Who cares about iPhone5 ? It's outdated already

Nope. I was using cyanogenmod. It still was kludgy. The iPhone is just better. That's all we recommend at work now after the many failings of the Droid platform, but to each their own.

well something non-typical was up with it because i have used a Fascinate and an original Droid with CM7 and it was absolutely amazing and never required reboots or the like. Waiting patiently for CM7 to be ported to the Charge now
I haven't looked at the iphone since iphone 2, then all the competitors starting coming out with better phones. It's Apple, that's enough for me to know that I don't want it. :D
well something non-typical was up with it because i have used a Fascinate and an original Droid with CM7 and it was absolutely amazing and never required reboots or the like. Waiting patiently for CM7 to be ported to the Charge now

That's always the excuse isn't it? "Oh, well it works on my end so it must be something you did" or "Well that must have been a low end phone" Newsflash: The vast, vast majority of android phones "sold" are free on contract, so if it can't provide a good enough experience, then don't sell them.

I also find it funny that the guy who started this thread titled it the way he did. "Oh yea guys, I don't care about the iphone5, but I'm going to make a thread about it so my opinions can be reinforced." I've said it once, and I'll say it again: iPhone users use it because they love it, android users use it because they hate the iPhone. In other words, they use an inferior product out of spite. Call me when android finally has hardware acceleration. How pathetic is it that they still don't have that?
The vast, vast majority of android phones "sold" are free on contract

Prove it.

Oh wait, you can't, because that's just some made up FUD by Apple fans.

Heck, a huge chunk of Android phones are sold at full price - most countries don't sell phones on contract to begin with.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: iPhone users use it because they love it, android users use it because they hate the iPhone. In other words, they use an inferior product out of spite.

Blatantly false. You can say it however many times you want, that doesn't make it any more true. Just like the claim "most iPhone users use it because they are sheeple" isn't true. Both Android and iPhone are really, really good.

Call me when android finally has hardware acceleration. How pathetic is it that they still don't have that?

Android has had hardware acceleration for months. Then again, you seem more concerned with ranting against Android than facts, so....
That's always the excuse isn't it? "Oh, well it works on my end so it must be something you did" or "Well that must have been a low end phone" Newsflash: The vast, vast majority of android phones "sold" are free on contract, so if it can't provide a good enough experience, then don't sell them.

I also find it funny that the guy who started this thread titled it the way he did. "Oh yea guys, I don't care about the iphone5, but I'm going to make a thread about it so my opinions can be reinforced." I've said it once, and I'll say it again: iPhone users use it because they love it, android users use it because they hate the iPhone. In other words, they use an inferior product out of spite. Call me when android finally has hardware acceleration. How pathetic is it that they still don't have that?

The only android phones I am talking about cost $200-$300 on contract. The free or cheap ones should never have been sold. They suck. But that's not Androids fault. That's the hardware. Also everyone who gets to use an AOSP based Ron on a top tier device like CM7, MIUI or OMFGB absolutely love it and will tell you it blows away iOS.

The iPhone is like yesterdays cold coffee. The only people that give a fuck are the mindless people who have an iPhone already and have to have the latest thing. Apple has failed to innovate therefore they have resorted to litigation. They are failing right now.
The only android phones I am talking about cost $200-$300 on contract. The free or cheap ones should never have been sold. They suck. But that's not Androids fault. That's the hardware. Also everyone who gets to use an AOSP based Ron on a top tier device like CM7, MIUI or OMFGB absolutely love it and will tell you it blows away iOS.

How does Android blow away iOS? Regardless of if people like Apple or not, iOS is smooth, consistent, and generally extremely easy to use.

The iPhone is like yesterdays cold coffee. The only people that give a fuck are the mindless people who have an iPhone already and have to have the latest thing. Apple has failed to innovate therefore they have resorted to litigation. They are failing right now.

