Vista is hilarious. I have been using Windows Vista since it came out and most the problems with it (drivers and being a resource hog) were solved within the first year yet there are still tons of Vista haters out there who love Windows 7.
I love Vista Myself. I'll roll to 7 sometime next year maybe. Must say for a Beta 7 is pretty damn polished.
I think it is Microsoft's comeback. I just think it is hilarious that Windows 7 is Vista but those who hate Vista love Windows 7. I also think the hysteria about Vista is hilarious. I have been using Windows Vista since it came out and most the problems with it (drivers and being a resource hog) were solved within the first year yet there are still tons of Vista haters out there who love Windows 7.

We affectionately call them Morons :D
I think it is Microsoft's comeback. I just think it is hilarious that Windows 7 is Vista but those who hate Vista love Windows 7. I also think the hysteria about Vista is hilarious. I have been using Windows Vista since it came out and most the problems with it (drivers and being a resource hog) were solved within the first year yet there are still tons of Vista haters out there who love Windows 7.

It's a little more complicated than this. I too love Vista and just haven't had the problems that some many have bemoaned. I was an early adopter and I admit at first drivers were a little spotty but that largely was cleared up in the summer of 2007.

7's biggest and most important improvement is is performance and foot print. It simply runs well were Vista doesn't. Vista just doesn't work well on Atom netbooks and this is a big deal right now. These things are very popular and I was shocked by just how well 7 runs on one, with only a 1GB of RAM (I've since upgraded to 2GB). Even things like Media Center run reasonably well on it. An Atom 230 with the 945 chipset is the crappiest thing out there now. No version of Windows has gone from out performing its little brother on lower end hardware, even to the point it looks like 7 runs as well or better than XP (you get Aero with these guys no sweat) .

Microsoft took Vista and fixed all of the major flaws it would seem. And actually the performance issue is kind of a big deal now with netbooks, bigger than when Vista was released actually. Being forced to sell XP on these things wasn't probably something that Microsoft saw coming.
there are lots of people saying that windows 7 is just like vista. that is alarming. if u guys are correct, lots of people won't be able to run windows 7 on their system, because it will crash just like vista does.
windows 7, better be different on the inside, or lots of people are screw.

you should put an aditional option: better be or i am saying good bye to pc's!

ps: and i am not going to wait for windows 8.

You need to stop spouting so much crap. Vista is not some crashing horrible operating system.

The main problem with vista is the uninformed user base that gets caught up in the mob mentality of "OMG VISTA SUXORS !!1". Vista was not good at release, now it is rock solid, vista64 even more-so. Windows 7 is a refinement of Vista, it runs better on lower spec hardware then Vista does, it does somethings better then Vista does. It shares the same common groundwork that Vista's creation began, and if some hardware or software companies haven't corrected issues by now in terms of Vista, that is not Microsoft's fault.

People have been touting " say goodbye to PC's! " for years now, and *suprise* it still isn't anywhere close to happening. The only sort of mini-revolution, or evolution has been the market adoption of the so-called netbooks, which are just more stripped down PC's.