Which graphics card for this generation?

HD 2900 XT yet?

  • Purchased / Running an HD 2900 XT in Crossfire

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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[H]F Junkie
Mar 19, 2003
So how many of you pups bought the new HD 2900 XT, how many will not be buying it, how many are sticking with nVidia and how many don't give a rats ass.

This poll is for everyone who frequents here...
Skipping them all for now, my two X1900s are within a hair of both 8800 and 2900 in most scenarios and I'm not buying anything til I know how Bioshock runs on it.
Skipping them all for now... I'm not buying anything til I know how Bioshock runs on it.

Same here. My X1950 runs everything just fine for me, and I too am waiting to see how Bioshock or UT2k7 will run on newer cards.
I'm skipping this gen. Planning for a new system after the Q6600 price drop but the vid card will be an old one (X1950Pro).
going to buy 8800GTS, maybe 320MB version since above 1600x1200 res are not my concern and i still couldn't justified the price gap in my country between 320MB vs 640MB vs GTX. but until and ONLY until next gen start to appearing, not going to buy anything yet, would like to see price drop first :D
nösferatu;1031111155 said:
going to buy 8800GTS, maybe 320MB version since above 1600x1200 res are not my concern and i still couldn't justified the price gap in my country between 320MB vs 640MB vs GTX. but until and ONLY until next gen start to appearing, not going to buy anything yet, would like to see price drop first :D

Sorry for not clarifying earlier but I think you picked the wrong option since Updated from 8800GTS/GTX was supposed to be for users that went the ATi route and got an HD 2900 XT whilst hitherto having an 8800 series graphics card.

Your choice of option should have been Sticking with Geforce 8800GTS/GTX.

was about to pick up the "stick with 8800GTS/GTX" thing, but got confused since i don't have it right now, sorry and thanks for clarifyng anyway.

errr...tell me how can i change my vote?
Theres alot of choices in that pole, but it still leaves alot of people out in the cold. I am planning on getting a 8800GTS 320meg but theres no option for me up there as I have a X1800XT
I'm waiting for games that I'm actually going to play and then upgrade from there.

I'm waiting on UT and Crysis.
Theres alot of choices in that pole, but it still leaves alot of people out in the cold. I am planning on getting a 8800GTS 320meg but theres no option for me up there as I have a X1800XT

You can simply choose the option you are planning for. That would be sticking with 8800GTS/GTX. I didn't add the option upgrading to 8800GTS/GTX since I thought it would require another option upgrading to HD 2900 XT. In the end the polls here don't allow more than 10 options so if anyone is going to upgrade and already made the decision than might as well just select the option in the poll.
8800 GTS 4life

well i am plannin on steppin up to GTX version in few days or prolly wait for 8900 card to release before my step up deadline. :D
Im sticking with pc 1 7800GtBfg pc2 8600GTSEvga pc3 8800 GTSBfg ...and soon to get a new 8900 9900 series or what ever there gonna call it :D

Then im done for a while!
When my 8800GTS 640 (overclocked) starts to pinch my "frames per second nerve" I will add a second one.

I will be adding a quad core q6600 as soon as I have the money once the <$300 price drop hits.

So, when a quad core CPU and an 8800GTS 640 start to not cut it anymore in an actual game I am interested in, I will buy a second 8800GTS 640.

At some point there will be a third (second?) Nvidia GPU for physics for my third X16 PCIe slot, once Nvidia releases physics acceleration in their drivers which would actually be used in a game I care about.


That is a lot of GPUs for one machine. DAMN THEM!!!
Where's the option for "I bought my GTS to hold me over until actual Dx10 game performance (Not Demos!) is reviewed?"
I'm waiting for a video card with twice the performance of my 7900 GT, the same power envelope (~50w), and under $300. I figure that will either be the G80 65nm refresh (if it happens), or the midrange parts for the G92-series.

By then, Vista SP1 and a number of DX10 games should offer a tempting reason to upgrade.

