Which broadband package should I sign up for?


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2008
I'm looking to sign up for an RCN package. I can choose from:

1.5mbp down/384k up for $23/month

5mbp down/384k up for $33/month

10mbp down/800k up for $43/month

I'll be using this primarily for gaming, and secondly, I'll also need the ability to download large files over a reasonable period of time.

The best service you can get. Not sure why it would even be a question.
The best service you can get. Not sure why it would even be a question.

Yeah I don't know why it'd be questioned either. Especially if the 10mbp is only $10 more than the 5mbp.

$43 a month is pretty cheap.
Always get the fastest. That goes for other things in life, cars, pc's etc. :D
Oh yah.. forgot I was asking this on Hardocp.... Should've already known what the response would be :p

And I just ordered the fastest package :D
43 bucks a month is SUPER cheap. I'm paying the 62 for comcast's 6/1.5 but it's been pretty damn solid and much better than my old DSL ever was.
I see you've already ordered, but honestly, as someone that just got upgraded from 5Mb Fios to 20 Mb, I can't tell the difference most of the time. If I hit someone like Microsoft.com or Download.com, the bandwidth is definitely there, but in general the Internet is not fast enough to spend extra money to go over 5Mb. On the other hand, I see you got more than double the upstream, so that was worth the difference in this case.
What kind of connection is this? What does RCN stand for?

I have uncapped down/512 up. I can pull around 10Mb/s down at max so it's fast enough down, but the upload sucks. $35/mo
I see you got more than double the upstream, so that was worth the difference in this case.

Ya that was the selling point for me. I don't even know if it will make a difference, but I do remember finding out so many years ago that it was my upstream that was giving me latency in my online FPS games with my old DSL

By the way, RCN is fiber optic, but not DSL... So whatever that is. They have fiber optic cable packages and phone service too so I guess it's the same kind of technology that Verizon Fios uses
10megs with 800k upload is going to be way better than those other ones. Not that bad a price either ;)
You're lucky, I pay $62 a month for a 6 Mbps DSL connection, only because the only other ISP around here is a 1.5 Mbps cable connection.
The $33 package is enough for quick downloads, fast browsing, and lag-free gaming if you're really strapped for cash.

The $43 package is an absolute steal though. I'd go w/ the $43, but you can't go wrong w/ the $33/mo package either.

I pay $44.95/mo CAD for 5mbps.
I'm looking to sign up for an RCN package. I can choose from:

1.5mbp down/384k up for $23/month

5mbp down/384k up for $33/month

10mbp down/800k up for $43/month

I'll be using this primarily for gaming, and secondly, I'll also need the ability to download large files over a reasonable period of time.

I would say 5Mb but only 384k upstream is sorta weak, and the 10Mb is only $10 more. I'd go with that. If the 10Mb was like $30+ more I wouldn't though. You're lucky @ those prices. Is it cable though? :(
That fiber or DSL?

Cable Modem. Road Runner is usually TWC. Here in Austin its hybrid fiber/coax. Its fiber to the subdivisons and the coax from the distribution nodes. They did that conversion long before Cable modem for internet came to the area. A good 5 years or more prior.
imo after 5 the only time i notice is when i'm downloading porn
This thread is fucking pointless, like seriously one of the worst threads Ive ever seen...

the answer is of course the fastest package available, especially with such small differences in pricing!
considering i am paying 92.00 for 16/2 service with comcast I would pick the highest priced service my isp offers.
I see you've already ordered, but honestly, as someone that just got upgraded from 5Mb Fios to 20 Mb, I can't tell the difference most of the time. If I hit someone like Microsoft.com or Download.com, the bandwidth is definitely there, but in general the Internet is not fast enough to spend extra money to go over 5Mb. On the other hand, I see you got more than double the upstream, so that was worth the difference in this case.

Its scary people are still basing internet speed worthiness on how fast web pages load. A 1Mbp/s connection will load a web page just as fast as a 50Mbp/s connection. Picking web service based on page load times was what we did 10 years ago.

A 5Mbp/s to 20Mbp/s jump is a HUGE difference. Apparently you don't do anything to take advantage of it.
Its scary people are still basing internet speed worthiness on how fast web pages load. A 1Mbp/s connection will load a web page just as fast as a 50Mbp/s connection. Picking web service based on page load times was what we did 10 years ago.

A 5Mbp/s to 20Mbp/s jump is a HUGE difference. Apparently you don't do anything to take advantage of it.

I believe hes talking about the download from those sites compared to the majority of websites that don't have great download speeds. A lot of servers have capped download speeds.
We have Road runner turbo for around $50 I think for 15 Mb down/ 2 Mb up. It's about $110 with digital cable altogether. It's miles ahead of our old shared T3 in the apartment complex.

I fricking LOVE downloading at over 1.5 MB/s when the website can output that speed.

I wish they had FIOS where I live, you just can't have a "too fast" connection.
Whoa! Cheap!

