Wii rumor: $229, release as early as Nov 2nd

n64man120 said:
What do you guys think about getting a Wii on launch day? I've never gone after any consoles on launch, but I've heard about the hours ahead of time people line up for Xbox360, PS2 years ago, etc.

Wii has me wondering though. I'm super psyched for it, as lots of others are as well. But then theres a large community of PS3/Xbox360 fans, who bash Wii as a kiddie system and would never consider buying Nintendo again. So how much of a showing do you think there will be on launch day? No doubt they'll be selling out everywhere, but how quickly.

Basically, how long would you guys predict you'll have to line up in advance, to be able to get a console when the store opens on launch day? Does pre-ordering give you any more security on launch day, are you out of luck if you dont pre-order one, even if you wait in line? I'm going to be in the center of Boston, so alot of people concentrated in a tiny area. I've got a BestBuy or EB Games which I could go to, to try and nab a Wii at launch.

Go to a Costco or similar store the morning of launch and I bet youo will get one. Be there at least 3 hrs before opening. I got my 360 at launch that way.
4saken said:
230 is a horrible price point for this underpowered box. 70 more bucks gets you an entry level 360. Sure you dont get the "gimmick" controller the Wii is using, but who cares. Blech.

I was going to pick up a Wii if it was 150-199 just to have one, but at 230, i think ill skip over it until something makes it worthwhile. Aside from the speculation on how much "cool" swinging my remote around will be to play games.

$30 is going to make that much of a difference to you? That's the price of six cups of coffee at Starbucks. $230 seems pretty reasonable to me considering $300 gets you an XBox 360 that doesn't do everything it should and $400 gets you the full system. That's $170 difference, and is much more significant.
IndyJoe said:
Go to a Costco or similar store the morning of launch and I bet youo will get one. Be there at least 3 hrs before opening. I got my 360 at launch that way.

Heh, if only there were Costco's in the middle of Boston. I'm locked on Bestbuy/Gamestop/EBGames locally atleast.
4saken said:
230 is a horrible price point for this underpowered box. 70 more bucks gets you an entry level 360. Sure you dont get the "gimmick" controller the Wii is using, but who cares. Blech.

I was going to pick up a Wii if it was 150-199 just to have one, but at 230, i think ill skip over it until something makes it worthwhile. Aside from the speculation on how much "cool" swinging my remote around will be to play games.


Yeah it is. and as someone already pointed you get the core xbox 360 for 300$, which is missing features i feel you really need to enjoy the 360. So it is still 170 cheaper, i'm assuming it might come with 2 controllers (one wiimote and the other regular gamepad although i am probably wrong), games are 10$ cheaper, im sure extra remotes are also.

If you ask me the 360 and ps3 are underpowered. While the games look great on the 360 and prolly will on the ps3, it's not really the "next gen" jump of visuals like we saw from ps1 to ps2. This generation needs something different and that's why the "gimmicky" remote will sell wii's.

I'll probably pick up a wii for zelda and some multiplayer games. Video games nowadays really arent what they used to be.. I hope bond is one of the downloadable games, because that will make me definately get a wii
Horray! I'll be at EB on launch day, probably skip class to beat the rush. :p

anyone know if EB is taking preorders on the box?
I'm hoping they sell out like the 360's. Then I can pick a few up and price gouge them on ebay to some rich soccer mom trying to pick one up for their kid for christmas.
Archaea said:
will it have a convertor to a VGA cable?

You'll surely have to pay for it if one does come out. Without hd output its really a specialty feature- even most large monitors have some sort of additional av inputs nowadays. At $230, they better include some extras, cause at this price it would be dangerously close to the 360 core. You can argue all you want that the premium is the "real" package, but the wii probably/definintely wont have a 20 gig hd, headset, media remote, or hd cables in the box. I just have a hard time believing that the wii costs nintento 77% as much as a core 360 costs microsoft considering whats under the hood. $200 is the appropriate price, at that point i still dont think they'll lose as much percentage-wise on each box as ms or sony.
I just want to be able to pre-order this so I don't have to fight with psychos for a Wii. Of course I hope the chain stores don't rope you into buying one of those ridiculous bundles with games you don't want to play.

