Will Win7 Trancend Vista?

Will Win7 Trancend Vista?

  • Hell yes! This is Microsoft's comeback!

    Votes: 67 64.4%
  • It'll be better, but there is no recouping from Vista...

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • It's just Vista with a few new features.

    Votes: 27 26.0%
  • I've already jumped off the Microsoft wagon.

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters
there are lots of people saying that windows 7 is just like vista. that is alarming. if u guys are correct, lots of people won't be able to run windows 7 on their system, because it will crash just like vista does.
windows 7, better be different on the inside, or lots of people are screw.

you should put an aditional option: better be or i am saying good bye to pc's!

ps: and i am not going to wait for windows 8.

What's even more alarming is there's people like you that post on what was once the greatness that is [H]ardOCP.

Slashdot called. They miss your posts.
Vista was not good at release, now it is rock solid, vista64 even more-so.

Heck, I switched all my machines to Vista at the release and was very happy with it. It took Nvidia and Creative awhile to get off the driver failboat, but only a couple months. Its been smooth sailing since.

Its so funny to watch the Vista haters talk about how great Seven is. Its the same damn thing with lots of little performance improvements and updates. My benchmarks showed Vista and Seven are pretty similar.