Will GTA IV ever be patched correctly?

It's going to depend.

I never had a lot of problems with GTAIV to begin with because I understood how the sliders were supposed to work and I simply made sure my values "kept me in the green." Post patches it simply got even better and I was able to turn more settings up. It ran well out of the box...it runs great now post patches. Key phrase: On my rig.

I have a nice rig with a GTX280, 8 gigs of RAM, and an Intel qx9650. So obviously YMMV along with anyone else's.

Post patches, I thought SR2 ran great as well again key phrase being: On my rig. It runs WAY better post patches vs. when it first came out of the box.

Pre patches that thing had some obvious frame rate issues, stuttering, and possibly even a memory leak. I pretty much quit playing it early on until after they patched it then I more or less fell in love with it, lumps and all.

All told: Both games are much better today post patches vs. the day they came out. :)

Right, well I think our rigs are fairly similar, and I found performance to be OK. It's not like I'm inexperienced or unfamiliar with adjusting settings either -- I kept in mind the bounds of my VRAM, and didn't go wild. I just feel that things should have been smoother given what's going on in the game, especially considering the supremely huge delta between my system's performance and the specs of the consoles.

I think given the prices for Saints Row 2 I may as well give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'll love it.
I get 40.13FPS in the benchmark (32-45+ during actual play) at 1920x1080, everything on high/very, 27 view distance, 43 detail (nothing else listed in the benchmark file)

on a cheap Q8200 @ 2.2 and a GTX260 216, 4gb memory
I picked up my copy from Target for $20 bucks on friday and ordered a new video card on saturday. My old 7800GTX wasnt cutting it. I got the GTS250 1gig and the game runs great. AMD X2 4800 with 2 gig of ram. Its not a monster but the vid card is what got mine running just fine.
This game needs an anti-cheating mechanism badly the cheaters run rampant in this game its ridiculous. No wonder hardly anyone plays multiplayer.
This game needs an anti-cheating mechanism badly the cheaters run rampant in this game its ridiculous. No wonder hardly anyone plays multiplayer.

Absolutely. I gave on MP months ago. It's a lost cause.

I guess with that and the fact that we're never getting the DLC for this...I'll be freeing up a huge chunk of HD space pretty soon.
I picked up my copy from Target for $20 bucks on friday and ordered a new video card on saturday. My old 7800GTX wasnt cutting it. I got the GTS250 1gig and the game runs great. AMD X2 4800 with 2 gig of ram. Its not a monster but the vid card is what got mine running just fine.

Might as well had gotten a older 9800 GTX which is what the GTS 250 is... a renamed 9800 GTX+
Might as well had gotten a older 9800 GTX which is what the GTS 250 is... a renamed 9800 GTX+

the 1gb version of the 9800 GTX+ is more expensive and hard to find... i have a GTS 250 and was fully aware of its g92 origins when i purchased it. i don't regret it either, it's a fine, cheap card.