Why are video cards so expensive now?

oh c'mon...

what fun would there be if everyone can drive a lexus and mercedez?
what joy would there be for those who ride or who are working to have such cars?
sure we all desire such things.. and yes, performance can also be an incentive for those who want them...
nevertheless for most, as pompous as this may sound, the reason they want to drive such car is not only performance but the desire to escape the redundancy in life (what they drive.. what they eat.. how they dress.. how they spend time.. etc etc).
So of course i would not want to be like the masses who drive camrys, accords, or altima.. etc etc... (and it is not because i have a broken soul.. lmao..:p )
therefore why would i pass on a bmw for a Honda..??
and just because i reap the benefits of my parents i should be despised? :mad: :p

yes what i said may have made me sound like an ass but that is merely due to your view/perception.
I was only being honest and its human nature that some would feel bad since they are not able to afford it.. however what pisses me off is that all that suddenly turn into a blame game... " its the rich ppls fault.." suddenly the rich becomes the scapegoat for ppls anger and jealousy....

face it... the best things in life is what we all desire.. we desire the best and thats on the same plane of wanting things for performance because with that comes exclusion for the general population.. in the end its all the same..

so instead of pointing fingers and screaming how much you hate the upper class, how about you acknowledge their hardwork or status for they have started on a equal footing.. as we all have... as all our families have once started as an immigrant too (whether you can trace your lineage back to the pilgrims -as my gf can - it doenst matter)...

if all high end items were affordable in society.. whats the point of working for it? be idealistic as you like, but i think capitalism is a wonderful thing and disparity is the price we pay for embracing such idea.. however it leaves the door open for social mobility thus anyone can join the social elites if they like.. so stop complaining and whining how much you hate the rich...

it sucks that all cant have it.. but thats life :p
You're confusing several concepts.

There is intrinsic value to things regardless of whether others have it. I can enjoy a painting, or a piece of cake regardless of how many others are enjoying it just as I can enjoy a glassy smooth gaming experience even though everyone else might have it.

How much we value it and its relative performance set its price. But its price (and therefore how many own it) does not necessarily dictate how much we enjoy it or value it personally.

You can derive enjoyment from a high-end piece of equipment because it gives you great performance or because you have a better piece of equipment than others. Or, it may be a mixture of the two. However, just because you primarily enjoy things because it makes you feel like you're "above" others, please don't make the mistake of assuming that others feel the same way.

In fact, that you emphasize that aspect of things would tend to make me think that you're actually quite insecure and need to feel superior to others. So you somehow inject your computer equipment with such meaning.

As for your overall attitude. Your parents have done a terrible job of raising you. Clearly, common decency wasn't high on their list of priorities. As someone who grew up rather well off, but then watched it all disappear when I was about sixteen, I'm proud to say that I don't think I changed much. But I had good parents who instilled some humility, and I was never comfortable flaunting what we were fortunate to have.

You, my friend, have a crappy attitude. You're like the Paris Hilton of [H]. You keep saying that you might be sounding like an a-hole, but you're only speaking the truth. Yet, you don't seem to realize that it's the very fact that you think it's a universal truth that would seem to indicate that you are indeed an a-hole. It's not just that you are broken, but you therefore assume everyone is as damaged as you are.

Like I said. Something is broken in your brain. :D
lol.. if i need computer parts to make me feel secure n feel superior then i must have serious problems...:D i guess we all have different view of what morality is...lmao (obviously im joking)
see.. i am selfish.. i admit.. and i can care less about the well being of others.. i will manipulate... trample.. and step over anyone to get what i want.. i am brutal and cold hearted.. apathetic to the needs of others... so what?

gawd.. wouldnt i make a perfect politician? full of lies and driven by expediency... not to mention w/o morals.. (a perfect republican lol).

well im done in this thread. i had fun though... lol :D (although i want to further argue w/ hurin...sigh.)
i hope i didnt piss anyone off that they wouldnt answer my future questions regarding computers.. lol
cuz i only started getting into pc couple months ago...
n ive completely destroyed two processors and a 8800gtx already (although the 8800 was kindly replaced by evga.

so i need all the help i can get.. :p :D