Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone

Over here the carriers rule the phone industry. Americans don't buy cellphones. They buy service and their choice of locked phone comes with it.

Hardly that. It's the fact that our networks suck balls. There's also the fact that much of our living isn't intertwined with the cellphone.

The US has no FeliCa tech. That leaves out using your phone as a train pass/airplane pass or making purchases with your phone. Also leaves out the ability to open doors or start your car with your cellphone.

As our networks suck, anything dealing with bandwith comes at an additional cost. So might as well cut out video calls.

No one bothers with having barcodes that can be scanned with a phone, which would then link the user to their website. Hell, I have that setup with my MS Live.

No TV services. Japanese use 1seg. Only other country to use 1seg is Brazil.

Until Americans start beefing up our networks, we'll never see anything like a Japanese cellphone.
I think the main reason is just because it isn't Japanese - you know the Japanese are snooty as hell when it comes to buying "stuff".

I wouldn't exactly call them snooty. Many of them buy Japanese because they feel it's part of being loyal to Japan. You see Americans pushing "Buy American" all the time, seems like the Japanese just seem to care more. Many of them also buy them because their national debt is 170.4% of GDP (Compared to the U.S. 60%), kinda important to invest in your own country at that point.

What works in America doesnt neccesarily work in Europe or Asia and of course visa verca. I mean in Europe and Asia its not uncommon to have 2 personal cell phones. How many Americans do you know that have two personal cell phones.
Why do you charge both the caller AND the receiver for air time in the US?
I'm wonder if there are any other countries that do that..

Also text messages, it costs the sender AND the receiver $$.
Nice to see one country takes pride and knows the value of buying their own goods...I remember America used to be like that once.

When American products were actually American.
American manufacturers turned to China to build for cheaper... Products that are designed, made and sold on american lands are rarer and rarer.

And by America/American, i included the snowy lands of Canada where i reside.
Why do you charge both the caller AND the receiver for air time in the US?
I'm wonder if there are any other countries that do that..

Also text messages, it costs the sender AND the receiver $$.

WTF service do you have? You are getting screwed somewhere. When I was on T-Mobile I only got charged for calls I made, not received calls.

I'm on T-Mobile Deutschland now. Same thing, cept my amount of minutes has dropped significantly and monthly fees has increased. Gotta love Europe.
Hardly that. It's the fact that our networks suck balls. There's also the fact that much of our living isn't intertwined with the cellphone.

The US has no FeliCa tech. That leaves out using your phone as a train pass/airplane pass or making purchases with your phone. Also leaves out the ability to open doors or start your car with your cellphone.

As our networks suck, anything dealing with bandwith comes at an additional cost. So might as well cut out video calls.

No one bothers with having barcodes that can be scanned with a phone, which would then link the user to their website. Hell, I have that setup with my MS Live.

No TV services. Japanese use 1seg. Only other country to use 1seg is Brazil.

Until Americans start beefing up our networks, we'll never see anything like a Japanese cellphone.
obama's stimulus plan does actually address this iirc
Nice to see one country takes pride and knows the value of buying their own goods...I remember America used to be like that once.

Those were the days when American companies didn't consistently turn out steaming piles of shit and sell them for five times their real value while having them produced by preteens in a sweatshop in a south-american country.
Those were the days when American companies didn't consistently turn out steaming piles of shit and sell them for five times their real value while having them produced by preteens in a sweatshop in a south-american country.

Sorry, but when my Palm V had the "made in usa" label on it, that was one solid device. Still works to this day. Got one of the Tungsten C models a few years back and it was made in China. I was not happy.

For other posters, Japan does the same thing. Take the Wii. Designed in Japan, built in China. How is that any different than the iPhone/iPod..designed in California (I guess they think that somehow looks better than USA) but assembled in China.


Personally, I don't know about the iPhone, but the iPod touch is the best tech gadget I have used so far.

There are differences in what people do with gadgets in Japan vs. the US. Obviously, in Japan they seem to have everything computerized and automated, whereas here in the US we are not nearly so electronic. Obviously, if a phone designed for the US is simply sold in Japan that it would suck since it can't do the baseline functions that the phones specifically designed for that market can.

Anyway, the 360 outsold the PS3 again. It's armageddon!!
Im sick of hearing about how if the japanese dont like something then its obviously because its not from japan. Its a load of shit. The iPod is extremely popular in japan, unlike the iPhone it doesnt lack any of the features a japanese person wants, if a foreign product is compatible with japan then it does perfectly fine. The iPhone sucks in japan because it wont adapt to the market and give people what they need, a western phone does not have the features to succeed in japan since people need their phones to do a million different everday things.

