Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

"My dad is better than your dad" is exactly what this thread is NOT about. Here's finally a list of the legitimate facts to why PC gamers are more privilegded than console gamers, playing the fanboy card here isn't gonna work.

Are you joking? Have you even been reading this thread? 'my dad is better than your dad' is exactly what these fanboys have been spouting this entire thread. Me and a select few people of reason are the only ones level-headed enough to realize that to have a complete gaming experience, you want all of the consoles because they all have their strengths.

Exclusively-PC gamers aren't privileged. On the contrary, they don't allow themselves the priviledge of experiencing all the gaming greatness out there because of their elitist views. The real priviledged gamers are the ones who can enjoy all the aspects of gaming on multiple platforms.
Are you joking? Have you even been reading this thread? 'my dad is better than your dad' is exactly what these fanboys have been spouting this entire thread. Me and a select few people of reason are the only ones level-headed enough to realize that to have a complete gaming experience, you want all of the consoles because they all have their strengths.

Exclusively-PC gamers aren't privileged. On the contrary, they don't allow themselves the priviledge of experiencing all the gaming greatness out there because of their elitist views. The real priviledged gamers are the ones who can enjoy all the aspects of gaming on multiple platforms.

I haven't read many of the comments actually it's the OP's message that matters anyway.

The thing is we can't be reasonable and say "it's all good" cause that's not what the thread is about, "it's one or the other", but backed up with legit reasons. Sure it'll be best to just get it all, but you know, some of us are pisspoor students who just cant afford the price of console games! ;)
but you know, some of us are pisspoor students who just cant afford the price of console games! ;)

You know how much pacman was on the Atari 2600? $60. That was pretty much over 3 decades ago. Spoiled young whippersnappers ;)

This thread is amusing, doesn't point 3 contradict with point 7?

  • Better Graphics Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner.
  • Price It doesn's cost an arm and leg anymore to get high end visuals due to more affordable and effective solutions (IE Geforce 8800GT is $150 to $190)
I enjoy pc gaming as much as the next guy, but some of the positive arguements in the OP apply to consoles as well.

If you truly enjoy gaming, you don't limit youself to one platform
PC games involve a a lot more strategy and brain power.
they are also less expensive to enjoy, you dont have to pay to play with other ppl, unless you play WoW(and if you do, god help you)

and for the record, my dad is better than all your dads combined :D
All the best games make it to PC eventually, but with better graphics, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 12 are the only console games I've played that didn't made it to PC *yet :p

I didn't read this thread because PC > console a scientific fact..
you buy a certain platform for the game and not the other way around if youre a true gamer
1.Better graphics
2. The best sim racing games are on the PC
3. Easier to upgrade (I get a new video card) Then after several years a new motherboard, cpu, and ram.
I haven't read many of the comments actually it's the OP's message that matters anyway.

The thing is we can't be reasonable and say "it's all good" cause that's not what the thread is about, "it's one or the other", but backed up with legit reasons.;)

The thread isn't even about "one or the other"; at least it didn't start that way. I don't see the OP advocating being PC-exclusive but rather why he prefers PC gaming over console. You can easily own both PC and console nowadays; but if you couldn't then naturally you'd choose the platform you'd prefer.

The OP stated his opinion and preferences with solid arguments. That is hardly a fanboy post. Well, unless you call anyone who voices an opinion a fanboy.
i have always liked gaming on a pc better then on a console but there are some games i do enjoy on console. I like multiplayer action and rarely will play any game that doesnt support some type of online play. with that being said though i was finding it hard to find good servers for my pc games and went over to the console for CoD4. While it was fun i do miss playing games on the pc and am in the middle of building a new system and will try CoD5.

I actually prefer the controller to kb+mouse. My reason is that back when q2 was around i was playing with the logitech trackball for the thumb. i became very accustomed to it and when i transitioned over to controls it was very easy. I plan on just using one of my 360 controllers for the pc and hope to have the best of both worlds.
i have always liked gaming on a pc better then on a console but there are some games i do enjoy on console. I like multiplayer action and rarely will play any game that doesnt support some type of online play. with that being said though i was finding it hard to find good servers for my pc games and went over to the console for CoD4. While it was fun i do miss playing games on the pc and am in the middle of building a new system and will try CoD5.