Yeah good point, aside from being the company to jump start both the modern smartphone and tablet markets by giving people something slick and easy to use, what have they innovated? :rolleyes: Why is every Apple user demonized as a mindless sheep who always needs to upgrade? I've seen way more Android users make upgrades regularly to get something better, while most of the people with iPhones just upgrade every 2 years. Seriously if you just check around this forum, a lot of Android people are on their 4th or 5th device because there is always something better and they aren't happy.

A couple years ago at my employer, there were only 3 or 4 people with the iPhone 3GS. Most people were hopping onto Android phones and poking fun at the iPhone users for being Mactards and "Worshipping at the temple of Steve Jobs". Android users were touting how awesome Android would be and how Google was going to release all of these awesome updates and blah blah blah. Now Android is turning into a fragmented mess and well over half of the people are using iPhone 4s. That doesn't just happen for no reason.

Also not everyone wants to root their Android phone just to get it to work properly.
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The only android phones I am talking about cost $200-$300 on contract. The free or cheap ones should never have been sold. They suck. But that's not Androids fault. That's the hardware. Also everyone who gets to use an AOSP based Ron on a top tier device like CM7, MIUI or OMFGB absolutely love it and will tell you it blows away iOS.

The iPhone is like yesterdays cold coffee. The only people that give a fuck are the mindless people who have an iPhone already and have to have the latest thing. Apple has failed to innovate therefore they have resorted to litigation. They are failing right now.

I'm curious now, do tell.... where has Apple failed to innovate? I'm speaking as someone who had one iPhone 3GS, then one Aria, one Inspire, one Galaxy SII, and now one Atrix... (not even going to count all the tablets).

I don't see anywere where it's not "innovating" at all. And low end Android devices are a fact of life. Implying those should never exist... well... guess what? Apple does, too, on their own older (aka "lower end") gear.

Hell, there are people fine with Touchwiz, BLUR, Sense, etc. Just like that, people are fine with how iOS is presented. A smartphone is mostly useful for: email, web browsing, txt, camera, youtube, and dicking around with games. Tell me where that's different between each OS, and again... where has Apple failed to innovate?
How does Android blow away iOS? Regardless of if people like Apple or not, iOS is smooth, consistent, and generally extremely easy to use.

Yeah good point, aside from being the company to jump start both the modern smartphone and tablet markets by giving people something slick and easy to use, what have they innovated? :rolleyes: Why is every Apple user demonized as a mindless sheep who always needs to upgrade? I've seen way more Android users make upgrades regularly to get something better, while most of the people with iPhones just upgrade every 2 years. Seriously if you just check around this forum, a lot of Android people are on their 4th or 5th device because there is always something better and they aren't happy.

A couple years ago at my employer, there were only 3 or 4 people with the iPhone 3GS. Most people were hopping onto Android phones and poking fun at the iPhone users for being Mactards and "Worshipping at the temple of Steve Jobs". Android users were touting how awesome Android would be and how Google was going to release all of these awesome updates and blah blah blah. Now Android is turning into a fragmented mess and well over half of the people are using iPhone 4s. That doesn't just happen for no reason.

Also not everyone wants to root their Android phone just to get it to work properly.
Yes, we give credit for Apple for making smartphones popular, despite the original iPhone actually don't qualify as a smartphone. And, now that they are no long innovating, which is the point, must Apple sue their competition? Wasn't it Steve Jobs who says good artist copy, great artists steal, and we (apple) are shameless of stealing great ideas? What's that now? What's this thing about breaking the barriers and be free (1984 commercial) and now Apple wants to lock its users in a walled-garden called iTunes and the App Store. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Fragmentation is only a problem for developers, not users. With 250k apps and counting, I don't think it's much of a problem. Maybe you ought to start thinking about creating a helper class to make those calls to manufacturer specific crap (and stop exploiting bugs)...

Like people don't jailbreak the iPhone...

Hypocrisy is the reason why people hate Apple users.
Yes, we give credit for Apple for making smartphones popular, despite the original iPhone actually don't qualify as a smartphone. And, now that they are no long innovating, which is the point, must Apple sue their competition? Wasn't it Steve Jobs who says good artist copy, great artists steal, and we (apple) are shameless of stealing great ideas? What's that now? What's this thing about breaking the barriers and be free (1984 commercial) and now Apple wants to lock its users in a walled-garden called iTunes and the App Store. What a bunch of hypocrites!