So ya I guess they dont like it because its not japanese, but not for the reasons people assume, its because japanese companies are the only ones who will create products geared towards japanese tastes.
Um, there's a simple reason why our phones are crap. It's due to the fact that we mainly use pcs at home or on laptops.

Japan doesn't use the massive computer power we do, they don't use the massive GPUs we do, they don't stay at home and use pcs. They go places and use their cell phones.

Japan also doesn't have the huge pc market for gaming we do. Nor even the console market, as we buy all 3 consoles, and they mainly buy Wii.

And don't tell me they don't, I've BEEN. My brother in law is a japanese soldier.

And btw, Japan hates China. My brother in law goes nuts at any mention of China, and would rather shoot himself then buy anything made in China.
It's different cultures. Our culture is more of a at home type, Japan gets out and talks to people.

And btw, nobody compares to our HDTV services in the world. Britian has two hd channels total last I counted. Japan may have helped make hdtv, but they don't have 100's of channels in hd.
Just to explain a bit more, Japan goes crazy for some games but only some (Dragon Quest for one).

Americans buy far more games the Japanese do, but never get truly attached to any one game.

And alot of the cultural differences are obvious. Japanese like to communicate more outside and it's not because they are nice and we aren't, it's due to the whole Japanese culture. I hate to come down on them, but since they know most people, and they don't get alot of new people (since theirs not much room, and high prices for apartments), they are friendly to themselves.

They aren't particualary friendly to non japanese. They stay communicating with who they know.

Also, japanese apartments are way smaller then american homes, and far more expensive. Their are posh apartments for over $1000+ that are almost as big as walk in closests in America!

Japan HAS to have small and powerful devices due to all of this. They can't have big computers like we can, since we have this over abundance of land.
And one last thing, Japan is not nearly as automated and computerized as you think, or you read. I grow tired of idiots who read some anime forum about automated toilets with a million buttons and think that Japan has giant robots and flying cars. And they obviously have never been to Japan.

Yeah, Japan has nicer people. It's nice to walk the streets and not get mugged. But if you think they are so much more advanced, go there.
Why would they want it? they get actual good phones over there! (that aren't released here). Touch HD, TG01, etc... etc... They are also more tech savy consumers so they aren't wooed by flashy graphics and expensive add campaigns to push a locked down device with a horrible plan.

It's amazing how people project their own personal tastes in these articles about Apple.
I hate to keep replying, but this must be said.

When my neice lived in Japan, the computers were as easy to understand as plugging in a american usb keyboard and using the web (although programs in Japans Xp may not have american translation).

Honestly she misses Japan. But the thing she didn't miss was American home computing and power, which she will admit is far better.

If you care about the power sitting between your legs your gonna miss it.
I'm not Japanese and I hate the Iphone. Come to think of it I hate any and all types of cell phones :)
I think we can all agree that the only reason the iPhone succeeded is because it is pretty, gimmicky, and is made by Apple. Oh, and I'm not just quoting that one macbook wheel video, I'm dead fucking serious.
Some people are so lame. "Yeah dude it's like Star Trek over there!" I've posted a lot of usernames in my address book for when I'm looking for guys to trade anime films with.
The japanese just don't like non-Japanese stuff. Even though the XBOX 360 has many good Japanese games (not all are released outside of Japan) and is still selling like crap. Not surprising they are skeptical to western stuff because in the early days no one knew the Japanese market and culture so the stuff were sold and marketed the same. These days however billions are being spent trying to Japanize everything and still they won't buy it. I can understand that they have better cell phones than the iPhone, but their pro Japanese agenda doesn't stop their. Only thing western they like is junk food which is a shame when they have such healthy food in Japan.

To be clear I love Japan, but that doesn't mean I have to like everything about them. They also look down on Koreans and have an unhealthy obbsession with underage girls. What's up with having a cafe where they dress up as 'sexy' six year olds and call you big brother. You want some more milk one-chan?
So, what passes for fashion in Japan then?

They have excellent taste, just look at some of their cars!


Going back to the phone as a status symbol.. I know in Serbia, phone tech is more advanced than it is here due to the fact that it is a status symbol also. The main reason for this seems to be that the lower incomes leave lower cost items to be the status symbols. It's also a pride that they can have something America can't where they've been behind for the past few decades.
The japanese just don't like non-Japanese stuff. Even though the XBOX 360 has many good Japanese games (not all are released outside of Japan) and is still selling like crap. Not surprising they are skeptical to western stuff because in the early days no one knew the Japanese market and culture so the stuff were sold and marketed the same. These days however billions are being spent trying to Japanize everything and still they won't buy it. I can understand that they have better cell phones than the iPhone, but their pro Japanese agenda doesn't stop their. Only thing western they like is junk food which is a shame when they have such healthy food in Japan.

