Who Will Be Shut Down if P2P Becomes a Felony

We need to do something. As an artist it pains me to see basically jack and shit for art now. Why? Because people can get it for free. This has nothing to do with morality, it has to do with the ease of access of getting it for free. Why would people pay for something that is just as easily accessed for free?

I know in my industry we are dying fast. And it is not for lack of innovation, talent, or creativity. It is about the fact that if people can get it for free they will. Period. Good luck when there is no creativity left. We can just have machines do it all. Yay. Thank God I am an opera singer, and make my money with my voice. We are still a ways away from reproducing that perfectly. Soon we will not need humans for anything,..

As for P2P, you are either naive or a liar if you even consider arguing that the majority is not for illicit purposes. The reality is though it cannot be made illegal for simple right of free speech purposes, and the recording industry will be gone soon enough. Technology marches on...

To add to this, I simply believe that technology marches on, and our society in general gives a shit less about music and art. At least if it involves paying for it. Hey, MS is in the same boat. If not for law enforcement, no one would legitimately buy and support Windows. Look at China as a business model.

Obviously making P2P a felony is silly. Also, there really are no good business models that would help artist and musicians out at this point. Look at Lady Gaga, who regardless of your like or dislike is a top selling artist, and she sells a THIRD of what Madonna sold 10-15 years ago to put it in perspective. But, BUT, her music is everywhere. How can that be? I think we all know...

Take inflation into account, and music is not a good business. What am I thinking being an opera singer again? Here's hoping my business can survive another 30 years...
We need to do something. As an artist it pains me to see basically jack and shit for art now. Why? Because people can get it for free. This has nothing to do with morality, it has to do with the ease of access of getting it for free. Why would people pay for something that is just as easily accessed for free?
If artists can find a way to stand on their own merit and make a living from it (as you have), more power to 'em.

But it shouldn't be artificially propped up by the government. We shouldn't put an industry on life support in exchange for people's unalienable constitutional rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nobody should be punished for listening to music, watching a film, or playing a game without a proper license.

Now, if someone got money by selling your art, that's different; that's a true pirate, and they are the scum of the earth. They are the ones truly depriving artists of money. They are siphoning money that people would have paid.

But with non-profit copyingthere's no guarantee that if downloads were 100% eliminated, people would buy tons and tons of commercial art all of a sudden. They'd probably just find some other way to amuse themselves.
and soon paying for healthcare will be the same.
Excellent. At least someone's getting a benefit from the spending.

If we cut our military spending by 90%, we'd still be the world's third-highest spender and we could afford free health coverage and free college for everyone.
The guy who got his article posted clearly did not read the law they didn't pass it failed by alot like 111 votes in the house and it has yet to be reintroduced...

also it did not make p2p a felony it made "streaming" unauthorized music a felony you know like Pandora radio that type of thing would be a felony unless it got the rights to play those songs but that would mean them going from a free or ad supported service to a pay service...
You got to love a country that it is illegal according to view the big game on a TV that is to big because they do not have written consent of the NFL.

That it is against copy right laws to loan someone a book because they did not pay for a license to view it.

You want to know what this country is going to look like soon...

Fahrenheit 451

It's a sad day.
IF this law proposal ever makes it to the floor, passes, and is signed into law, it will quickly be overturned through the courts. I have a hard time believing that sites will be shut down for talking about streaming content on the grounds of "criminal solicitation". News papers aren't shut down for talking about drugs and the ongoing battle to legalize them or not. There is no reason why these sites would be shut down either. Most of all, remember that as of right now, this is all in the form of a "proposal" from the White House. It's not even been turned into a bill yet - let alone been voted on.
Clarify: This would be overturned in the courts on the grounds of "freedom of the press." Reporting about something is not the same as telling people how to get it. That's why news companies are able to talk about crimes and stay on the air. But that assumes that streaming really does become a crime.

I don't think streaming will become illegal for the same reason that transporting is not illegal:
Transporting people is legal (taxis, buses, cars, etc). Transporting goods is legal (freight, etc). Transporting drugs is not.

Streaming documents is legal. Streaming Linux is legal. Streaming Justin Bieber is not.
Are they actually going to make p2p illegal? How come they dont make ftp illegal, or http? Plenty of illegal stuff on there too!
Stripping the rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness from millions to fuel the short-term profits of hundreds.

Somehow I have a feeling that the people who invented these laws never foresaw this lunacy.

If they were here we would have another revolution. :eek:
To me its amazing that this country wastes so much time on useless and pointless litigation. The economy has gone to shit, there are people starving, an education system tanking, and the country is starting to get involved in another "conflict," and the government is wasting its time and effort on P2P traffic.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying stealing is right but there are much much bigger fish to fry.
To me its amazing that this country wastes so much time on useless and pointless litigation. The economy has gone to shit, there are people starving, an education system tanking, and the country is starting to get involved in another "conflict," and the government is wasting its time and effort on P2P traffic.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying stealing is right but there are much much bigger fish to fry.

You look at the top 4 and figure out why the laws that are being considered are being talked about....

Lobbying expenditure by sector

The top sectors and their total spending between 1998 and 2010 were:

1 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate



2 Health



3 Misc Business



4 Communications/Electronics


The corporations and those behind them are using the power of the U.S. to control the freedom of everyone not only the U.S.
It all started at the beginning of the 20th century and it goes way beyond greed.
Ever heard of the CFR?

+1. Add 'Rockefeller' & 'Warburg' to your search for some enlightening, albeit depressing reading. The heads of industry have pushed their way into politics, and secretly formed an oligarchy right in front of our faces. Americans in general are so stupid that they not only allowed it to happen, but they continue to be die hard supporters of one party or the other even though both parties are too intertwined with industry to act in favor of the people.
I used to believe people like you were paranoid idiots, but everything Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Joel Skousen, even Glen Beck have been warning about for years is happening right before our eyes.