Which do you prefer?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2006
Oct 8, 2003
Which do you guys prefer?

A) getting lots of quick WUs with smaller point values.
B) getting fewer large WUs with huge point values.
C) don't care

Just curious as I seem to be getting alot more of the HUGE WUs that take my P4 2.4 HT something like 45 min per frame....

Keep on Folding

i personally dont care either way but... little wu's will get you a steadier looking ppd production. if you dont mind big ups and downs from day to day, large wu's seem to yield you a higher ppweek atleast on AMD systems(i cant speak for intel as i only have amd rigs)

no matter what science wins!

I want big big Tinkers on my AMD rig and smaller Gromacs on my PIII 700 machine. Too bad it seems it always happens the other way around.
I really don't even pay attention to what I'm getting. I just turn it on and let it run, I figure Stanford knows what they need and that's probably more important than what my preferences are, although better ppw is always good.
SmokeRngs said:
I want big big Tinkers on my AMD rig and smaller Gromacs on my PIII 700 machine. Too bad it seems it always happens the other way around.
Exactly! :(

maybe it's just a psychological thing? if you check your boxen every few hours and you see progress being made you think "ah... progress... I'm helping out"..... but if you check every few hours and it's only 1% further along than it was and you see it's going to take 72+ more hours to finish that ONE WU, I guess you could kinda feel like you weren't doing much...

Keep on Folding!!

I think it pretty much evens out... What really gets me is when I get home from work and My son has been using my PC and has killed all processes to run his video editing stuff, or he leaves a game running on the machine and walks away from it GRRR!

It is then when he sees the "Raging" in the RagingSamster!
I like the stats... but I'm just happy to be folding and being involved in this project honestly. As long as the computers have work, I'm happy.
OSUguy98 said:
maybe it's just a psychological thing? if you check your boxen every few hours and you see progress being made you think "ah... progress... I'm helping out"..... but if you check every few hours and it's only 1% further along than it was and you see it's going to take 72+ more hours to finish that ONE WU, I guess you could kinda feel like you weren't doing much...

Keep on Folding!!

At the current rate, it would take my PIII 700 here at work 172 hours to finish the Tinker it's chewing on. I hate waiting a week for a WU to finish. That and it usually only takes about 28-30 hours on my AMD machine. I just like to have the bigger ones on my faster machine.
OSUguy98 said:
Which do you guys prefer?

A) getting lots of quick WUs with smaller point values.
B) getting fewer large WUs with huge point values.
C) don't care

Just curious as I seem to be getting alot more of the HUGE WUs that take my P4 2.4 HT something like 45 min per frame....

Keep on Folding

D) Tall long legged blonds, in heels. :D
More D.... by both definitions....... (i.e. more boxen and more blondes in heels... or in my case redheads...... brunettes... eh, who am I kidding?? women in general..... ) :D

Keep on Folding!!

Chicks rule. :)

So does lot's of folding points, more D and all that stuff. But chicks rule even more than that. We need to add to the list -
E: Dark hair, dark eyes, dark complexion, female (human).

That about covers it. :)
pageian said:
Chicks rule. :)

So does lot's of folding points, more D and all that stuff. But chicks rule even more than that. We need to add to the list -
E: Dark hair, dark eyes, dark complexion, female (human).

That about covers it. :)

Only ladies with 2Ghz or higher need apply ;)
BillR said:
D) Tall long legged blonds, in heels. :D

Now a Scot for instance, would be the only man on earth who would step over the
bodies of a dozen blonde, bronzed, naked, beauties just to get to a glass of ...well scotch. :p
Papa-Ming said:
Now a Scot for instance, would be the only man on earth who would step over the
bodies of a dozen blonde, bronzed, naked, beauties just to get to a glass of ...well scotch. :p

Well said, life is never and easy path :D
A lady with a bottle of scotch, and a 3+GHz cpu can easily pick a man here. I prefer a nice smile, and laugh, but that's me.
Definitely the larger WUs, even though i check my stats 20 times a day :D

though D and E are very good propositions too... ;)
i prefer big 'uns, because they are uploading/downloading less often .. only problem is if you dont finish it before you go off to uni (where you'veo nly just got net) :)

Papa-Ming said:
step over the bodies of a dozen blonde, bronzed, naked, beauties just to get to a glass of ...well scotch. :p

Damn...another obstacle course!
It's gettin' tough to get an drink around here.
Back to the original question:
I prefer whiskey<any size>, boobies<any size>, and WU <any size>.
Mixing is fine as long as you don't get boobies in the whiskey.
relic said:
Back to the original question:
I prefer whiskey<any size>, boobies<any size>, and WU <any size>.
Mixing is fine as long as you don't get boobies in the whiskey.

