Whos addicted to wow?


[H]F Junkie
Jan 16, 2005
Im so addicted to wow that i bought an xbox 360 and i dont think i have played it more than 2 hours total, wow has sucked me in :p
LordBritish said:
I was addicted until I hit 60 and then it sucked. I even cancelled my account.

That's what I hear from EVERYONE who reaches the "endgame", which is virtually non-existent. WoW isn't a good game as it doesn't have any endgame, something that is vital for a MMORPG. EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, etc. all have good ones, which is what keeps them alive so long. I think that hype is all that keeps new players coming still.
I actually had a lot more fun when I hit 60 and joined up with my current guild. If you're not in a good guild at 60 then yes, it would suck. You could always solo PvP but that wears thin. End-game raiding and guild PvP is where it's at.

If you're:

1) level 60
2) grinding instances like Scholo/Strat/DM/UBRS
3) in a dead guild
4) actually go in pickup groups for nearly anything.

Then you're wasting a huge amount of time for crappy loot and/or little gain and even less fun. BWL fights compared to normal instancing is like comparing the fun you get out of opening new hardware packages from Newegg vs. opening up overdue bills. Guild PvP vs. pickup PvP is like Source vs. Deer Hunter Online.

It makes me wonder how so many people keep playing when PUG/non-hardcore stuff sucks so much. A huge majority of the population are actually level 60 players now (even with the influx of new players) and supposedly the majority of end-game people are not end-game raiders (MC/BWL/ZG, soon to be AQ) and very obviously not end-game PvPers (the top 50 on my server is by and large made of only three guilds, one of which is the guild I'm in). So my advice to anyone out there hitting 60 or just at 60: if you're not prepared to go hardcore, start looking for another game. End-game WoW is not for casual players.
LordBritish said:
I was addicted until I hit 60 and then it sucked. I even cancelled my account.

that about sums it up for me too... glad i'm no longer playing it actually. although it was a blast while it lasted.
Thats why i'm taking my time to reach 60. My main is at 34 and 3 alts at various levels from 11 to 20.

34 hunter
20 paladin
13 druid
11 priest

and i'm having a blast.
untill Oblivion comes out that is.
GoldenTiger said:
That's what I hear from EVERYONE who reaches the "endgame", which is virtually non-existent. WoW isn't a good game as it doesn't have any endgame, something that is vital for a MMORPG. EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, etc. all have good ones, which is what keeps them alive so long. I think that hype is all that keeps new players coming still.

Yeah no end game noob, what the hell do you call stuff like Molten Core and Black Wing Lair, Onxyia, and countless other things, you show me your character decked out in complete tier 2 equipment, ect, then you post "oh got boring, no end game content"
I used to be. Did some endgame stuff at 60, then just lost the urge to play cold turkey. I'm glad I don't play anymore, but I had a great time playing while I did.
RaZoRbLaDeD said:
Yeah no end game noob, what the hell do you call stuff like Molten Core and Black Wing Lair, Onxyia, and countless other things, you show me your character decked out in complete tier 2 equipment, ect, then you post "oh got boring, no end game content"

I call endless raids for no point other than to boost your power for more endless raids that take 5-6 hours each of /afk'ing and autofollowing/autoattacking BORING indeed. That's what I call it.
Yah, sucking off some 13 year old geeks e-peen to get into a largish raid guild isn't my idea of fun. Quit a while back ago.
i dont like raids, i pvp for fun not for honor, i dont want to ruin pvp i just want to have fun, so i like it.
my roommate is semi hooked. he has a lvl 29 warrior that is only made for warsong gulch. thats the only he plays anymore. barely plays with his lvl 60 priests unless guild asks him for help in raids. i used to play but i quit at lvl 44, sort of got boring. i tried getting back into it again, but quit when my new character hit lvl 14. wasn't as fun, i guess partly to blame is i never bothered trying to group with ppl. went solo most of the time. but i do find that being in parties does add some fun as you need to work with one another to achieve a goal (although sometimes it can go sour).
GoldenTiger said:
That's what I hear from EVERYONE who reaches the "endgame", which is virtually non-existent. WoW isn't a good game as it doesn't have any endgame, something that is vital for a MMORPG. EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, etc. all have good ones, which is what keeps them alive so long. I think that hype is all that keeps new players coming still.

probably isn't a horrible thing. less unnecessary beating up on the entry level new guys.
i was addicted. played non stop from closed beta to about 3 months ago, and then I got bored of it so I quit. nothing left to do but 3-4 hour instance farming runs so other people could get epic items that were only slightly better than the ones they already had.

