Why Star Wars the Old Republic is better than any other game!

I wouldn't go as far as 'horrid', but they are pretty subpar. And the color scheme and artistic layout is pretty cartoony for my taste.

Their sound effects are pretty top notch though, so I will give them that

It reminded me too much of WoW. I hate to say that, but there it is.
I think MMOs are a thing of the past really. They don't provide any value proposition over other games which are less expensive and less time intensive.

OK, of all the complaints that are leveled against MMOs, value is not one of them. You will be extraordinarily hard pressed to find a better playtime/money ratio than an MMO.

Biowares story, companions, voice acting for both and it is star wars a scifi setting.

Choices you make in the game seem to actually matter, you can kill a guy or let him live and the results of that action come back to haunt you later in the game, or benefit you.

Bioware doesn't get that pass anymore, not since the abominations of DA2 and ME2.

And my choices never seemed to matter beyond making my character look like he had a weird skin condition on his face.

I wouldn't go as far as 'horrid', but they are pretty subpar. And the color scheme and artistic layout is pretty cartoony for my taste.

The graphics look the most like WoW of any MMO I've ever seen. It's the type of thing where you could literally take screenshots of both and play a little game of "WoW or SWTOR".
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Overhyped ? well, aren't most games when they first come out?
I got to play in the last weekend Beta, and I really enjoyed it. I do plan to play it for as long as it remains interesting to me.
At the moment - I certainly enjoy it more than WoW - if that will last - who knows.

One of the things I really like so far is that I do not Have to group to enjoy it. Sure, it is an MMO, and groups are a good thing - but when I only have an hour or so to play sometimes , well a group is difficult at best.
OK, of all the complaints that are leveled against MMOs, value is not one of them. You will be extraordinarily hard pressed to find a better playtime/money ratio than an MMO.

Assuming it's good. So far I've never played any MMO for more than a few hours before becoming bored out of my skull. Age of Conan is the one exception. I leveled up to around 55 and stopped. Too many bugs and a lack of content at that level range are what made me quit. I've never cared enough to pick it back up and try again after they've supposedly fixed everything. I've also always felt MMO's were too genericized compared to real single player RPG games. The combat has also generally been annoying for most. I've always felt disconnected from it. Like I'm administrating more than fighting. Age of Conan is different in that regard as your actual level of skill factored in somewhat.
Assuming it's good. So far I've never played any MMO for more than a few hours before becoming bored out of my skull. Age of Conan is the one exception. I leveled up to around 55 and stopped. Too many bugs and a lack of content at that level range are what made me quit. I've never cared enough to pick it back up and try again after they've supposedly fixed everything. I've also always felt MMO's were too genericized compared to real single player RPG games. The combat has also generally been annoying for most. I've always felt disconnected from it. Like I'm administrating more than fighting. Age of Conan is different in that regard as your actual level of skill factored in somewhat.

If it's not your kind of game, obviously you're not going to get a lot of play out of it just like I wouldn't get a lot of use out of a motorcycle because I don't like motorcycling. However, for people who do like the MMO experience, you can get more out of it than from ANY other game in existence (even your vaunted ME2).
Bioware doesn't get that pass anymore, not since the abominations of DA2 and ME2.

And my choices never seemed to matter beyond making my character look like he had a weird skin condition on his face.

I'm not saying they deserve a pass for previous games. I'm saying the story lines I have played so far are pretty good and remind me of typical bioware stories from previous games like kotor. I loved the bounty hunter, trooper and sith stories. The jedi were what i expected and just ok for me. Imp agent was just off for me but I only got to lvl 10 and smuggler I didn't play.

Choice in this game that effect the storyline was not obvious to me at first. I choose my dialogue and whacked some sith apprentice early on that asked my guy for help. Latter on I saw a post from some guy who helped him and all the stuff that happened from that choice. It may not have changed the ending of the game but it took his character a different route than mine and changed his characters story from mine. I like that.
Assuming it's good. So far I've never played any MMO for more than a few hours before becoming bored out of my skull. Age of Conan is the one exception. I leveled up to around 55 and stopped. Too many bugs and a lack of content at that level range are what made me quit. I've never cared enough to pick it back up and try again after they've supposedly fixed everything. I've also always felt MMO's were too genericized compared to real single player RPG games. The combat has also generally been annoying for most. I've always felt disconnected from it. Like I'm administrating more than fighting. Age of Conan is different in that regard as your actual level of skill factored in somewhat.

