Wikileaks Hiring Lawyers to Defend Alleged Army Source?

What the US needs is a good, long war taking place on our own soil and in our own towns.

Maybe then I'll stop seeing the ending of innocent human lives being referred to as "just an accident, accidents happen". Maybe when it's their own friend or family member lying in the dirt covered in blood, they'll wake the hell up and stop treating war like some video game we need to get a high score on.

The greatest crime of the 21st century has been the desensitization of the public due to remote war with deferred debt. People are far more willing to go to war when they don't have any immediate consequences of it; when killing thousands of people costs them nothing personally they don't even give it a second thought.

Yeah, we need a good long war so all your hippie friends can meet first hand what all of 'nice peace keepers with guns and civilians with weapons' would really do to your pathetic asses.
what all of *the.

Because things would change real fast if all the panzy whiners who think peace keepers carrying knives and civilians have rpgs were being shot and killed.
<missing the point>

Fine, everything happened exactly as it should have. The video proves that all participants were completely professional and that no lies or mistakes were made at any time in violation of any rules of engagement. "Yeah, they deserved to die (and get run over by APCs) and I hope they burn in Hell!"

So why not release it under Freedom of Information, already?

Two words: Cover. Up.