Whole collection for a measly $550k

If I could afford it, I'd buy it all and open that video game museum someone above me talked about..

Except mine would be a working museum, specialized cases for everything. Come in, pick a game and play it. Machines would pick the games off the shelf and insert them into the console, technicians would perform maintenance as necessary, and families could play together. Heck, the seller was in Milan, Italy, it's already a tourist attraction, just give them another reason to stay LOL
That's generally what collectors do.

Bah! I own way too many games, but it wasn't to sell then. Honestly, I can't tell you why I bought certain games that I bought. But, when the video game industry collapses to nothing and the internet blows up, I shall be set!
fuck me.
my scroll-wheel finger got sore after looking at all those.

my parent and my friend parents use to say to us as kids, 'a good pool player (and large chunks of time spent in pool halls) was the sign of a mis-spent youth'.
this guy's wasted youth must be the equivalent of pouring large quantities 'printer ink' or 'vintage champagne' directly down the toilet.

Bah! I own way too many games, but it wasn't to sell then. Honestly, I can't tell you why I bought certain games that I bought. But, when the video game industry collapses to nothing and the internet blows up, I shall be set!

if entertaining the improbable, the loss of the internet would most likely coincidence with all electronic devices failing (EMP). in which case, half a millions bucks spent sitting in a large room looking at pictures of games printed on the box. sound like an object lession in masochism.

now if the guy was selling 30years worth of porn videos (beta, VHS, Laser Disc, DVD, Blu-ray) then sitting in the same room during the next dark age might be a little more interesting.
somehow the guy with 30years worth of 'porn mags' is probably in the 'best position' in that scenario...