$200, $230, doesn't really make a difference to me. I'll buy it to play games, not 'just to have'

Spaceman_Spiff said:
I just have a hard time believing that the wii costs nintento 77% as much as a core 360 costs microsoft considering whats under the hood

Where did you hear this?
Spaceman_Spiff said:
You'll surely have to pay for it if one does come out. Without hd output its really a specialty feature- even most large monitors have some sort of additional av inputs nowadays. At $230, they better include some extras, cause at this price it would be dangerously close to the 360 core. You can argue all you want that the premium is the "real" package, but the wii probably/definintely wont have a 20 gig hd, headset, media remote, or hd cables in the box. I just have a hard time believing that the wii costs nintento 77% as much as a core 360 costs microsoft considering whats under the hood. $200 is the appropriate price, at that point i still dont think they'll lose as much percentage-wise on each box as ms or sony.
The gamecube had a vga cable (although it was japan only, but i'm sure you could import it).
BillLeeLee said:
I just want to be able to pre-order this so I don't have to fight with psychos for a Wii. Of course I hope the chain stores don't rope you into buying one of those ridiculous bundles with games you don't want to play.

$200, $230, doesn't really make a difference to me. I'll buy it to play games, not 'just to have'

Where did you hear this?

He's just taking the price point, the wii is 230$ and in his thinking the xbox360 is 300$, although the Hard drive is a nessesaty for the 360 so it really is 400$ so the Wii is only 57% the price of the Xbox360, besides the Wii will have Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario, and a bunch of other fun games using the "gimicky" controller, which by the way I think will be tons of fun to play with.

Edit: Also nintendo doesn't like to sell thier systems at much of a loss, so while sony/microsoft can screw themselves with thier high priced manufacturing cost, nintendo can just reap the profits with a system that will give them very little losses and maby some profits even *gasp*.
Ah I see. I thought he was saying that in terms of manufacturing costs it was going to cost Nintendo 77% of the cost Microsoft have to pay to build one Xbox 360 for them to build one Wii.

I think historically, nintendo has never sold any console/handheld they made at a loss in terms of manufacturing costs. Not sure about Virtual boy though, but I would assume that would be a loss in R&D costs, not hardware costs. Or maybe the 64DD...
Wow, saving up for it now! Looks AWESOME as it did before... I just hope there's a VGA port so I can use it with my LCD screens.
4saken said:
230 is a horrible price point for this underpowered box. 70 more bucks gets you an entry level 360. Sure you dont get the "gimmick" controller the Wii is using, but who cares. Blech.

I was going to pick up a Wii if it was 150-199 just to have one, but at 230, i think ill skip over it until something makes it worthwhile. Aside from the speculation on how much "cool" swinging my remote around will be to play games.

$230 is cheap compared to the $399 for the Xbox360 people would want or the $599 for the PS3 people will want.

There is no point in buying a 360 core system now that the premiums are in ready supply, I could see some reason to go with the lower priced PS3, but the built in WiFi, bigger HD, and media card reader are going to make it worth the extra $100 for the good one for me.

It's easy to blow $200 just on a night out at the clubs or some bars with friends, so, for a system that offers as much as the Wii might, it seems worth it. As stated above, Nintendo likes to make a profit, or at least break even on hardware, that is how they have managed to stay profitable despite having some of the lowest sales in hardware for the Gamecube vs. the Xbox and the PS2 (I can't remember if MS or Nintendo sold the least last time around, I know MS did worldwide, I can't remember which sold more in the US for Xbox vs. the Cube). Also of note, MS still has yet to register any profits from their console division, Nintendo managed to do it between hardware and software sales, Sony did it even though losing a bunch in hardware due to software sales alone.

As for pre-ordering -

I waited in line overnight for a PS2 and was glad I did, then managed to pick up another one at Toys 'R Us the next day by working the manager (buying a bunch of accessories and a warranty I didn't need, and returned the next day) which I e-bayed for double the price, thus making my first PS2 essentially free.