I actually prefer the controller to kb+mouse. My reason is that back when q2 was around i was playing with the logitech trackball for the thumb. i became very accustomed to it and when i transitioned over to controls it was very easy. I plan on just using one of my 360 controllers for the pc and hope to have the best of both worlds.

cod4 is pretty popular on the pc. i so want the pc to become dominant again for games but it just aint happening.

im about to drop 1.2k in pounds on a i7/260GTX rig. am i wasting my money? should i just stick with my ps3?
PC gaming is [H]. Consoles are for the kids. When you grow up you got $$ to burn. Its kinda a elitist thing too. Sure the PS3 is $400 but the are video cards more expensive than that. I don't care what the best looking console game is. You want to be wowed get yourself a 2560x1600 display and fire up the tri-SLi GTX280's for some Crysis.
cod4 is pretty popular on the pc. i so want the pc to become dominant again for games but it just aint happening.

im about to drop 1.2k in pounds on a i7/260GTX rig. am i wasting my money? should i just stick with my ps3?

I couldnt sanction paying that much unless you absolutely need the performance of SLI.
For single GPU gaming there is very little benefit going i7 and a huge cost penalty.
  • Control options (sure controllers are great for 1v1 martial arts titles but as for FPS/RTS games, KB/Mouse > all)
  • Modding (Though modding has recently shown up on consoles, it's no where near the levels as PC and is filtered by the Console manufacturers, and what better way to keep games alive for longer than through mods/maps only available on PC, take Starcraft and Half Life for example.)
  • Customization (I can tweak my settings and inputs through .ini files easier, quicker and to better effect)
  • Communities - Dedicated servers run by People you know, to add maps you all vote on and mods you all try, and to provide population control by banning people who grief and ruin others experiences
  • MMOs - Everything about them is just plain better on PC from controls to UI customizations
  • Emulators give console games better customization (what's better than all your console games but with better options including the option to use a PS3/360 control on your NES/N64/mame games.)
  • Better Hardware options - Sure PS3/XB360 games may look pretty now, but they are bottlenecked by the same hardware, as for PCs Graphics cards and higher res monitors, better sound cards enable a much better gaming experience overall.
  • Vent/Teamspeak - allowing rooms, passwords, private chatting, massive communities such as MMO guilds to communicate easily with better options on headset hardware.
  • Better Selection of games of all genre's and all types, and inevitably all games that are on Consoles eventually make it to PC through emulation (sure we don't have enough HD space to store all the Xbox and PS3 games there are now to run for emulation, but down the road... we will, and they will be emulated.) :)

    This is all I could think of at the moment. I'll add more later... but as for me... PC for life.
1.Better graphics
2. The best sim racing games are on the PC
3. Easier to upgrade (I get a new video card) Then after several years a new motherboard, cpu, and ram.

Holy Necro Bump Batman
what are the best racing sims? what controller do you recommend?

is the one I've been playing a lot of lately, Dirt would be a close second, the graphics on these games is fantastic. For arcade style sims, Flatout Ultimate Carnage is great, as is it's multiplayer on LAN. Also the announcement of a Dirt 2 being released made me very happy, as for controllers, I use the Logitech Momo one with the pedals, it works for me quite with the force feedback (I've also heard you can plug it right into a PS3 to use with the new Grand Turismo.) they have a 300 dollar G25 one that has all kinds of features and is leather wrapped, but for me that's just overkill As for Flight sims, I use the Saitek X52. And for vehicles in games such as Crysis, BattleField 2, or Enemy Territory Quake wars... I use either this cheap logitech stick or a xbox360 controller a friend gave me for Emulators.

Edited for links.
I think if your thing is FPS style games and MMOs then you pretty much need to go the PC gaming route. Also, if you like the tech, then building your own box can be habit forming in and in itself.
I think if your thing is FPS style games and MMOs then you pretty much need to go the PC gaming route. Also, if you like the tech, then building your own box can be habit forming in and in itself.

Habit forming indeed
Originally Posted by DoomzDayz View Post
what are the best racing sims? what controller do you recommend?

rFactor is the best. There are many mods so you can drive whatever you want. That is if you want realism. Second place would be Grand Prix Legends. For some people this is too much realism. Also, the online code of these games is really good for online racing. That is what I am most interested in. I am in a racing league called the Screamers. Do a search on google for our website. We have been a league for around 8 years. I have a Logitech G25 controller. It is the best controller that is under $300. http://www.rfactorcentral.com/index.cfm is the mod website for rfactor. Check it out.