Which video card is teh better one

I would have to go with number 2. I beleive it edges the 6600 GT in most everything.
Yes it's for gaming. I was thinking the Gto because it has 12 pipelines rather than 8pipes.

But sence the 6600 GT has a 100mhz advantage on the core speed I wasn't sure.

What do these cards average in 3dmark05?
If i want to unlock it to 16 pipes is there a certain Manufacturer i would want over another?
MooseEdit: Before you tell them that their opinions are "bullshit", try posting something other that your own opinion to back the statement up... :rolleyes:

Out of those 2 cards, get the x800gto.

-edit- actually, try to get the gto2 and unlock it. looking at benches the regular gto isnt a whole lot faster than the 6600gt, but it is.
Mister E said:
Out of those 2 cards, get the x800gto.

-edit- actually, try to get the gto2 and unlock it. looking at benches the regular gto isnt a whole lot faster than the 6600gt, but it is.

exaclty what I was thinking when I saw "6600gt is better than x800gto" if it is agp only get a 6800nu "vanilla" theres a good chance you can unlock to 16 pipes an 6 vertex even if you can't its better than the other 2.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814140067 174$

http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=322687 184$

http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=323263 139$

They say out of stock at zzf but it hasn't been updated it only has a back in stock alert.
Nvidia101 said:
for gaming number 1.
god.. do people know what they are talking about when they post?!?!?,,, the GTO is the better card.. but if your going to pay that much mind as well pay a little more and get a 6800GT.. the most popular video card on these forums..
Firebat said:
So finial Choices are:





Does the 50mhz advantage on core for the x800GTO Compensate for the 20mhz advantage on memory for the 6800GS? Is this worth the extra 30bucks?

I would say no contest, go with the 6800GS. Although I havent seen a fully OCed GTO's benches, the GS woops the 1600 and the 800XL up and down. The GS is verrrry similiar to the GT and youll only see a few fps difference in games. Definitely a great buy.

Here are the benches...........

A little off topic here, but, will my proccessor bottle neck? Its only got 400mhz fsb :(
Firebat said:
So finial Choices are:





Does the 50mhz advantage on core for the x800GTO Compensate for the 20mhz advantage on memory for the 6800GS? Is this worth the extra 30bucks?
The 6800GS kicks the shit out of the X800GTO, however ifyou got a 800GTO2 (I think they're PCI-E only) you could unlock and overclock to X850XTPE speeds (mine actually surpassed them) without any issues and it would pwn the 6800GS.
I'd recommend the 6800 GS, especially if you play OpenGL games like Doom 3 and Quake 4. Also, ATI cards seem to perform VERY poorly in Serious Sam 2, especially their last-generation cards.
HotkeyCC said:
I would say no contest, go with the 6800GS. Although I havent seen a fully OCed GTO's benches, the GS woops the 1600 and the 800XL up and down. The GS is verrrry similiar to the GT and youll only see a few fps difference in games. Definitely a great buy.

Here are the benches...........


that is NOT the bench marks for the 6800GS AGP.. the AGP version is clocked down 75 on core and has 1 less Vertex Pipeline then the PCI-E


i dont know where you can find bench marks for the AGP version but i do know its not as fast as the PCI-E version
Nidhogg said:
that is NOT the bench marks for the 6800GS AGP.. the AGP version is clocked down 75 on core and has 1 less Vertex Pipeline then the PCI-E


i dont know where you can find bench marks for the AGP version but i do know its not as fast as the PCI-E version

So, damn back to square one between the 6800GS and the X800GTO.

Which one is it easier to unlock the pipes on?
So looking at those specs....my assumption is that they will be equal in performance prior to an overclock. Ive heard lots of good things about the GTO's overclocking capabilities, so I think I would go with the GTO. Does that sound about right to everyone else?
on the topic of proccessor being a bottle neck... im going to have to say yes.. youll get a great increase in performance from eather card if you get a proc that has 800FSB.. ive seen a article on the fact that the 6800U was CPU bound that a 3.6 p4 was still a bottle neck for some games where every extra bit of speed counted... im going to say a 2.8 with a 400FSB will be a bottle neck... these procs are very slow.. that fsb is aweful.. if your motherboard supports it... try to get a northwood or a prescott.. trust me it will really unlock the cards performance.. then your system will be nearing complete...
im still telling you to get the 6800GT.. its a great card.... ill sell you mine .. it clocks way passed ultra speeds and is AGP.. give me a offer on it and we can work something out...
Warrior said:
on the topic of proccessor being a bottle neck... im going to have to say yes.. youll get a great increase in performance from eather card if you get a proc that has 800FSB.. ive seen a article on the fact that the 6800U was CPU bound that a 3.6 p4 was still a bottle neck for some games where every extra bit of speed counted... im going to say a 2.8 with a 400FSB will be a bottle neck... these procs are very slow.. that fsb is aweful.. if your motherboard supports it... try to get a northwood or a prescott.. trust me it will really unlock the cards performance.. then your system will be nearing complete...

Acually my motherboard is the biggest piece of shit, ever.
It doesn't support much. Thats the next upgrade on my list.
So, more people say i should go for the 6800GT rather than the x800gto. Intresting..... But is it really worth the extra 30bucks? i too have heard the x800gto has an impresive overclock.
Firebat said:
So, more people say i should go for the 6800GT rather than the x800gto. Intresting..... But is it really worth the extra 30bucks? i too have heard the x800gto has an impresive overclock.

6800GT is not worth it, unless you can get it for cheaper than a 6800GS. It's as simple as that, because the 6800GS performs just as well as a 6800GT, while consuming less power and putting out less heat.
Both are pretty short term purchases so I'd do for #2 as it is faster and has been IQ, IMHO.
Bona Fide said:
6800GT is not worth it, unless you can get it for cheaper than a 6800GS. It's as simple as that, because the 6800GS performs just as well as a 6800GT, while consuming less power and putting out less heat.
your fergetting the set backs that the AGP version of the GS has... he wants a AGP version and if ive read right the GT is better.. in terms of AGP only.. and AGP GTs can get well passed Ultra speeds... dont know about the AGP GS
The GT gets like 2-3 fps better than the GS so theres no reason to drop another 30 dollars down. If you're worried about CPU bottleneck, run your games at high res and you wont have a problem. Youll be stressing the video card far more than the processor.