Why do you play video games?

So I can finally get that +12 hell forged sword of epic ass kicking :cool:

edit- just remembered i don't play many rpg's or mmorpg's. :(
Lone_Star_Lynch said:
and you can't go around blasting people with guns in real life
Sure you can, join the army! The graphics are amazing and there's no lag. I heard there's no respawn points in rl though. :(
It is a pleasurable waste of time.

How's that for a quote!
I play games because I like to. Simple as that.

Well, also because I'm good at them :D.
because its entertaining watching people post shit on forums on about how "good" they are and how women get lost in their rolls of fat :rolleyes:
because after a long day at work I can come home and kill people. I wish I could kill some of the ignorant fucktards that I work with, but I will just have to settle on FPS...
Thread is tl;dr but I play online pc fps as an outlet for my competitiveness.
I've been playing games for 1/4 of a century. If you understand where my username came from you would understand :)
Eagle156 said:
Sure you can, join the army! The graphics are amazing and there's no lag. I heard there's no respawn points in rl though. :(

actually if you belive in Reincarnation there are respawns.
LordBritish said:
I've been playing games for 1/4 of a century. If you understand where my username came from you would understand :)

i could be wrong, but isnt that a NPC character from ultimate online? if its the same name as the character, he was also said to be "unkillable", and it was all over the net, when someone killed it =]
JSC450 said:
i could be wrong, but isnt that a NPC character from ultimate online? if its the same name as the character, he was also said to be "unkillable", and it was all over the net, when someone killed it =]
Sort of. Lord British is a recurrning character in the Ultima series (going back to way back in the day) that has always been "very hard to kill" but invariably killable. More commonly, though, Lord British is a nickname for Richard Garriott himself, the designer of the Ultima series.

I play games purely for escapism. I love to lose myself for a few hours playing whatever game takes my fancy. When i play games everything else disappears. I can escape my everyday problems and actually have stress free fun. Which is pretty much the same for every average joe out there.

Gaming is basically focused daydreaming. But more fun since i dream about making cups of tea or filling my pockets with wet leaves.
I was raised on them. Like some people watch a lot of TV.
I had a joystick in my hand from the age of 6.
i only play console games now, but games are fun and interesting and a way to relax for a bit
I play games to fill the time after sleep and before work. I have no life.
part of it's for the fun/competativeness, but also because I just like to see technology in action. It's interesting to see how far we progress each year toward photo-realism ./ total immersiveness in this entertainment medium.
When i get free time i play

it better then watching gay tv and besides its fun as hell and i really like it
I play video games because you can do stuff in them that you can't/shouldn't do in the real world.
GTA3 and Vice City were my favorites for a long time when they came out. I had a blast killing people, especially with the cars. I just wished there were more pedestrians packed together in the game. :D
Because playing video games is a much more socially acceptable way to enjoy myself at my friend's place than masturbating into his couch pillows.
I usually devote myself to one game for a few years at a time or so. Throughout that time I'll usually play a few others, trying them here and there, but for the most part I give myself in whole to just one. I would say the big games in my life have been Rogue Spear (and all of its mods), Quake 3: Urban Terror, Raven Shield, and now Counter Strike: Source. This doesn't include racing games and single player games that really don't/can't be played over like these online FPS's.

Now, to answer the question "why?", I would say for entertainment, as most others have said. It is something I enjoy spending my time on and I really have a lot of fun with it. Deeper than that, though, would be the zen-like practice that it has become to me. When you're really in the zone in a great FPS game everything else just melts away, you are one with the game and the mouse becomes an extension of your mind. Getting to this sort of high level playing ability is a difficult task and requires a lot of effort and there is really no end to the journey. I also really enjoy the community factor, becoming friends and getting competitive with others who share the same passion for the game. This is why I tend to stick to just one server.

BOOM! headshot
PWMK2 said:
It's like asking people why they eat food.?

You're right, in that both questions have a large amount of answers not obvious unless you think about it

Some people eat food because they're bored or even "addicted", have a craving for a specific food type, simply because they're hungry, or it can be more involved, you might be using food as part of your sex life, in a food fight, you might be eating out as part of a date or with friends/family.

You don't always eat simply when you need to, unless you're life is really boring.
Frosteh said:
You're right, in that both questions have a large amount of answers not obvious unless you think about it

Some people eat food because they're bored or even "addicted", have a craving for a specific food type, simply because they're hungry, or it can be more involved, you might be using food as part of your sex life, in a food fight, you might be eating out as part of a date or with friends/family.