I might play some again when the expansion comes out...but for now, theres nothing to do for me.
I still play, but I'm starting to get tired of it all.

Neurofreeze was right when he said you have to be in an uber guild for any serious end game action. Unfortunately my server is full (like have to wait to log in), and all the MC/BWL guilds already have 40 members they are trying to gear out.

My guild is just starting MC, but it's not going so well. I thought I could keep myself busy trying to gain rank, but then I realized how fucking retarded the honor system is. You can't compete with people whos characters never log off or leave AB.

The journey to level 60 was probably the most fun I've ever had in my gaming career. New zones and instances were a blast to explore, but now it's just same shit different day while waiting on the next MC raid.

Meh, I think I'm gonna go play BF2.
I am definately addicted. I do end game raids on my rogue and pvp and battlegrounds with my warrior. :)
Murkon said:
I thought I could keep myself busy trying to gain rank, but then I realized how fucking retarded the honor system is. You can't compete with people whos characters never log off or leave AB.


My build is completely geared towards PvP, but after reading how people completely exploit the system, it discouraged me enough to quit playing.

Two teams go in with the simple agenda of powerleveling one person. I just can't compete with that, nor do I have the time. I really wanted to eventually get my Tier 2 PvP gear, but it looks like I'd need to give life up in order to do so.
Rich Tate said:

My build is completely geared towards PvP, but after reading how people completely exploit the system, it discouraged me enough to quit playing.

Two teams go in with the simple agenda of powerleveling one person. I just can't compete with that, nor do I have the time. I really wanted to eventually get my Tier 2 PvP gear, but it looks like I'd need to give life up in order to do so.

Which is why Blizzard is going to rework the entire honor system. What they should do is have the rank system work like the leveling system. You get so much honor you go up a rank, and you never lose a rank, the rewards stay the same. Then on the side you can have a ladder system which rates people on how well they do.

This way every can rank up and get the rewards without having to give up their social life and you can also please the hard core people that want to stay at the top of the ladder.
I played and was addicted for 14 months. I quit about a month back and it was the best thing I've ever done. The last year of my life was wasted sitting hours upon hours grinding for gold just to get an item that 90 other people already had.

And don't get me started with MC and BWL runs. Fun at first, but guilds turn into bitchfests where people just complain about this and that and why can't I go and fuck this guy etc....

WoW is definately a fun game, until you hit 60 and get a few pieces of Epic gear. Everything is the same after that ... NOTHING CHANGES.
theNoid said:
I played and was addicted for 14 months. I quit about a month back and it was the best thing I've ever done. The last year of my life was wasted sitting hours upon hours grinding for gold just to get an item that 90 other people already had.

And don't get me started with MC and BWL runs. Fun at first, but guilds turn into bitchfests where people just complain about this and that and why can't I go and fuck this guy etc....

WoW is definately a fun game, until you hit 60 and get a few pieces of Epic gear. Everything is the same after that ... NOTHING CHANGES.

I will quote this. Truth! In addition to this, I want to play other games, and WoW took all that other time away. Now that I've quit, I'm enjoying simpler games again, and have more time to enjoy them as well.
The thing with good raiding/PvP guilds is that most of them are already well-established. The "core" group of players tend to be friends that have been gaming together since before WoW or friends outside of gaming. Getting into one of these guilds is great and all, but once you do you'll most likely just be a small cog in a giant, well-oiled machine.