Let's just hope Nvidia abandons that anemic 128-bit bus for their G92 midrange, or I could be waiting quite a bit longer for a low-power, upper-midrange card.
Interesting how the x2900xt's were all sold out, but only 2 people so far admit to owning one :p
None of the above. They need to start releasing "good" single slot cards again.
None of the above. They need to start releasing "good" single slot cards again.

BFG 8800GTX OC Watercooled Edition is an awesome single slot cooled video card. :cool:

Personally I'm sticking with my 8800GTX SLI until there is something compelling for me to switch to.
Bought a GTS320 in early march. Completely satisfied with it. See no reason to pay more for a slower and thirstier card.
BFG 8800GTX OC Watercooled Edition is an awesome single slot cooled video card. :cool:

Personally I'm sticking with my 8800GTX SLI until there is something compelling for me to switch to.

I meant air cooled. That water cooled card would require even more space after adding a radiator, pump, etc.. :p
I'm going to wait for the R600 refresh before making any final decisions for this generation. You never know, they might come back from the brink. However, for me, DX9 performance is paramount, as I'm NOT going to Vista (more likely I'm moving to Linux, Ubuntu in particular, when XP x64 decides to show its age)
Interesting how the x2900xt's were all sold out, but only 2 people so far admit to owning one :p
The inventory is still quite low.
Besides, it's been on the market for less than two weeks!
And I won't upgrade until the DX10 games are out.
Purchasing the DX10 capable hardware just doesn't make any sense at the moment.
I meant air cooled. That water cooled card would require even more space after adding a radiator, pump, etc.. :p

We weren't talking about pumps and radiators. We were talking about single slot cooling. :cool:
plan on keepin my 8800gts 320mb 600/1800 for around 6 months or maybe more... depends if i buy the q6600 when prices go down
just ordered an MSI 8800gtx oc, I was going to wait for the dx10 games to come out and the refreshes, but a buddy of mine offered me 175 for my x1900xtx... I took it and got the best currently available. It makes no sense the spend hundreds of dollars on 'maybe performance will improve with future driver releases'..... maybe frogs will shoot out of my ass, but unlikely.

Besided, if the next gen cards rock - I'll just get one then.
Waited until a major new generation of CPU's came out then upgraded to Core 2 Duo.

Waited until a major new generation of GPU's came out then upgraded to an 8800GTX.

Am very happy with my upgrade choices, both in terms of the product as well as timing, but they were obvious choices. Both of these upgrades made perfect sense as they were a result of major breakthroughs.

But right now, it makes absolutely no sense to upgrade unless you want to waste cash. Quad core? Just a variation of C2D. 8800 Ultra? Just a rip off variation of the 8800GTX.

Keeping my Core2Duo and 8800GTX and going to wait until the next major CPU/GPU breakthrough in a year or so then upgrade.
Im waiting until the price drops and get a quad core, then I want a 640mb 8800gts. Even though I will game at 1280x1024, I want the extra memory just incase of future games needing it.
Im waiting until the price drops and get a quad core, then I want a 640mb 8800gts. Even though I will game at 1280x1024, I want the extra memory just incase of future games needing it.

I kept an 8800GTS 320 MB for 1280*1024 resolution gameplay and let me tell you this, you do need the extra memory even at that resolution for games like Oblivion and Need for Speed Carbon when running full details. I will be upgrading to an 8800GTS 640 MB soon enough also.
I'm sticking with my 8800GTX because there isn't anything else available that offers better performance at a reasonable price. I upgraded from a 1900XT earlier this year and I don't regret it. I get to play at 1920x1200 in all games with max image settings in almost all cases very smoothly. I couldn't do that with my 1900XT.
My 8800 GTX has served me well and will continue to do so till competition starts up again with next gen chipsets. Lets hope ATI gets things in gear once again and soon! :)
absolutely without a doubt skipping. its been and will remain completely unworthy without dx10 games