I loved AoC's artistic direction and the graphics/combat system were pretty good. Even leveled a character to 80.

But a few days after reaching max level, I kept asking myself 'wtf is there to do?'. On top of the complete lack of interesting story, I quit and never went back. This was a year before it went Free-to-Play

I'm betting on ToR's story to keep me hanging around. Atleast longer than AoC ever did.
SWTOR is playing it safe. Graphics, gameplay, etc. all similar to WoW because that has been the most successful MMO to date. Other MMOs tried tweaks to the system here and there and where are most of them now?

I'm not saying that every MMO out there is going to be WoW like from here on out but the bigger ones would be for sure. Their investors don't want a risky game changing game, they want a solid return in a reasonable amount of time. At the end of the day their word is what matters to the devs.

Maybe a smaller studio could make something "revolutionary" in the MMO genre but for the most part I imagine they face similar problems.

I know Bioware has money and such but I'm sure the raised some outside funding for SWTOR and odds are they were not really gaming savvy.
It reminded me too much of WoW. I hate to say that, but there it is.

That was my first impression as well.

Basically there's nothing unique about the game other than it's set in the Star Wars Universe.

It's probably WoW-lite from what I'm hearing. Quests are boring, instances, are too easy, if you look at the chat tab in that video in the OP, it looks directly lifted from WoW.

Even the action bars look similiar with a UI tweak.

They aren't trying to re-invent the wheel here, but they aren't exactly giving you a reason to play the game unless you're

A) a huge Star Wars fan


B) A MMO freak that enjoys playing all the new MMO's

I don't see this attracting the casuals for any length of time over the long term, just doesn't look like it has staying power.

HOWEVER, and I will say this, HOWEVER, given how stupid WoW's next expansion is gonna be (lolwut Mists of Panderia), there could be enough WoW players, a sizeable chunk that will be so turned off but will still want a MMO fix that they will likely migrate to Rift or this SW TOR to keep on playing a MMO. Others will simply quit, the rest will remain for the new expansion.

Either way, thumbs down, Guild Wars 2 looks like it may be the real suitable challenger to WoW's throne, more so than this pretender.
Maybe when the subscriptions crash and burn, this will be available in some form on a non-subscription basis (single player or coop?), then I'll go and try the game out. I can wait 5 years.
Theres a couple problems i noticed (These are only my unproffesional notes ive taken, by all means if any are incorrect please tell me because im dying for what ive seen to be wrong ;) )

This is basically in all eyes of veterans going to be SWG Mk.II, seeing as SWG paved the way for this with its shutdown which happens shortly. comparing some of the features this game has some good.... and bad points.
1. SWG has free spaceflight, and from what ive seen from trailers TOR has got a little arcade game of a space flight
2. SWG bombed when everyone rolled jedi and you no longer had to WORK to become a jedi, TOR your going to start the game swamped by jedi and sith
3. SWG used to have a VERY open and variable class system, where you could customize your own class based on what you did, for example bounty hutner with rifle master for long range sniping, with a little combat medic for heals. It got rid of that in favour for just generic set classes and it got boring fast
4. SWGs old leveling system was a fun group event, grab 7 friends, grab 2 missions and head of into the wilds for massive hunting parties, it got rid of that in favour of "Legacy" which was 1 massive long quest chain with no deviation from the storyline with only 1 fork in the path to choose your destiny, which is at the very begining where you choose rebel or imperial.
5. SWG has player made cities, a great oppertunity for keeping groups together and for people to get involved with eachother and have fun, it seems TOR doesnt have that
6. POB ships were great fun for roleplay or jsut completing space quests together with teamwork or assisting low level people, as far as i can tell its going to be single player combat in space i really cant see their combat system supporting what we know and love as PVP

these are but a few points that nag at me, no matter how much i like TOR i will still find myself saying "well its good, but back in the old days on SWG....." like an 80 year old war veteran. Thats my 2 pennies anyway but like i said, if any information is incorrect id love to be corrected because i would be so relieved