...and yet another person trashing Apple for not innovating while providing no evidence of Android being the innovation machine that people claim it to be.

If Google is so innocent, innovative, and free from idea theft... Why is Microsoft making more money from Android sales than they make from Windows Phone 7 devices?

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I have an iPhone 4 (used to have the Moto Droid) and I love my iPhone. I have no desire to upgrade because I am not wanting for any features. It just works.

The better question to ask is, why are Android users always looking for the next best thing?
How does Android blow away iOS? Regardless of if people like Apple or not, iOS is smooth, consistent, and generally extremely easy to use.

Yeah good point, aside from being the company to jump start both the modern smartphone and tablet markets by giving people something slick and easy to use, what have they innovated? :rolleyes: Why is every Apple user demonized as a mindless sheep who always needs to upgrade? I've seen way more Android users make upgrades regularly to get something better, while most of the people with iPhones just upgrade every 2 years. Seriously if you just check around this forum, a lot of Android people are on their 4th or 5th device because there is always something better and they aren't happy.

A couple years ago at my employer, there were only 3 or 4 people with the iPhone 3GS. Most people were hopping onto Android phones and poking fun at the iPhone users for being Mactards and "Worshipping at the temple of Steve Jobs". Android users were touting how awesome Android would be and how Google was going to release all of these awesome updates and blah blah blah. Now Android is turning into a fragmented mess and well over half of the people are using iPhone 4s. That doesn't just happen for no reason.

Also not everyone wants to root their Android phone just to get it to work properly.

lol Oh man you are so deluded. You ask why we always upgrade? Because we can, because we want the best, because technology progresses much faster when things are open source than when they are locked down. The person who continuously buys the latest gadget is the person who wants to experience the best that there is right now. It has nothing to do with being unhappy, we are just the few that want to have the freshest gadget off the shelf.

Over half are using iphones? Where? In your small workplace? Fragmentation is such a useless argument given by ifans. Hows Windows doing? Oh yeah...

Root to get our phone working properly? How about jailbreaking? Exactly. We root to make the best of the hardware we have. Every electronic device in the market today has a following of people who want to prod and poke it as a learning experience or to just push it beyond its limits. Why? Again.. because we can.
lol Oh man you are so deluded. You ask why we always upgrade? Because we can, because we want the best, because technology progresses much faster when things are open source than when they are locked down. The person who continuously buys the latest gadget is the person who wants to experience the best that there is right now. It has nothing to do with being unhappy, we are just the few that want to have the freshest gadget off the shelf.

Ok so when a Mac person upgrades their phone, its because they are sheep and brainwashed by the media to always NEED the newest thing. When an Android user upgrades, its because they are part of the tech elite and they just want the latest and greatest thing. Just making sure I get this right.

Over half are using iphones? Where? In your small workplace? Fragmentation is such a useless argument given by ifans. Hows Windows doing? Oh yeah...

Would you agree that newer versions of Android offer a better experience? If so, then fragmentation is an issue, because a lot of the users are stuck with the old versions on recent phones. Heck even a recent premier phone like the HTC Thunderbolt is still stuck with 2.2 instead of getting the new features in 2.3.

Root to get our phone working properly? How about jailbreaking? Exactly. We root to make the best of the hardware we have. Every electronic device in the market today has a following of people who want to prod and poke it as a learning experience or to just push it beyond its limits. Why? Again.. because we can.

Most people I know haven't jailbroken their iPhones, because they didn't have a reason to. I think most people root their Android phones because the OS that is on it sucks, is out of date, or full of junk put on their by carriers.
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...and yet another person trashing Apple for not innovating while providing no evidence of Android being the innovation machine that people claim it to be.


If Google is so innocent, innovative, and free from idea theft... Why is Microsoft making more money from Android sales than they make from Windows Phone 7 devices?