You don't always eat simply when you need to, unless you're life is really boring.

QFT. If I ate what I was supposed to eat, I'd be hungry all the time, but look fabulous. But I don't just eat to survive, I eat to be happy, so I eat till I'm full.

Then when I'm not hungry, I eat to feel better after a crappy day. I eat to reward myself. I eat because I'm used to eating. I eat to help me sleep. The eating ends up becoming a need I never had to or a substitute for something else. Luckily I'm not fat because I workout extensively, but that's just a band-aid for bad habits.
i play gears of war, get pissed at the shitty latency issues and shooting someone in the back 3 times only to have them turn around and one shot me all b/c the latency meter never shows up on the right and I end up playing a bunch of french or spanish people who say puta or que mierde or something like that over and over, and they think they are so amazing. gameplay is awesome, now fix the damn multiplayer issues, at least getting pissed is making me go exercise to work it out, damn!
Because they are fun and kill time. I also love messing with technology.
Because life is boring.
People are stupid and I would rather deal with them in a game rather than in real life ;)

It's more entertaining to play a game than watch tv
Better to drink and game than drink and drive.

You can't have the adventures in a game in real life.
Though it would be fun to play wipeout 3 on the freeway :D *quake* and all the cars are out of my way. :p
It's relaxing. Lasts longer than a movie, and it's more interactive. Since I've been around gaming for 20+ years, I don't believe I'll ever totally drop my interest in it. Sure, I don't play as much as I did when I when I was a kid. I do have to admit that a lot of reality sucks, in this world we live in. It is boring for the most part. Sure sometimes you go out, have a good time, meet some cool people. Nothing beats sitting down in front of your rig and jumping into that addictive game with a beer in hand and just blowing off some hours (especially in the summer time) when you can open the damn windows and not feel so shut in.
because playing video games is more fun than extending my arms out, making a propeller-like sound with my mouth and flying around the house. although i can't play pc games in places like the bank whereas I can pretend im a plane anywhere, so thats one downside.
It's fun to actually be a part of the story..

if you watch a movie.. you're a passive element.. you only observe..

if you play the game.. you're in the game.. you're active.. you're pushing the story forward.. it's fun to actually push the story forward.. and be a part of it...

in other words.. i love the interactivity video games provide...
QFT. If I ate what I was supposed to eat, I'd be hungry all the time, but look fabulous. But I don't just eat to survive, I eat to be happy, so I eat till I'm full.

Then when I'm not hungry, I eat to feel better after a crappy day. I eat to reward myself. I eat because I'm used to eating. I eat to help me sleep. The eating ends up becoming a need I never had to or a substitute for something else. Luckily I'm not fat because I workout extensively, but that's just a band-aid for bad habits.

Ok first, on topic.

I play games because :

A) I've been playing video games since I was a toddler (grew up with older kids who had an NES) and I've been playing ever since.

B) I play games to relieve stress. Personally, If I'm pissed off, I can start up a game of GTA and slaughter a bunch of people in the most funniest ways and I'll be happy no questions asked. I guess it takes my brain off of EVERYTHING, and I focus into the game. = happiness? I dunno... lol :D

C) Activity to do with friends

D) Kill boredom.

My dad bitches at me rarely about being on the computer for even a short period of time like 5 minutes (I think because he doesn't know how to use one is the reason he bitches)... you know what I tell him? You're bitching at me and you are laying there on the couch MINDLESSLY staring at the TV watching what they want you to watch. I can go on the computer, and keep my brain active, learning what I want and looking at what I WANT! Sorry, computers > TV I don't care what you say you're simply wrong. Why? Because I can watch TV on my computer?


To the quoted above, I've always wondered how people get happy after eating? I never get this feeling. Do you mean that full gut feeling you get after Thanksgiving feast?
for enjoyment for sure, but also i use it to relax and excape from the crap i gotta live with... work, school, etc

i definilty enjoy playing more than simply watching tv or most movies
Started playing because I could do stuff with friends without using the phone line all day long and doing something that felt productive.

Now that my friends are all gone I mostly play to get try to escape.
I play because it takes me out the all the junk going on in the world. It also helps me relax, and makes me happy.:D