P.S WoW has just released 4.3 in light of a possible wow killer being launched, which will keep a fair few kept in line
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After being away from World of Warcraft for a few months, I resubbed today to try out the new dungeons and Transmog(somethingsomething). Last week I bought Rift and I was unable to get past level 15, it just wasn't for me.

I have attempted to play the Star Wars Beta, but the experience was more or less..blah. At this point, World of Warcraft is refined, that's all I can say about it. It just does everything better.

I love Bioware RPGs, however, I felt the dialog and story didn't pull me in. When I play single player games I feel like my dialog choices and actions irreversibly alter my characters story and progression. It's not the same with an MMO, I never felt like it was important how I responded in the dialog, and did my best to skip through it as quickly as possible. Other than that, I didn't care for the classes, UI, or graphics. I will pass - back to WoW. I never thought I would say this, but, BRING ON THE PANDAS!
Theres a couple problems i noticed (These are only my unproffesional notes ive taken, by all means if any are incorrect please tell me because im dying for what ive seen to be wrong ;) )

This is basically in all eyes of veterans going to be SWG Mk.II, seeing as SWG paved the way for this with its shutdown which happens shortly. comparing some of the features this game has some good.... and bad points.
1. SWG has free spaceflight, and from what ive seen from trailers TOR has got a little arcade game of a space flight
2. SWG bombed when everyone rolled jedi and you no longer had to WORK to become a jedi, TOR your going to start the game swamped by jedi and sith
3. SWG used to have a VERY open and variable class system, where you could customize your own class based on what you did, for example bounty hutner with rifle master for long range sniping, with a little combat medic for heals. It got rid of that in favour for just generic set classes and it got boring fast
4. SWGs old leveling system was a fun group event, grab 7 friends, grab 2 missions and head of into the wilds for massive hunting parties, it got rid of that in favour of "Legacy" which was 1 massive long quest chain with no deviation from the storyline with only 1 fork in the path to choose your destiny, which is at the very begining where you choose rebel or imperial.
5. SWG has player made cities, a great oppertunity for keeping groups together and for people to get involved with eachother and have fun, it seems TOR doesnt have that
6. POB ships were great fun for roleplay or jsut completing space quests together with teamwork or assisting low level people, as far as i can tell its going to be single player combat in space i really cant see their combat system supporting what we know and love as PVP

these are but a few points that nag at me, no matter how much i like TOR i will still find myself saying "well its good, but back in the old days on SWG....." like an 80 year old war veteran. Thats my 2 pennies anyway but like i said, if any information is incorrect id love to be corrected because i would be so relieved

P.S WoW has just released 4.3 in light of a possible wow killer being launched, which will keep a fair few kept in line

Despite the few good things SWG had going for it the game was utter shit. The Old Republic HAS to be better than SWG. Star Wars Galaxies remains the worst Star Wars licensed game I've ever played and the worst game I've ever paid full price for.
Replace SWTOR with Age of Conan, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, etc. Nothing new here except that it's new. It will eventually come and go just like all the other MMOs before it except for WoW which seems like it will never die.
I don't think SWTOR is anything revolutionary in MMO's, like others have said it resembles WoW only because blizzard is doing so well with it, and that's what the investors want. I have been in a couple of the weekend betas and I have to say that I love the game. The graphics are fine for me in an MMO, I've played AOC and Rift, and I found the graphics to be too distracting and "busy" for me to identify what it was I needed to do, or what was being done to me.