What I and a friend did was join a smaller, tightly-knit group and the 20 or so of us built up the guild into the monstrosity it is today. Nearly all members are friends, friends of friends, or family members. Only about four were random applicants that made it in, and only then because they grouped with us in PvP a LOT and through Vent/TS we got to know them.

So my advice to anyone out there that's looking to get into end-game stuff (and if you're level 60 you should try to a bit before you quit) is to join a small-to-medium sized guild and help build it up. You'll become one of the prominent members instead of being just a cog. Isn't that how the [H]ard guilds work?

Tightly knit guilds are always fun on any game, as most of the fun is had by hanging out with friends. That's what makes guild PvP fun; you're doing stuff with cool people, not focusing on trying to grind honor. Learning new raid encounters and preparing for them with your friends is a blast. Just keep it in perspective and don't be a loot whore.
Never played it - i play games for fun, and WoW seems too much like work to me. Besides which, the idea of damn darkelf warrior knight orc riders and gnomish orc horde dragonsl4y0rr shit just sounds way, way too sad for me to even become interested :rolleyes:
Wally said:
Never played it - i play games for fun, and WoW seems too much like work to me. Besides which, the idea of damn darkelf warrior knight orc riders and gnomish orc horde dragonsl4y0rr shit just sounds way, way too sad for me to even become interested :rolleyes:

Way to troll.
Neurofreeze said:
I actually had a lot more fun when I hit 60 and joined up with my current guild. If you're not in a good guild at 60 then yes, it would suck. You could always solo PvP but that wears thin. End-game raiding and guild PvP is where it's at.

If you're:

1) level 60
2) grinding instances like Scholo/Strat/DM/UBRS
3) in a dead guild
4) actually go in pickup groups for nearly anything.

Then you're wasting a huge amount of time for crappy loot and/or little gain and even less fun. BWL fights compared to normal instancing is like comparing the fun you get out of opening new hardware packages from Newegg vs. opening up overdue bills. Guild PvP vs. pickup PvP is like Source vs. Deer Hunter Online.

It makes me wonder how so many people keep playing when PUG/non-hardcore stuff sucks so much. A huge majority of the population are actually level 60 players now (even with the influx of new players) and supposedly the majority of end-game people are not end-game raiders (MC/BWL/ZG, soon to be AQ) and very obviously not end-game PvPers (the top 50 on my server is by and large made of only three guilds, one of which is the guild I'm in). So my advice to anyone out there hitting 60 or just at 60: if you're not prepared to go hardcore, start looking for another game. End-game WoW is not for casual players.

Well said... and yes I am addicted. I'm not hardcore but I have alot of RL friends in this guild and their hardcore so it's ok for me.
Javi said:
I will quote this. Truth! In addition to this, I want to play other games, and WoW took all that other time away. Now that I've quit, I'm enjoying simpler games again, and have more time to enjoy them as well.

Totally agreed, and also I have to mention the $15 a month thing never bothered me. I played so much that paying $15 a month kept me in so much I saved hundreds on bar tabs lol.

Ultimately it just wasn't fun anymore. WoW turned into nothing more then a social gather for guilds to run MC and dick around on vent. Fun yes, but it gets quite old especially when you grow to hate someones voice on vent hahaha. Either way ... my WoW days are done. I've moved on with lfie and don't ever plan on wasting 90% of my free time glued to my computer chair dreaming of getting that uber Legendary weapon.
Haven't played since the first battlegrounds came out. Had a pvp decked warrior that pretty much never lost to anyone 1 on 1. Hell I won a ton of 1 on 2 and 1 on 3 fights lol. Warrior+Arc Reaper+Alchemy(greater heal pots)+tubers+nightdragons = unbeatable heh (I love you rogues bwahaha). Once battlegrounds came out the pvp on my server just went to poop. The waiting times were rediculous and the lag was insane so i cancelled. Was super fun up to that point. And yea after doing MC a couple times screw the tier 2 armor/weap grind waaaaay too boring. :eek:
Actually I find the game quite boring....I've only played it twice since I got the game almost a month ago.