To be clear I love Japan, but that doesn't mean I have to like everything about them. They also look down on Koreans and have an unhealthy obbsession with underage girls. What's up with having a cafe where they dress up as 'sexy' six year olds and call you big brother. You want some more milk one-chan?

Yep. That is true. Not only do they look down on Koreans, but other Asians as well.
They have excellent taste, just look at some of their cars!


That's all white boys there.

So much broad generalization here, as if white ppl, or any other people are better? Plz, gimme a break. *spit*

This type of thread topic only incite bigoted comments, flamebait much.
I hate to keep replying, but this must be said.

When my neice lived in Japan, the computers were as easy to understand as plugging in a american usb keyboard and using the web (although programs in Japans Xp may not have american translation).

Honestly she misses Japan. But the thing she didn't miss was American home computing and power, which she will admit is far better.

If you care about the power sitting between your legs your gonna miss it.

Dude, you said you went to Japan. Exactly WTF did you see there? Some shrines and that's it.

A good chunk of my PC I bought in Tokyo from PC Depot. As soon as the C2Ds came out, I picked one up. The first Black Edition AMD came out in Japan first. You can easily get the latest PC hardware available. Japan has some of the world's best overclockers, who happen to hold world records too.

Oh, fyi. I lived in Tokyo for 2 years. They have plenty of PC games too. The difference is, most of their stuff is visual novels, eroge, shooters, etc. They aren't real big into the FPS genre as Americans are. Because of that, PCs don't need to be real powerful to run what they play.

It's not that they don't have the ability to get a high end PC. They simply don't need one, so they don't get one. Unlike Americans that are too stupid to understand exactly what they are even purchasing. So they end up dropping down $3k-4k on a computer that they'll use to do nothing more than surf the net, type email, and maybe do schoolwork on it.

Americans buy far more games the Japanese do, but never get truly attached to any one game.

Of course. Japanese still have kickass arcades. Also what do you mean on any one game? A single game or a single game series? If they didn't, Idolm@ster wouldn't be doing well. Guilty Gear wouldn't be doing well. Final Fantasy wouldn't be doing well. Touhou games wouldn't be doing well.

And alot of the cultural differences are obvious. Japanese like to communicate more outside and it's not because they are nice and we aren't, it's due to the whole Japanese culture. I hate to come down on them, but since they know most people, and they don't get alot of new people (since theirs not much room, and high prices for apartments), they are friendly to themselves.

They aren't particualary friendly to non japanese. They stay communicating with who they know.

Guess you didn't bother getting out or even attempted to communicate with them. There's places to go and meet new ppl.

Also, japanese apartments are way smaller then american homes, and far more expensive. Their are posh apartments for over $1000+ that are almost as big as walk in closests in America!

Grats, you didn't actually live in a Japanese apt. Most are 2DK or 3DK. More then enough room for a person. Hell a 1DK is easily 2-3 times the size of a walk-in closet.

I'd say their apts are near on par with Europeans, depending on location of the apt you get. My German apt is larger than my friend's Japanese apt. Course I also pay almost double the price.

Japan HAS to have small and powerful devices due to all of this. They can't have big computers like we can, since we have this over abundance of land.

Yes, because our big computers somehow take up a whole room. My buddies sure didn't seem to have issues with putting a big computer in their apts. A midtower is hardly large and more than enough room to fit high end comp parts.
Nice to see one country takes pride and knows the value of buying their own goods...I remember America used to be like that once.

American products used to be worth buying. They used to have the best quality for the best price. The unions wrecked all that. Because of the unions force the companies to pay the employees 4x-10x more than their work is worth, and they have to cut corners (killing quality), and overcharge (killing value) to even hope to break even. Look at the automakers getting killed by their unions. Think about how much better, and cheaper, our cars could be if those guys were only getting paid the minimum wage their worth.

I used to go out of my way to buy American...not anymore.
the f905i is pretty nice, i think FarEastTone in china has a fully unlocked version.

I'm using a HyperSim with mine. Seems that everything is unlocked, but a lot is unusable though. Mainly cause those features aren't implemented in Germany.

Once I go to Korea, I'll see what kind of phones they have there. If nothing decent, I'll probalby stick with the F905i. If I go back to Japan, I'd just chuck it and get the latest model in Japan of course.

I'd definitely go NTT again. I lost all my points when I cancelled from them though. I was halfway to getting a new free phone from them.
Yep. That is true. Not only do they look down on Koreans, but other Asians as well.

I'm Asian and lived in Tokyo for 2 years. I didn't see any racism from the Japanese. Now when I lived in S.Korea, I always saw the racism against me. Thank god it was only the older generation in S.Korea.