I'm surprised to see a lot of people here complain about the voice acted quests, that was my favorite part. After a few quests I actually found myself caring about what I was doing and the people I was doing it for. I felt bad for the woman who's husband died trying to find medicine for their sick child. It was the voice acting that made them seem more real, maybe after a couple years and re-rolling the same character a few times and that will get old, but right now, it's freaking amazing. I hope the game is successful enough to justify its existence. Because I think I'll get a good bit of play out of it.
I'm also a bit shocked to see people complaining about the space combat mini game. I expected that because they had a similar mini game in KOTOR 1 and 2, I also expected pazzak and swoop racing, but there's always room for those in an expansion.
That was my first impression as well.

Basically there's nothing unique about the game other than it's set in the Star Wars Universe.

It's probably WoW-lite from what I'm hearing. Quests are boring, instances, are too easy, if you look at the chat tab in that video in the OP, it looks directly lifted from WoW.

Even the action bars look similiar with a UI tweak.

They aren't trying to re-invent the wheel here, but they aren't exactly giving you a reason to play the game unless you're

A) a huge Star Wars fan


B) A MMO freak that enjoys playing all the new MMO's

I don't see this attracting the casuals for any length of time over the long term, just doesn't look like it has staying power.

HOWEVER, and I will say this, HOWEVER, given how stupid WoW's next expansion is gonna be (lolwut Mists of Panderia), there could be enough WoW players, a sizeable chunk that will be so turned off but will still want a MMO fix that they will likely migrate to Rift or this SW TOR to keep on playing a MMO. Others will simply quit, the rest will remain for the new expansion.

Either way, thumbs down, Guild Wars 2 looks like it may be the real suitable challenger to WoW's throne, more so than this pretender.

Agreed. I swear Fail, it's like your my long lost cousin or some shit. I can't say that I've ever disagreed with you. Your batting 1000 right now.
I'm also a bit shocked to see people complaining about the space combat mini game. I expected that because they had a similar mini game in KOTOR 1 and 2, I also expected pazzak and swoop racing, but there's always room for those in an expansion.

Real space combat needs to be in the game. I don't know why it isn't. That alone is enough to make me say "forget it."
I did have fun during the beta, thank you :)

I know right, how can people get so angry about a game for merely existing and being advertised for. Who cares about the hype to reality ratio, the game is fun. Millions of people will play it and billions of people won't. World keeps on spinning.

Real space combat needs to be in the game. I don't know why it isn't. That alone is enough to make me say "forget it."

I obviously want that too but to expect that at launch is a little ridiculous. The game is already fully voiced for 8 character story line's in 3 languages, they've spent over 130 million developing it, and by shear size is larger then world of warcraft which has been around for 7 years. The client when I downloaded it was close to 30GB so at some point they had to draw a line and focus their efforts. But if it's a huge success like I hope it will be, they will have plenty of money for expansion hell they could just buyout the developers of eve and have them design open world space combat.
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Real space combat needs to be in the game. I don't know why it isn't. That alone is enough to make me say "forget it."

What? Why? It's a MMO, not the next Tiefighter game. The space combat mini-game is fun enough as is.
What? Why? It's a MMO, not the next Tiefighter game. The space combat mini-game is fun enough as is.

Cause space combat is part of the Star Wars universe?

Am I missing something here?

Adding decent and compelling space combat would make SW:TOR more than simply WoW-Jr.-With-A-Star-Wars-License.
So let them focus on the core game and come out with an add on later with full space combat like SWG did. It's obviously too much for any one development team to chew, creating a full fledged MMO AND a full fledged space combat game at the same time. :rolleyes:
So let them focus on the core game and come out with an add on later with full space combat like SWG did. It's obviously too much for any one development team to chew, creating a full fledged MMO AND a full fledged space combat game at the same time. :rolleyes:

with $150,000,000 already invested in the game, I'm sure if they wanted to pull it off, they could have, but they didn't, and that's just sheer laziness, they already have all the resources they need to implement it.

I question what exactly is new that they have brought to the MMO genre? It just looks EXACTLY like WoW with a Star Wars facelift.

A competent studio could probably have created the same thing at a fraction of the cost (excluding the Lucas licensing fees)

So yeah, it's not a question of resources or money, only sheer laziness.
with $150,000,000 already invested in the game, I'm sure if they wanted to pull it off, they could have, but they didn't, and that's just sheer laziness, they already have all the resources they need to implement it.