I'm in the Philippines and a 512kbps connection here costs $21.25!!!
this whole u/d thing is sorta arbitrary.

what matters is the actual download/upload speeds that you see. i can do a speedtest at WeGotUsSomeSpeedTests.com or any other speed test site, and get 30down/15up on my line.

do i ever see those speeds? Hell no. fastest i ever see my downloads hit is 2mb's/second very rarely on private dl's.

typically im getting between 100 - 900k sec. averaging between 400-700k on most downloads. the second i start hitting a public torrent or some other p2p network, speeds can be as low as 0.1k/second.

i have optimum online and pay 10$ more a month for their boost service here on the east coast in conneticut.

in my opinion, its pointless. webpages load 1/20th faster than without it, and downloads dont seem to go much faster at all. always getting limited by people with crappier connections than me.

but by all means, get the best, pay the most, buy the fastest, whats the point of going for some piece of crap line when you could spend more money and have at least the false belief that you are having better speeds.

please excuse my bitterness.

go for the 43$ one, you wont regret it.
do i ever see those speeds? Hell no. fastest i ever see my downloads hit is 2mb's/second very rarely on private dl's.

Thats just your experience. I hate a 15/2 FiOS connection, and when I download something, it downloads at 1.8MB/s (15Mbp/s) every time.Private torrents also max it out no problem. If you are paying for a speed, and not getting it, COMPLAIN to your ISP, don't just accept it. If i run a speed test, it shows I'm getting 15/2 every time.

Anyway, that's what I would do in your position.
this whole u/d thing is sorta arbitrary.

what matters is the actual download/upload speeds that you see. i can do a speedtest at WeGotUsSomeSpeedTests.com or any other speed test site, and get 30down/15up on my line.

do i ever see those speeds? Hell no. fastest i ever see my downloads hit is 2mb's/second very rarely on private dl's.

typically im getting between 100 - 900k sec. averaging between 400-700k on most downloads. the second i start hitting a public torrent or some other p2p network, speeds can be as low as 0.1k/second.

i have optimum online and pay 10$ more a month for their boost service here on the east coast in conneticut.

in my opinion, its pointless. webpages load 1/20th faster than without it, and downloads dont seem to go much faster at all. always getting limited by people with crappier connections than me.

but by all means, get the best, pay the most, buy the fastest, whats the point of going for some piece of crap line when you could spend more money and have at least the false belief that you are having better speeds.

please excuse my bitterness.

go for the 43$ one, you wont regret it.

Something is wrong with your connection dude! When I had a 1MB connection with Comcast I would always max out my connection. I now have a 6mb connection with another ISP and stay maxed out at 6.4mb this is from http, ftp, newsgroups, torrent, whatever.

I had problems like yours in the past and it ended up being a major issue with the pipe coming into my neighborhood. So many people called and complained that they ran fiber to my neighborhood and then split that into cable lines to everyones houses, and gave the whole neighborhood more bandwidth. I haven't had problems since...now I am just waiting for fiber to my house :) They are offering a 100mb/100mb package to their customers that have fiber...to bad its a grand a month :(
Something is wrong with your connection dude! When I had a 1MB connection with Comcast I would always max out my connection. I now have a 6mb connection with another ISP and stay maxed out at 6.4mb this is from http, ftp, newsgroups, torrent, whatever.

I had problems like yours in the past and it ended up being a major issue with the pipe coming into my neighborhood. So many people called and complained that they ran fiber to my neighborhood and then split that into cable lines to everyones houses, and gave the whole neighborhood more bandwidth. I haven't had problems since...now I am just waiting for fiber to my house :) They are offering a 100mb/100mb package to their customers that have fiber...to bad its a grand a month :(

DAMN! I'd love to have that option. I wouldn't be able to afford it though. Maybe in like 10 years :D
Nine times out of ten you want the fastest connection you can get. In my neck of the woods we have Charter. Their price tier was weird though. 5mb was $30, 10mb was $35 when I signed up for the year. A few months ago they added 16mb service for $60. That was an expense I could not justify myself. I don't do enough online gaming to warrant the increase. 10mb is decently quick though
I have comcast with 8Mpbs down and 1 Mbps up. With torrents I've seen sustain 900k down at times. That is with 80k dedicated for uploading.

I'm able to stream netflix movies simultaneously without hiccups.

Comcast came to my door asking me about my service and I complain about how slow it is, and that I'm switching to Verizon FioS as soon as they come to the neighborhood. He wrote me off as one of the few people who know something about computers and didn't seem to care.
In case anyone was wondering.. After getting set-up with the $4310mb down/800k up line... I haven't seen anything above 5mb down/200k up. And that is at the very most. All of my other downloads and speed-tests have shown significantly lower results. I'm just going to call them and get switched to the $23 service
In case anyone was wondering.. After getting set-up with the $4310mb down/800k up line... I haven't seen anything above 5mb down/200k up. And that is at the very most. All of my other downloads and speed-tests have shown significantly lower results. I'm just going to call them and get switched to the $23 service

lols + copters + please do speed test after they switch your service over and post comparison results. screen shots are a plus.

but before you go bein all wack n' junk with the hoopity woo, you might want to call them and tell them that ever since you got your 43$ service, you've been noticng a degradation in your television's digital signal (or hd channels if you have em).

i did that, and then they sent some dude over to my house who installed a thicker gauge cable running from my house to the street.

hd signal was much better when torrenting. plus my e-cable is bigger than other peoples.

it was good all around.