Why did you stop folding (F@H) on your C2D/C2Q/P4D?

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I folded for a little while. Then, after some heavy research into it, I stopped. Why? It's documented that there has never been any tangible results from any F@H project to date. So why waste my money with no results.

For that matter, I could ask all of you to send me the $20-30 month in extra electricty you burn up and I'll send you a mug/sticker/round IDE cables ... anything. At least then you'll be getting something in return for your money.

When's the last time your F@H rank got you laid? LOL
I belong to the largest paintball forum in the world (like 300,000-400,000 registered users) and folding is a sticky in the off topic section. Interesting.
I used to Fold for a different team, then I moved to Hawaii and my electric bill quadrupled thats all it took. Then after moving back to the mainland I donated my 6 folding rigs to friends, family. Just lost intrest as I do in most things that do not keep me entertained. Though I still have one folder going on my wifes rig. Who knows now that you put this back in my head I might start up again.....or is that what you intended all along....muhahahah
These people expecting "results in x time" don't understand the concept of folding. So to the OP: Why did they stop folding? Ignorance.
laziness. i think i was getting too many movies at the time i quit and got tired of turning ps3's f@h on/off. not folding on the pc because it became a hassle.
Reasons I quit:

1) about $30/mo in electricity bill to keep 2x PC's @100% load 24/7.
2) pc's have gotten a lot more efficient at idle load, so it does make a difference to not run it @ 100% load when i do have it on.
3) i think global warming is real and i can make a difference.
4) in this day and age, $30 is a lot of money... about 1 week worth of gas to get me to work and back.

5) where's the aliens??? :mad:

It was fun while it lasted, but times change.... :rolleyes:
To everyone who said it cost money to fold and stopped, it's a pretty stupid reason and I'll say why :

-When you run the computer to post a reply here, browse or chat, the processor is sitting idle anyway and you still pay electricity.
-You aren't even required to run 24/7 (beside high performance clients like SMP or GPU) so if you are uncomfortable running 24/7, just grab a standard console client, setup and forget about it. Any production is valuable for the research, even those lowly clients.

Those who say folding is useless and pointless are actually selfish. The goal of folding@home is to help the scientists understand how protein folding works and how it affect the overall system with misfoldings. This will lead to new drugs and there is already over 50 papers resulting from the data gathered while folding. While papers is just theory, this help researchers create a new drug based on the informations in those papers.

Keep in mind that nobody is forcing you to fold or run 24/7 and we respect your choice. However, please stop bashing those who decided to fold for a good reason.

To everyone who said it cost money to fold and stopped, it's a pretty stupid reason and I'll say why :

-When you run the computer to post a reply here, browse or chat, the processor is sitting idle anyway and you still pay electricity.
-You aren't even required to run 24/7 (beside high performance clients like SMP or GPU) so if you are uncomfortable running 24/7, just grab a standard console client, setup and forget about it. Any production is valuable for the research, even those lowly clients.

Those who say folding is useless and pointless are actually selfish. The goal of folding@home is to help the scientists understand how protein folding works and how it affect the overall system with misfoldings. This will lead to new drugs and there is already over 50 papers resulting from the data gathered while folding. While papers is just theory, this help researchers create a new drug based on the informations in those papers.

Keep in mind that nobody is forcing you to fold or run 24/7 and we respect your choice. However, please stop bashing those who decided to fold for a good reason.

Pot meet kettle.....

Seriously, you are complaining that people are bashing the people who fold, but you open up by calling those that chose to stop stupid? I doubt this is the best way to state your argument. How about taking your own advice and stop bashing the people who made the choice to stop.

The OP asked the question: why did you stop. Like clockwork, every time someone answers this question, someone comes along and tells them they are stupid and selfish.
When you run the computer to post a reply here, browse or chat, the processor is sitting idle anyway and you still pay electricity

But my system isnt at 100% load so the power draw and heat created from the system is signficantly lower and in turn my bill will be lower.

Those who say folding is useless and pointless are actually selfish.

How much natural resources are being wasted every day by the F@H client, when you total up the amount of computers/systems folding, that would otherwise be in idle or low usage modes. How much extra heat is generated on the planet?

this help researchers create a new drug based on the informations in those papers.

I never looked into it, but are the results of the project made available to everybody worldwide, so that any cures/information that is released is done free of charge globally?
1: electricity costs money, much more money now then it did when FAH and SETI got started.
2: foldings been going on for many years now and so far results have been what exactly?3
3: edit: because of people like Xilikon and their bad attitudes
To everyone who said it cost money to fold and stopped, it's a pretty stupid reason and I'll say why :

Interesting. I've always considered folding but the attitudes of some of the folders put me off from it.

Your post is a great example of what I mean.

Those who say folding is useless and pointless are actually selfish.

And here you are casting insults. Very noble of you. Oddly enough, you later say...

Keep in mind that nobody is forcing you to fold or run 24/7 and we respect your choice.

From "Stupid" and "Selfish" to "we respect your choice"? Very odd.

However, please stop bashing those who decided to fold for a good reason.

You're the one being ignorant to be honest.

The OP asked why people stopped. No one said "THOSE FOLDERS ARE IGNORANT AND STUPID DURRR". Rather most of the responses have been asking for results or talking about expense. Adding 3-400 to a yearly electric bill can be a bit daunting.

I don't think many of you actually do respect others opinions, or else you wouldn't get all 'e-thug' on those that have given their reasons for stopping.
I'm sorry if some pick of words offend anyone but that's my own view. If you don't want to fold, be honest and don't bring false justifications ;)

To be honest, I often see people who said electricity is expensive, folding is a waste of time and babble things like that but at the same time, if that's expensive, why are you still using a computer ? It's not better than those who complaint about fuel prices, yet buy gaz guzzlers and pay 100$/tank. This is the logic I'm just irritated to hear. Same thing for those who claim folding is a environmental hazard... I will repeat that it's not required to fold 24/7 and even casually folding while keeping the same computer usage will provide useful results.

When I said to be honest with yourself, I don't mind hearing things like "I'm too lazy to setup", "I don't run my computer long enough to make folding useful" and others like that, just don't pull reasons up from the ass. And I also said it's selfish to think just of yourself because folding will potentially help find a cure to take care of your close relative who suffer from a disease (everyone always know at least 1 who suffer from cancer, alzheimer, parkinson and other degenerative diseases).

Those who fold 24/7 and have farms is their own choice and if they think they can contribute to a better mankind, that's good. Just don't badmouth them ;)

Anyway, I think this thread is going nowhere since we are also tired of hearing people telling it's a waste of time and resources.
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