I question what exactly is new that they have brought to the MMO genre? It just looks EXACTLY like WoW with a Star Wars facelift.

A competent studio could probably have created the same thing at a fraction of the cost (excluding the Lucas licensing fees)

So yeah, it's not a question of resources or money, only sheer laziness.

I hope you're trolling. Please read what you just wrote. They spent millions of dollars on a game they're too lazy to work on? Is that what you really believe?
I hope you're trolling. Please read what you just wrote. They spent millions of dollars on a game they're too lazy to work on? Is that what you really believe?

They spend millions of dollars making Michael Bay movies, that doesn't make them good.

They spend 4 times what it costs to make a Modern Warfare game, that doesn't change the fact that MW2, and MW3 are just rehashes.

Money spent doesn't = quality.

Doing WoW 2.0 with a Star Wars facelift while adding nothing new = lazy.

If you would be so kind as to read what the dear Colonel Harland Sanders wrote where he speculated that the SW: TOR dev team didn't have the money or resources to make the space combat part of the game possible, I refuted that by stating that EA has invested up to or over 150,000,000 dollars into the game. It's not a question of resources, it's simply one of laziness or unwillingness to personalize SW:TOR and make it truly memorable for their fans and PC gamers.

It's not unreasonable to think that they could have included space combat given all the resources at their disposal as it's a part of Star Wars lore as well, so fitting it in the game wouldn't be a difficult consideration.

So, given all that, it's fair to conclude that it's sheer laziness.

On top of that, space combat has been done reasonably well in the past, if you've ever played Colony Wars on the Playstation, you could take that antiquated space combat engine from that series, implement it in Star Wars:TOR and it'd likely be more than serviceable, even today.

If you wanna keep going with this, I can.

Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time had a fishing game minigame, that was more compelling than actual standalone fishing titles out there!!!
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They spend millions of dollars making Michael Bay movies, that doesn't make them good.

They spend 4 times what it costs to make a Modern Warfare game, that doesn't change the fact that MW2, and MW3 are just rehashes.

Money spent doesn't = quality.

Doing WoW 2.0 with a Star Wars facelift while adding nothing new = lazy.

I sense Fail does not like Swtor :eek:
I remember thinking this same thing my first week play age of conan

I was back to playing wow the next week
I switched from a Collector's Edition to the Standard Edition based on my limited weekend playing. That, and I need to save the money!

I'll play it casually (it doesn't help that I live in Taiwan and won't have the same hours as most guilds) and enjoy it, but I'm really looking forward to GW2.
Replace SWTOR with Age of Conan, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, etc. Nothing new here except that it's new. It will eventually come and go just like all the other MMOs before it except for WoW which seems like it will never die.

i think GW2 will be the mmo to get a its soo different to WOW and any other mmo and its free to play
I remember thinking this same thing my first week play age of conan

I was back to playing wow the next week

This is an excellent example when it comes to SWTOR.

Tortage in AoC pretty much epitomizes what you will experience with SWTOR as you progress through the game. The content in the lower levels is much more dense, you get LOTS of voice work. You experience your class story line every 30 minutes or so while doing the rest of the quests. You get a companion early on. You see your first flashpoint around level 10, it has multiple outcomes, lots of voiceworked choices that actually change the experience. You get your advanced class, a ship around 15. And then it slows down, and slows down.

The flash points past the first one is not the same, the whole experience is different, more like a fix dungeon run you can cut some corners on with player skills. No flashpoint specific commendations. Not too many gear drops, rather few in fact. Hell sometimes the "boss" NPCs dont even drop an item at all and they are wickedly difficult without a trinity group unless you are way outclassing them level wise.

The planets have their arguable highs and lows, and it will be dependent on preference. But some of the planets don't even last you for 2 levels worth of content (Quesh) and others will carry you for 5-8 levels. Some of them are so mind numbingly long that you'll want to leave early instead of doing the bonuses which are usually really decent rewards. People CONSTANTLY complained about the length of some planets, they would just pummel you with chain quests in a little tiny area where you had to run back and forth over the same stretch for an hour to move on.