I worked the Gamecube launch at Circuit City, and even though we had 40 odd systems in our store (could have been more, I didn't count) there were maybe 10 people outside before we opened in line for it, and we still had some left at close of business that day.

On the other hand, there is a lot more hype over the Wii than the GameCube. If nothing else Nintendo has done a great job hyping up their new controller (which I still think will prove to be a gimick after 6 months or so), but their downloadable ROMs of lots of previous titles could prove to be a big push for the system as well (I know that is personally why I want one). Pre-ordering at an EB doesn't hurt, they will let you cancel your pre-order and give you your money back anyway, so really there is nothing to lose by doing it.
HighwayAssassins said:
have you seen super mario galaxy and zelda?
I have.. Twilight Princess is pretty much one of the huge reasons i'm getting one. That and the fact of the huge back library for SNES, NES etc.

Not that I couldn't get that from *cough* emulation *cough*. But it will be nice to have that. I really couldn't believe that when I heard it and I wasn't even thinking of buying one. But it's the only console I see that's worth having now. PS3 can eat shit for 600 bucks.
BillLeeLee said:
Ah I see. I thought he was saying that in terms of manufacturing costs it was going to cost Nintendo 77% of the cost Microsoft have to pay to build one Xbox 360 for them to build one Wii.

I think historically, nintendo has never sold any console/handheld they made at a loss in terms of manufacturing costs. Not sure about Virtual boy though, but I would assume that would be a loss in R&D costs, not hardware costs. Or maybe the 64DD...

Right, i mean that the retail cost is 77% of a 360 core's, and to the comsumer, its clear that for $70 more you get a lot more inside. While i agree that the 360 premium is clearly the better deal, and that everyone should get a hard drive to take advantage of the extra features, its not a fair comparison to say the wii at $230 == the 360 at $400 either. As i said before, id highly doubt the wii will include component a video cable, media remote, and headset in the box. These will probably put it right around $300. Thats a more fair comparison to make to the $400 360 sku.

Obviously the 360 core is useless without at least a memory unit, which puts it at $340. Thats not a perfect comparison to the wii since you cant download xbl arcade stuff (comparable to virtual console), and really not having a hdd is just dumb. But, keep in mind also that the 360 with hdd lets you download demos and high res trailers, something you wont be able to do on wii. Xbox live arcade is a great feature, but i think more developers and also users are realizing that downloading demos and high res trailers (especially games that are far from release) is maybe even better than the arcade.
4saken said:
230 is a horrible price point for this underpowered box. 70 more bucks gets you an entry level 360. Sure you dont get the "gimmick" controller the Wii is using, but who cares. Blech.

I was going to pick up a Wii if it was 150-199 just to have one, but at 230, i think ill skip over it until something makes it worthwhile. Aside from the speculation on how much "cool" swinging my remote around will be to play games.

so 31 dollars more is horrible price?
you said you would pick one up for about 199.. but so you can't pony up 31 more dollars?!
umcpgrad said:
so 31 dollars more is horrible price?
you said you would pick one up for about 199.. but so you can't pony up 31 more dollars?!


I for one plan on picking it up on launch day
I will def get it.. and play it on my new 30 inch tritiron sony =].. that I got for 190 dollars new..
umcpgrad said:
I will def get it.. and play it on my new 30 inch tritiron sony =].. that I got for 190 dollars new..

How the hell did you do that?

I also plan on getting the Wii on launch day.
I'll wait in line for one on launch day if I have to, even if there are no games at launch. As long as they have the old-Nintendo emulation set up, I'll be good to go.
umcpgrad said:
local ad =]

just a regular tv, not hd or lcd or anything.. but still great :D

I never did like the trinitrons, the bars in the screens always annoyed me. IMHO it's an overrated product, just like most of Sony's other junk electronics.

Still, if it floats your boat, that's all you can ask for :)

hey for 30incher for that price, ain't bad..
it will be great for wii... =]
and I'll run my xbox360 on my 26incher hdlcd...