Patents != innovation. We all know the patent system is seriously screwed up right now - so why drag that into this?

Yeah good point, aside from being the company to jump start both the modern smartphone and tablet markets by giving people something slick and easy to use, what have they innovated? :rolleyes:

Apple didn't jump start the modern smartphone market. Tablets, sure, smartphones, absolutely not. The smartphone market was already solid before Apple launched the iPhone (which wasn't a smartphone). RIM made owning a smartphone popular with the "trendy" crowd. It's hard to remember, granted, but once upon a time Blackberry was the jewel of the blogging hipster world. Apple had excellent timing, though, making a phone right as large capacitive touch screens were hitting affordability. But their "innovations" are largely overstated in this area. They have an incredibly well polished product, yes, but not really an innovative one. Which is totally fine and not meant as a bash on Apple - the level of polish they can hit is incredible and worthy of praise. But Apple isn't a strong innovator - they never have been.

A couple years ago at my employer, there were only 3 or 4 people with the iPhone 3GS. Most people were hopping onto Android phones and poking fun at the iPhone users for being Mactards and "Worshipping at the temple of Steve Jobs". Android users were touting how awesome Android would be and how Google was going to release all of these awesome updates and blah blah blah. Now Android is turning into a fragmented mess and well over half of the people are using iPhone 4s. That doesn't just happen for no reason.

And Android didn't snag 40% market share with growth the continues to outpace Apple for no reason, either.
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I like android devices because i can overclock it (not all devices but the option is available for some) and im a hardware enthusiast, i like playing with new things.
...and yet another person trashing Apple for not innovating while providing no evidence of Android being the innovation machine that people claim it to be.

If Google is so innocent, innovative, and free from idea theft... Why is Microsoft making more money from Android sales than they make from Windows Phone 7 devices?


Note all those companies that paid for patent licensing for Android devices, what do they have in common? They all sell Microsoft products, most of them in fact manufacture WP7 devices.

Evidently management decided that they want to keep all their WP7 option open and not piss off Microsoft. Whereas B&N, Motorola etc have no dealings with Microsoft devices and essentially gave Redmond the middle finger.
Ok so when a Mac person upgrades their phone, its because they are sheep and brainwashed by the media to always NEED the newest thing. When an Android user upgrades, its because they are part of the tech elite and they just want the latest and greatest thing. Just making sure I get this right.

Would you agree that newer versions of Android offer a better experience? If so, then fragmentation is an issue, because a lot of the users are stuck with the old versions on recent phones. Heck even a recent premier phone like the HTC Thunderbolt is still stuck with 2.2 instead of getting the new features in 2.3.

Most people I know haven't jailbroken their iPhones, because they didn't have a reason to. I think most people root their Android phones because the OS that is on it sucks, is out of date, or full of junk put on their by carriers.

1. No, because like you said alot of people are stuck with older phones who just don't care and rather make a phone call than to have the newest thing. I buy the newest android phone every 2 years because I want to. My Epic 4G (was purchased on Premier yearly upgrade) is great, fast and provides plenty of great features. But now I want the Epic 4G Touch because it's greater, faster, and provides more great features.

2. Yes newest Android OS is better than the last but what does that have to do with anything? It's not hard to make most applications compatible with an older OS and everything post 2.0 is pretty much good to go. You rather have google wait 4 years and refine the OS to perfection before releasing it? Some of us rather have the device in our hands now and worry about software updates later. You can also blame the phone manufacturer for not providing updates. You want the latest OS? Get a Nexus, 100% supported by google and will always be the first one to get updates.

3. Then you and I come from two very seperate areas. Everyone I know owns an iphone, and a few are constantly fed up with it, hate the fact that you cant do certain things unless you jailbreak. Atleast 6 people I know with iphones have jailbroken to gain access to free apps, free tethering, and installing unofficial apps that aren't on the market. Of course after JBing all I hear from them afterwards is complaints from the less tech savy ones. Mind you this doesn't apply to everyone.