Some of the companions are near worthless no matter what your advanced class is. And some of the companions are needed sooner if you pick one AC over the other, making your experience pretty miserable if you need a healer as a tank, or a tank/dps as a healer....it starts to really bug you when you pick one of these classes that just don't seem to get favorable companions when they need them.

90% of the quests per faction are repeated. Your starting planet will affect that percentage some, but beyond that all of the quests outside of your class specific story line are repeated. Some variation in them dependent on your light/dark choices, but very very little actually changes your required actions to complete quest....just the voice work changes somewhat and the name of the item you have to collect. So that means you'll get two unique play throughs (1 per side) and then it's almost all repeated. This to me makes all the voicework done on the non-class quests extremely annoying and worth a lot less than the actual class quests. Which I wish they would have just voice the hell out of your class story line and built it up and left the rest for reading....or at least the majority of it as reading. Perhaps a "side" main story line could be voiced....but otherwise the voicework is just skip skip skip skip after awhile outside of class stories.

Difficulty was cranked up a build back, I don't know if they have resolved some of the issues with that yet. It made people group more, which was a bonus. But it made it so if you didn't get in with a group of people doing a lot of the same quests, you struggled at times to complete some of them especially if you played at non-peak hours....it was just constant slogging through NPCs since no one else was around killing off some of them.

Grouping in the game is decent, your companions become unused portions of the game then. You can't use the sell to vendor function (dumb) you don't get a chance to summon them to help you that I ever experience in a full group. You run into the problem of people wanting to equip their companions and Needing on items that other people need for their actual character (Why they didn't address this in restrictions on the Need button I'll never know). But then you have classes that give up the majority of their skills because they are not beneficial if you use CC during hard encounters. If you accidentally break CC, most of them have a 60 second cooldown. That is also how long most of them hold. The only exception is slice droid that I have seen. Bounty hunters are really bad in these situations. Almost all of their missile/rocket/fire abilities have some sort of AOE. It cuts your possibilities in half, while Jedis can't taunt and whatever else and it doesn't break the CC. It's just EXTREMELY annoying to have to be restricted when your build favors certain attacks and you have to pick way less efficient ones and gimp your DPS and max out your Heat bar way faster. There's just no real good solution to it besides having them take the crazy long cooldowns off CC or make it so you can turn off the AOE components of abilities. BH is probably not the only one, but it's the one that I was most bugged by..you never notice how many of their abilities have small AOEs you never really notice until then.

Space combat isn't worth mentioning, it is not a selling point in this game. It has no bearing on the game whatsoever. It's like a side game you can't access unless you hide away in your ship all day long. Tacked on afterthought of an experience.

3 different PVP maps for their battlegrounds type instanced PVP. That's it. They get old really fast, and they suffer from a poor queueing system. You will find yourself stuck in a queueing loop where if you lost before you'll lose for hours and hours unless you manage to get into a second queue group by waiting some random amount of time to bypass the queue you keep getting caught up in. No way of telling if it worked. It also has no level restrictions, it's low levels and high levels in the same maps....perhaps they've changed it. I got fed up with it early on enough that I didn't bother in future builds.

Lag problems, the types of lag you will experience are numerous and intermittent, it's been like this for weeks. Some people have no lag, other people get it all the time. I think it has to do with what instance of the zone you are in and a whole lot of luck. I've had days where I had no lag, and others where the servers were near empty and I was lag spiking every 2 minutes in the middle of combat. They reboot their servers nightly sometimes more, so there's obviously something going on there.

The "audience" of the game has slowly merged into fanbois who will attack anyone they think is complaining in chat channels. Only tolerable time to speak is when the planet is almost deserted, otherwise it's people just jumping all over you. I find the guys with less beta time tend to do it more, it's not beneficial to the process but they never seem to get removed and the same handful of people suppress the rest of the beta testers simply because they are tired of the fighting in general. This alone just taints the whole experience of the game, gives it an overall negative feel when you can't ask for help or confirm a problem without being attacked.

