Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone

So who else wants to ascribe certain characteristics to a culture and then explain that's the reason why the Iphone doesn't sell well?

Oh yeah, don't forget to make it at least two sentences: you could hardly summarize a nation and its relationship to the Iphone in one sentence.
obama's stimulus plan does actually address this iirc

he can address it all he wants.

The bottom line is what usually happens, govt will give money to upgrade the network, which is what SHOULD have been happening for the last decade.

Phone company will make a half assed attempt followed by some...too big or too rural excuse, then mess with the books at how much their attempt cost, pocket the rest, then either the entire management board will "want to spend more time with the family" and leave with big severance packages....or they will run the company into the ground and divy up the govt money as bonuses for tanking the company.

while i'm sure Japan certainly operates to make a profit AND yes doesn't have the size issue...the thing is we could roll this stuff out on the east and west coasts...and we aren't even seeing that. and to do things right AND make a profit it requires an investment. The current industry wants quick profits with no investments so it keeps dragging out old excuses to bullshit the populace into thinking thats all they can get.
I think the main reason is just because it isn't Japanese - you know the Japanese are snooty as hell when it comes to buying "stuff".

I don't think so, this has not stop various nokia phones from penetrating the Japanese market.
I would say that it has to do witt the data plans and japan needing a reasonably priced plan. We all seem to forget that the reason japan is so advanced in their cell techonology is because from early one, cell plans were cheaper than those of lan lines.
Dude, you said you went to Japan. Exactly WTF did you see there? Some shrines and that's it.

A good chunk of my PC I bought in Tokyo from PC Depot. As soon as the C2Ds came out, I picked one up. The first Black Edition AMD came out in Japan first. You can easily get the latest PC hardware available. Japan has some of the world's best overclockers, who happen to hold world records too.

Oh, fyi. I lived in Tokyo for 2 years. They have plenty of PC games too. The difference is, most of their stuff is visual novels, eroge, shooters, etc. They aren't real big into the FPS genre as Americans are. Because of that, PCs don't need to be real powerful to run what they play.

It's not that they don't have the ability to get a high end PC. They simply don't need one, so they don't get one. Unlike Americans that are too stupid to understand exactly what they are even purchasing. So they end up dropping down $3k-4k on a computer that they'll use to do nothing more than surf the net, type email, and maybe do schoolwork on it.

Of course. Japanese still have kickass arcades. Also what do you mean on any one game? A single game or a single game series? If they didn't, Idolm@ster wouldn't be doing well. Guilty Gear wouldn't be doing well. Final Fantasy wouldn't be doing well. Touhou games wouldn't be doing well.

Guess you didn't bother getting out or even attempted to communicate with them. There's places to go and meet new ppl.

Grats, you didn't actually live in a Japanese apt. Most are 2DK or 3DK. More then enough room for a person. Hell a 1DK is easily 2-3 times the size of a walk-in closet.

I'd say their apts are near on par with Europeans, depending on location of the apt you get. My German apt is larger than my friend's Japanese apt. Course I also pay almost double the price.

Yes, because our big computers somehow take up a whole room. My buddies sure didn't seem to have issues with putting a big computer in their apts. A midtower is hardly large and more than enough room to fit high end comp parts.

WEll to this I have no comment, since your right, I only visited a few days.

I say enough to know the apartments are small, people don't use pcs like we do, and Japan is NOT Star Trek.

WEll to this I have no comment, since your right, I only visited a few days.

I say enough to know the apartments are small, people don't use pcs like we do, and Japan is NOT Star Trek.

I'd say Japanese apts are on par with Korean apts and probably 50% of European apts. Euro apts are small and large. Guess it all depends what section of town you live in or some crap.

Japanese don't do much with their PCs. Check mail, surf a little, and that's pretty much it. I'd say that's pretty much the same as most Americans or Europeans. Just that the westerners have a larger PC gaming market.

Japan...Star Trek. Hardly. Don't think any country can be like the Federation.
Turns out the Wired article is a fraud, according to AppleInsider, which winds up writing a more in-depth and informative article on the iPhone's status in Japan than anything Wired has done in a while.

After seeing the Wired article, Hayashi pointed out in his own blog that his comments on the P905i were not only taken out of context, but also rather dated, as that model is from late 2007. He also says he never called the iPhone too lame to carry. ”My cellular weapon of choice, of course,“ Hayashi wrote, ”is an iPhone and my cellular weapon of choice to the foreigners is INFOBAR2 and I don't even dare to charge my P905i these days.“

After Hayashi complained about being misrepresented, Chen edited the article to say ”His cellular weapon of choice when he spoke to Wired.com June 2008? A Panasonic P905i, a fancy cellphone that doubles as a 3-inch TV. It also features 3-G, GPS, a 5.1-megapixel camera and motion sensors for Wii-style games.“


”The perception of iPhone being a failure was created by a newspaper in Japan, Sankei Shimbun,“ Hayashi noted in his original reply to Wired. ”Last fall, it wrote although Softbank tried to sell one million units by the end of 2008, they only sold about 200,000. This article was wrong in two fronts.