I'm not sure you know what rooting means because "the OS sucks" has nothing to do with it, rooting just gives you write permissions in the root directory of the phone where you can flash new ROMs and certain applications that require root permissions. Yes we root because we like to install custom ROM packages that the community come up with to make the phone better such as getting rid of bloatware, reducing CPU speed to make the phone last longer, optimizing background proccesses, adding nifty new features, installing a new Android beta OS to test out, or even just because we want to phone to look different and change the interface to set themselves apart from everyone else. The reason we even have bloatware in the first place was because of the open source software it runs. Google's only chance at getting most providers to adopt was by letting them install their crap on it while Apple already had a huge name for itself and could force providers to bow down to it's phone and after the huge success it had with the first one and noone would challenge them. But the reason we root isn't because the phone and the software sucks, we just want to make it better. Although yes the first generation of android phones was severely lacking because the software was too much for the phones hardware to handle and lacked any sort of optimization, but today android phones are competition and as more people start to look at how much you can do with an open device then people will want to make the move as alot already have. But yes you will still have the community who prefers the iphone because it's a simple phone and does what it's made to do while still offering almost what every other phone has. And this is why people still buy Mac's, because they do what the buyer wants it to do without having to think too hard about the little things like drivers or supported hardware. I won't sit here and try to force people into buying a certain device, I treat them both equally, I just like to think a little harder when I use mine. ;)
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iPhone is anything but a "simple phone".

You can debate this till you're blue in the face, doesn't change the fact that both are very complex systems. Nick, you sound like an Apple fan boy... except you're on the other side.

I use an android phone as a personal device.
When you see 9 year old kids running around with iphones, that's enough for me to say screw that nonsense and try something else.
I read a survery saying that the majority of MIT professors, NASA scientists, and astro physicists prefer iOS over android.

I wonder why.. hmm.......

Smart people just prefer iOS cause it's obviously better I guess :D
iPhone is anything but a "simple phone".

You can debate this till you're blue in the face, doesn't change the fact that both are very complex systems. Nick, you sound like an Apple fan boy... except you're on the other side.

I use an android phone as a personal device.

It is a simple smartphone, it is not a dumbphone. It's an easier to use phone for people than android phones that's the only thing I'll give it.

And how exactly am I sounding like an apple fan? I'm pointing out it's flaws and it's strengths while giving reason as to why people prefer Android. I'm not biased towards one device, I just hate the group of people Apple attracts.

I read a survery saying that the majority of MIT professors, NASA scientists, and astro physicists prefer iOS over android.

I wonder why.. hmm.......

Smart people just prefer iOS cause it's obviously better I guess :D

Maybe because these people have no need for a complicated phone. They have more important things to worry about than "Oh is the latest Gingerbread version leaked yet?! Let me flash it!".
I want a phone that makes REALLY good calls. That would be a nice change.

All I use my iphone for is making calls now that I have a tablet to carry around instead.
I read a survery saying that the majority of MIT professors, NASA scientists, and astro physicists prefer iOS over android.

I wonder why.. hmm.......

Smart people just prefer iOS cause it's obviously better I guess :D

LOL, no citation or anything for your claim. Well if we're arguing like that, then I'm going to go ahead and say that I saw a survey that says that most theoretical physicists, engineers and PhD's grads prefer anything over iOS. :D

Your post made me think of this too though;


(yes I know that's a different platform, but it's easily translated to the mobile platform)

I do have a funny story though; my best friend recently graduated from UK with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Physics (forgot of which variety). He had a guest speaker come to speak to his class right before graduation and he went to use the iPhone as an example for something, then asked for a quick survey as to how many of the students had an iPhone. Out of 200+ students, absolutely NONE of them raised their hands, lol. Then one student randomly shouted out "iPhone SUCKS!", which was followed by a room full of laughter. :D

But seriously, I don't doubt that your right about all those highly educated people using iOS over anything else. Why? Because they're old and don't care about customizing/tweaking their phone and probably just want it to make calls and occasionally read some news on it. I doubt they even put much thought into their phone selection or care much about it in the first place.
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