In one instance there was a guy who was just passive aggressiving anyone who spoke, I had argued with him before, someone else was arguing with him half an hour later. I send the guy a tell to just stick the guy on ignore and he tells me he had another half dozen people send him tells saying the same thing. Pretty soon we had a bunch of people just telling this guy off because they didn't realize the rest of the zone was tired of him too. He still felt he was "being very informative and helping people more than most" when he told me I shouldn't report people who were obviously exploiting aspects of the game because he misunderstood a CSR forum post asking people to do just that.

I don't think this game makes any steps forward in the MMO genre, but it doesn't really step backwards either. I think it's combat is less interesting than WoW, since you can move around in WoW a little more easily ..the GCD and everything was just really well timed and paced. SWG lags and it just breaks the whole experience creating delays. The companions are a novelty, they serve no purpose in a full group. Otherwise they are part of your character, you can choose more tank, more DPS or more heals. They are kind of annoying realizing you are that much weaker in a group than solo. But the absolute worst thing about SWTOR is the vocal audience, presumable you have to play with these people later in the game for raids and such. No thanks.
The story and immersion seemed fine to me after level 10 during my beta play.

AoC, on the other hand, did not. It was a literal slap in the face.
So the story is compelling and good? on par with skyrim? What i dont like about most MMOS is that they all feel like chores. grinding in other words and RIFT turned into a grind/borefest.
with $150,000,000 already invested in the game, I'm sure if they wanted to pull it off, they could have, but they didn't, and that's just sheer laziness, they already have all the resources they need to implement it

Over half of their budget was spent on voice acting. I also think you're really lowballing how much adding a full fledged free flight space combat game onto a MMO would cost.
So the story is compelling and good? on par with skyrim? What i dont like about most MMOS is that they all feel like chores. grinding in other words and RIFT turned into a grind/borefest.

Depends on what story you're playing. A lot of people who have been playing the Sith side say their stories are much more impactful.

But any RPG will have those 'chore' missions. Skyrim certainly does. I've logged nearly 70 hours in the game and haven't been the lease bit invested in the main storyline.

So I guess you'd really need to try out ToR yourself to make a judgement call. I can tell you that I never really had to grind for levels during the beta however.
So the story is compelling and good? on par with skyrim? What i dont like about most MMOS is that they all feel like chores. grinding in other words and RIFT turned into a grind/borefest.

I thought that the parts of the class stories that I saw were good. I also liked how some quests had two turn in points and you had to decide which to do (a light side and a dark side turn in).

Like I said, it made me care about what was going on, and I've never done that in the last decade of MMO's that I've played.

I've also come to the conclusion that I want a different game than a lot of the people here complaining. I played a rogue almost exclusively for the past 7 years in WoW. I've done the twitch thing to DEATH. I loved LOTRO because it was a slower pace game, SWTOR is a slower paced game than WoW in what I have played of it, and I am so looking forward to that.

I don't want SWTOR to kill WoW, I never want to play another MMO that is as popular as WoW was/is. The people are what ruined WoW for me, between the general asshatery and the buckling of the Dev's under all combined whining have made the game something I don't want to play anymore.
heres a thought. why diddnt they make this game a cmoination of mas effect and eve online?
Over half of their budget was spent on voice acting. I also think you're really lowballing how much adding a full fledged free flight space combat game onto a MMO would cost.

If they spent over 75 million on voice acting, they are doing it wrong.
heres a thought. why diddnt they make this game a cmoination of mas effect and eve online?

I think it would of been too ambitious. I'm waiting for the secret world which is sandbox type MMO, but I'm going to play SWTOR for a bit.
Cause space combat is part of the Star Wars universe?

Am I missing something here?

Adding decent and compelling space combat would make SW:TOR more than simply WoW-Jr.-With-A-Star-Wars-License.

Exactly. It was one of the problems I had with Galaxies initially.

heres a thought. why diddnt they make this game a cmoination of mas effect and eve online?

I don't know. That might have worked.