“One is that Softbank nor Apple never publicly claimed they would sell 1 million units. Second, their estimate of 200,000 units were also wrong. Although Apple nor Softbank releases the real number of shipment, today, it is strongly believed that they have shipped more than 300,000 and possibly near 400,000 units in Japan.

”Interestingly, despite the negative press, Sankei Shimbun did release one of the most successful iPhone app in Japan after that article in which you can read the full Sankei Shimbun newspaper. Also on January 11th, 2009 they looked back how iPhone did in the first six month and seem to have concluded it wasn't that bad after all.“

Won't appease anyone here, especially given the amount of Apple hate ingrained into the PC enthusiast community, but hey.
So in other word....it still failed, but just not that badly. Since it's winter, let's use a winter analogy.

The iPhone is like a skiier. He didn't fall on his face and roll off a cliff. He just....fell on his face and peed his pants a little.
So in other word....it still failed, but just not that badly. Since it's winter, let's use a winter analogy.

Brian Chen? Is that you?

The point is that the article, both in premise and in supporting detail, is wrong.
The iPhone is like a skiier. He didn't fall on his face and roll off a cliff. He just....fell on his face and peed his pants a little.

What the fuck? Let me make one up for you - A snowboarder falls, snowballs down a mountain and skiiers lawl at the side while he rolls off the mountain.
Um, there's a simple reason why our phones are crap. It's due to the fact that we mainly use pcs at home or on laptops.

Japan doesn't use the massive computer power we do, they don't use the massive GPUs we do, they don't stay at home and use pcs. They go places and use their cell phones.

Japan also doesn't have the huge pc market for gaming we do. Nor even the console market, as we buy all 3 consoles, and they mainly buy Wii.

And don't tell me they don't, I've BEEN. My brother in law is a japanese soldier.

And btw, Japan hates China. My brother in law goes nuts at any mention of China, and would rather shoot himself then buy anything made in China.

Just want to add that while Japanese might hate China the Japanese are the ones that invaded China and had fun betting who can cut more chinese in half with swords. That and Japan still celebrates their war criminals.
Won't appease anyone here, especially given the amount of Apple hate ingrained into the PC enthusiast community, but hey.

Disagree. I do not think that PC users hate Apple but more generally it is that PC users realize that Apple products are not that amazing overall.
Disagree. I do not think that PC users hate Apple but more generally it is that PC users realize that Apple products are not that amazing overall.

PC enthusiasts want different things out of their machines than Apple is set up to provide, that's all. We want overclocking, SLI, 200FPS in Crysis, huge e-peens, etc. Apple doesn't cater to that. They're focused on mid- and high-end productivity for the normal end user.

Two different mentalities, two different markets. Doesn't mean Apple's products "are not that amazing." It means Apple's products hold little value to people who want bleeding edge performance.
What the fuck? Let me make one up for you - A snowboarder falls, snowballs down a mountain and skiiers lawl at the side while he rolls off the mountain.

I went with skiier, as it's the young kids who snowboard. Not exactly the crowd Apple is catering to with the iPhone.

PC enthusiasts want different things out of their machines than Apple is set up to provide, that's all. We want overclocking, SLI, 200FPS in Crysis, huge e-peens, etc. Apple doesn't cater to that. They're focused on mid- and high-end productivity for the normal end user.

FYI, a high end gaming machine can also be used for productivity, while costing less. That or built an actual workstation to match the Mac and once again, can be used for gaming and overclocking.

Two different mentalities, two different markets. Doesn't mean Apple's products "are not that amazing." It means Apple's products hold little value to people who want bleeding edge performance.

What's amazing about them? The Harpertown Xeon that's 2 years old? The vidcards that's a couple years behind also? A hell of a lot better to buy/build a new PC workstation. Having newer tech, more performance, while costing the same.

Apple and value don't go together, unless the words "very little" come before "value." Doesn't matter on circumstances, always like that.
What's amazing about them? The Harpertown Xeon that's 2 years old? The vidcards that's a couple years behind also? A hell of a lot better to buy/build a new PC workstation. Having newer tech, more performance, while costing the same.

Apple and value don't go together, unless the words "very little" come before "value." Doesn't matter on circumstances, always like that.

Thanks for proving my point.
Can anyone explain to me what makes it impossible for US/Euro phones to have these sorts of capabilities? It seems like there are features that Japanese phones have had for a long time that USA/Euro phones haven't even SEEN yet...o_O

I don't see why Japan doesn't sell this stuff in the USA and completely knock everyone else out of the water.

Because we have bigger problems than being up to date on our cell phone technology... *cough* recession *cough*.
My bad... above post doesn't make sense.

I thought you said "Why doesn't the USA take up this technology and knock everyone else out of the water."