Which game do you pick as Game of the year(2005)?


May 18, 2002
OK guys we are almost into the month of November. The end the year is near. Which game that was released in 2005 do you pick as the very best so far.

Are Q4 or FEAR contenders for GameOTY? Which one?

If not, then which game that was released this year is number 1?

I think that CoD2 will be near or at top top of the list. I hope so anyway. :) Don't forget that it hits the shelves next Tuesday.

http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/products/deptpage.asp?wherefrom=search&searchword=call of duty

Ahhhh lets not forget Riddick!!!
FEAR is my pick. This single player was just plain fantastic. The story was well done, and the characters were well done. That ending was great too. I'm not one for "open" or "cliffhanger" endings, but wow. The graphics and AI were also superb, the soundtrack was well done as well. I liked the gratuitous swearing, it was very believeable actually. The game sure had some neat moments. Anyway, that's my two cents.

EDIT: I totally forgot about Oblivion. :eek: I can't wait for that game, but as of now FEAR is the best 2005 has had to offer. Oblivion is cutting it close with a Dec. 5 release.
I will reserve judgment untill playing the full version of COD 2, specifically multiplayer.

As of now though, its a tossup between BF2 and FEAR. If BF2 didn't have more bugs than a Tijuana hooker, it woud be the winner hands down as its so much damn fun to play. I just can't feel right about voting for a beta test.
I left Q4 out because I already played Doom 3.
Yeah, I think F.E.A.R will have my vote. I still have to play COD 2, but even though im sure its a great game, it just wont stand out as F.E.A.R does. Then the only other game in my book will be the Half-Life 2: Aftermath expansion. But who knows when that game will be coming out. Havnt heard anything on it, since mid summer.
BF2 for me... i dont care what anyone else says, i have not had as much pure joy in any other game this year as i have had in BF2.... regardless of bugs etc. It brought out the thru gamer in me.

Straight up

J/k....Holding off til CoD2...but ima take the plunge and go with quake 4 so far..sorry, im an old quake2 vet...its taking me back :)
I wonder if Prey will make it in this year... that looks promising also. :)
LOL @ Nintendogs

...but so far:
F.E.A.R. takes my pick.

That is.. until next week.

Liberty City Stories, baby!!!
Not having played F.E.A.R yet, I'd probably say Resident Evil 4 or Advance Wars DS.
So far.... F.E.A.R

I was really disappointed with BF2, and it had (and has) way too many bugs to even be considered.
I'm having fun with Quake 4, but there is nothing really that sets it aside from any other typical cookie cutter fps game. BF2 could have been an easy choice if it didn't ship with so many bugs and then take months to fix. Right now i'm leaning towards FEAR unless something stellar comes out soon, like Prey.
When did CS:S come out? Well heck, it doesn't matter. I vote for CS:S.
Makes me wonder. Why would a shooter become game of the year?
Aside from these games being well done, isn't this a case of "been there done that"?
Don't flame me for saying this, I too enjoy a good shooter :)
But maybe there's more orignal games to consider.
Day of Defeat: Source.

Easily the best Value. It's also one of the best games i played in recent years. Well balanced, gorgeous gfx, awesome sound and great engine. Better than the Original DoD and that means something!
FEAR by far. Immersive, beautiful, well done out of the box, scary.

BF2 was more of the same, nice looking, but buggy and tempermental
Ive got Q4, just haven't had time to look at it yet, but it sounds like more of the same stuff
I doubt ill even get COD2

X3 im sure I will love but it will be under the radar
bf2 all the way!

seriously, never before has a FPS displayed such immersive gameplay in an online format. it's insane how deep the game runs.
misfitsfiend said:
bf2 all the way!

seriously, never before has a FPS displayed such immersive gameplay in an online format. it's insane how deep the game runs.

and yet still have the same plane and chopper camping, and tking wankers from earlier versions. and some of the same annoyances. oh noes! I fell 2 feet and ruptured my spleen!
WOW! It looks like FEAR may be the surprise upset for HL2. How is that possible?

It may be the Far Cry of 2005. Hoo wooda thunk it?

I am sooo tempted to go and put FEAR on plastic. :confused: :confused:

I'm waiting for CoD2.
mulpsmebeauty said:
World of Warcraft. It wasn't released till February in Europe so for me it qualifies :D

I was going to say WOW, and then you made me remeber it is already over a year old.
davidj said:
WOW! It looks like FEAR may be the surprise upset for HL2. How is that possible?

It may be the Far Cry of 2005. Hoo wooda thunk it?

How can it be the upset for HL2 if HL2 is not in the competition due to it's release date in 2004???????
Steel Chicken said:
Well who won 2004 then?

HL2...No other possibilities.

I think for a game to be game of the year First and foremost it has to have a good SP. So far out of like 10 or so big games I have played this year so far, I would vote Fear. Q4 has a shot but While it maybe as fun as Q2 the reports are more of the same (and not in a good way) and that keeps it out in my mind.

CIV4 has a chance but, history has shown that SP is just a bunch sernarios you play one ata time. I really in the end can't play these with doing MP.

Aftermath no matter how good it is, is an expansion and would eliminate it from the running as well. Its also unliekly to make it out in 2 months.
I vote F.E.A.R. , all though im still trying to get use to the multiplay

...also San Andreas (2nd Edition), I didn't get a chance to get the first one, until recently when they were back in stock...so it is new to me! :D
Even though FEAR and Q4 are both hot sellers I would have to go with BF2
No other game this year has had so much of my time!

BF2 for GOTY

Game of the Month is F.E.A.R. hands down!
Tough call, I say FEAR, due to the fact it has wayyyy better single player than BF2 and multiplayer works awesome in both. Your enjoyment levels may vary.