Is it ok to get whiskey [on] the boobies?

Apologies, I actually didn't mind getting that big Gromacs core. I've had all tinkers since. It doesn't matter to me though what they send me.

relic said:
Back to the original question:
I prefer whiskey<any size>, boobies<any size>, and WU <any size>.
Mixing is fine as long as you don't get boobies in the whiskey.

My mind is all but boggled trying to calculate all the possible replies that could be made to that statement. I’m almost never at a loss for words, but….damn.

We won’t even get into the visual possibilities. No sir, won’t do it. ;)
BillR said:
My mind is all but boggled trying to calculate all the possible replies that could be made to that statement. I’m almost never at a loss for words, but….damn.

We won’t even get into the visual possibilities. No sir, won’t do it. ;)

Oh please *calculate*! :p
relic said:
Damn...another obstacle course!
It's gettin' tough to get an drink around here.

I have a feeling I would be falling down a lot in that "obstacle course" on the way. I would definitely be needing some liquid refreshment after running it though. :D
relic said:
Mixing is fine as long as you don't get boobies in the whiskey.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you finish the whiskey and suck/lick all the whiskey off the boobies. Can't waste the whiskey. And need to make sure the boobies are clean.
need to make sure the WUs are clean too, i hear you can get STDs form those things now. always need a few boxes of e-condoms handy ;)
Bodega said:
need to make sure the WUs are clean too, i hear you can get STDs form those things now. always need a few boxes of e-condoms handy ;)

Sorry, but I'm not going to lick anyone's WUs clean. :p
Papa-Ming said:
Oh please *calculate*! :p

It would appear after reading relic’s post again he may well have already taken into account some of the possible difficulties with said issue, some of which might include but not be limited to the following:

It really appears to be a topography thing more then anything else. Female topography has always been a hobby of mine.

The horizontal navel is of course the best repository for consumable liquids. Although the depth and width of said navel will play an important part in how many times you must return to the well so to speak, it seems the obvious location for such activities. A word of warning here, you must carefully screen your applicants for this activity for those ladies who were given a navel of the “outtie” variety, as this would obviously create serious spillage issues.

Boobies (horizontal or vertical) on the other hand are simply topographically challenged for this endeavor. Without some sort of prosthetic device I see no practical way to pursue this location for our purpose. On the other hand those who are into mixed drinks, which require some sort of garnish such as fruit or perhaps an olive, the pursuit might become more practical. Just please be careful of accessories such as toothpicks for safety sake.

One final word of caution if you will allow. In these current times it is not at all unusual to encounter the occasional decorative object placed in or near the navel zone. These baubles can for one become hazardous to your teeth; secondly they may be inadvertently swallowed.

Personally I think these devices need to have a warning label attached for our safety, I’m sure Kerry or Nader would approve of that.

Follow your dreams, always.
Well well, calculate indeed.

Topograghy, dental care, politics, jewlery fashion, fine spirits, and the guidelines for job

applications, all in one easy to read post! :) .

Bows to *The Calculator*.. .[said in the same tone as , *The Terminator*]
My current WU is a big 'un - going 10 hours overnight so far and 50% done on my A64 machine. Good job i have a blonde to distract me from sitting up all night watching my folding :p :D
I don't mind really large work units as long as frames are saved fairly often. Some of those units that were not saving but every 1.5 - 2 hours per frame were simply set too long.
Summoner said:
My current WU is a big 'un - going 10 hours overnight so far and 50% done on my A64 machine. Good job i have a blonde to distract me from sitting up all night watching my folding :p :D

Funny, I like to watch them too Sommoner. It's ok by me to get the big 'un's as well.

Relic and BillR are good, are they not?

Continued luck and Fold On!
CIWS said:
I don't mind really large work units as long as frames are saved fairly often. Some of those units that were not saving but every 1.5 - 2 hours per frame were simply set too long.

True, long intervals between saves can be a problem. Not much issue for farmers, but for folding on a main rig it can definately be an issue.
What does that mean? What are you and CIWS taking about?

As one folding from one rig, can I fix that, improve that?
Papa-Ming said:
What does that mean? What are you and CIWS taking about?

As one folding from one rig, can I fix that, improve that?

On the graphical front end for F@H there was an option to change your save points to as low as 3 mins, i dont see where to do that on the console version though.